* Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Tizen.Uix.VoiceControl;
using static Interop.VoiceControlCommand;
/// Partial interop class.
internal static partial class Interop
/// VoiceControl interop class.
internal static class VoiceControl
internal const string LogTag = "Tizen.Uix.VoiceControl";
private const int ErrorVoiceControl = -0x02F50000;
internal enum ErrorCode
None = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.None, /* Successful */
OutOfMemory = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.OutOfMemory, /* Out of Memory */
IoError = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.IoError, /* I/O error */
InvalidParameter = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.InvalidParameter, /* Invalid parameter */
TimedOut = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.TimedOut, /* No answer from service */
RecorderBusy = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.ResourceBusy, /* Busy recorder */
PermissionDenied = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.PermissionDenied, /* Permission denied */
NotSupported = Tizen.Internals.Errors.ErrorCode.NotSupported, /* VC NOT supported */
InvalidState = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x011, /* Invalid state */
InvalidLanguage = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x012, /* Invalid language */
EngineNotFound = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x013, /* No available engine */
OperationFailed = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x014, /* Operation failed */
OperationRejected = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x015, /* Operation rejected */
IterationEnd = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x016, /* List reached end */
Empty = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x017, /* List empty */
ServiceReset = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x018, /* Service daemon reset */
InProgressToReady = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x019, /* In progress to ready */
InProgressToRecording = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x020, /* In progress to recording */
InProgressToProcessing = ErrorVoiceControl | 0x021 /* In progress to processing */
internal enum VoiceCommandType
Foreground = 1, /* Foreground command type. */
BackGround = 2 /* background command type. */
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_initialize")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcInitialize();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_deinitialize")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcDeinitialize();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_prepare")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcPrepare();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unprepare")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnprepare();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_foreach_supported_languages")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcForeachSupportedLanguages(VcSupportedLanguageCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_get_current_language")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcGetCurrentLanguage(out string language);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_get_state")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcGetState(out State state);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_get_service_state")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcGetServiceState(out ServiceState state);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_get_system_command_list")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcGetSystemCommandList(out IntPtr vc_sys_cmd_list);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_invocation_name")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetInvocationName(string name);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_request_dialog")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcRequestDialog(string dispText, string uttText, bool autoStart);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_command_list")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetCommandList(SafeCommandListHandle cmdList, VoiceCommandType type);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unset_command_list")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnsetCommandList(VoiceCommandType type);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_get_result")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcGetResult(VcResultCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_result_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetResultCb(VcResultCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unset_result_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnsetResultCb();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_service_state_changed_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetServiceStateChangedCb(VcServiceStateChangedCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unset_service_state_changed_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnsetServiceStateChangedCb();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_state_changed_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetStateChangedCb(VcStateChangedCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unset_state_changed_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnsetStateChangedCb();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_current_language_changed_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetCurrentLanguageChangedCb(VcCurrentLanguageChangedCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unset_current_language_changed_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnsetCurrentLanguageChangedCb();
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_set_error_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcSetErrorCb(VcErrorCb callback, IntPtr userData);
[DllImport(Libraries.VoiceControl, EntryPoint = "vc_unset_error_cb")]
internal static extern ErrorCode VcUnsetErrorCb();
internal delegate void VcResultCb(ResultEvent evt, IntPtr cmdList, IntPtr result, IntPtr userData);
internal delegate void VcCurrentLanguageChangedCb(IntPtr previous, IntPtr current, IntPtr userData);
internal delegate bool VcSupportedLanguageCb(IntPtr language, IntPtr userData);
internal delegate void VcStateChangedCb(State previous, State current, IntPtr userData);
internal delegate void VcServiceStateChangedCb(ServiceState previous, ServiceState current, IntPtr userData);
internal delegate void VcErrorCb(ErrorCode reason, IntPtr userData);