/* Copyright (c) 2021 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ using System; using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Tizen.NUI.Components { /// /// layouter for CollectionView to display items in linear layout. /// /// 9 public class LinearLayouter : ItemsLayouter { private readonly List ItemPosition = new List(); private readonly List ItemSize = new List(); private int ItemSizeChanged = -1; private CollectionView colView; private bool hasHeader; private float headerSize; private Extents headerMargin; private bool hasFooter; private float footerSize; private Extents footerMargin; private bool isGrouped; private readonly List groups = new List(); private float groupHeaderSize; private Extents groupHeaderMargin; private float groupFooterSize; private Extents groupFooterMargin; private GroupInfo Visited; private Timer requestLayoutTimer = null; private bool isSourceEmpty; /// /// Clean up ItemsLayouter. /// /// CollectionView of layouter. /// please note that, view must be type of CollectionView /// 9 public override void Initialize(RecyclerView view) { colView = view as CollectionView; if (colView == null) { throw new ArgumentException("LinearLayouter only can be applied CollectionView.", nameof(view)); } // 1. Clean Up Clear(); FirstVisible = 0; LastVisible = 0; IsHorizontal = (colView.ScrollingDirection == ScrollableBase.Direction.Horizontal); RecyclerViewItem header = colView?.Header; RecyclerViewItem footer = colView?.Footer; float width, height; int count = colView.InternalItemSource.Count; if (header != null) { MeasureChild(colView, header); width = header.Layout != null? header.Layout.MeasuredWidth.Size.AsRoundedValue() : 0; height = header.Layout != null? header.Layout.MeasuredHeight.Size.AsRoundedValue() : 0; Extents itemMargin = header.Margin; headerSize = IsHorizontal? width + itemMargin.Start + itemMargin.End: height + itemMargin.Top + itemMargin.Bottom; headerMargin = new Extents(itemMargin); hasHeader = true; colView.UnrealizeItem(header); } else hasHeader = false; if (footer != null) { MeasureChild(colView, footer); width = footer.Layout != null? footer.Layout.MeasuredWidth.Size.AsRoundedValue() : 0; height = footer.Layout != null? footer.Layout.MeasuredHeight.Size.AsRoundedValue() : 0; Extents itemMargin = footer.Margin; footerSize = IsHorizontal? width + itemMargin.Start + itemMargin.End: height + itemMargin.Top + itemMargin.Bottom; footerMargin = new Extents(itemMargin); footer.Index = count - 1; hasFooter = true; colView.UnrealizeItem(footer); } else hasFooter = false; //No Internal Source exist. if (count == (hasHeader? (hasFooter? 2 : 1) : 0)) { isSourceEmpty = true; return; } isSourceEmpty = false; int firstIndex = hasHeader? 1 : 0; if (colView.IsGrouped) { isGrouped = true; if (colView.GroupHeaderTemplate != null) { while (!colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupHeader(firstIndex)) firstIndex++; //must be always true if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupHeader(firstIndex)) { RecyclerViewItem groupHeader = colView.RealizeItem(firstIndex); firstIndex++; if (groupHeader == null) throw new Exception("[" + firstIndex + "] Group Header failed to realize!"); // Need to Set proper height or width on scroll direction. if (groupHeader.Layout == null) { width = groupHeader.WidthSpecification; height = groupHeader.HeightSpecification; } else { MeasureChild(colView, groupHeader); width = groupHeader.Layout.MeasuredWidth.Size.AsRoundedValue(); height = groupHeader.Layout.MeasuredHeight.Size.AsRoundedValue(); } // pick the StepCandidate. Extents itemMargin = groupHeader.Margin; groupHeaderSize = IsHorizontal? width + itemMargin.Start + itemMargin.End: height + itemMargin.Top + itemMargin.Bottom; groupHeaderMargin = new Extents(itemMargin); colView.UnrealizeItem(groupHeader); } } else { groupHeaderSize = 0F; } if (colView.GroupFooterTemplate != null) { int firstFooter = firstIndex; while (!colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupFooter(firstFooter)) firstFooter++; //must be always true if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupFooter(firstFooter)) { RecyclerViewItem groupFooter = colView.RealizeItem(firstFooter); if (groupFooter == null) throw new Exception("[" + firstFooter + "] Group Footer failed to realize!"); // Need to Set proper height or width on scroll direction. if (groupFooter.Layout == null) { width = groupFooter.WidthSpecification; height = groupFooter.HeightSpecification; } else { MeasureChild(colView, groupFooter); width = groupFooter.Layout.MeasuredWidth.Size.AsRoundedValue(); height = groupFooter.Layout.MeasuredHeight.Size.AsRoundedValue(); } // pick the StepCandidate. Extents itemMargin = groupFooter.Margin; groupFooterSize = IsHorizontal? width + itemMargin.Start + itemMargin.End: height + itemMargin.Top + itemMargin.Bottom; groupFooterMargin = new Extents(itemMargin); colView.UnrealizeItem(groupFooter); } } else { groupFooterSize = 0F; } } else isGrouped = false; bool failed = false; //Final Check of FirstIndex while (colView.InternalItemSource.IsHeader(firstIndex) || colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupHeader(firstIndex) || colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupFooter(firstIndex)) { if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsFooter(firstIndex)) { StepCandidate = 0F; failed = true; break; } firstIndex++; } if (!failed) { RecyclerViewItem sizeDeligate = colView.RealizeItem(firstIndex); if (sizeDeligate == null) { // error ! throw new Exception("Cannot create content from DatTemplate."); } sizeDeligate.BindingContext = colView.InternalItemSource.GetItem(firstIndex); // Need to Set proper height or width on scroll direction. if (sizeDeligate.Layout == null) { width = sizeDeligate.WidthSpecification; height = sizeDeligate.HeightSpecification; } else { MeasureChild(colView, sizeDeligate); width = sizeDeligate.Layout.MeasuredWidth.Size.AsRoundedValue(); height = sizeDeligate.Layout.MeasuredHeight.Size.AsRoundedValue(); } // pick the StepCandidate. Extents itemMargin = sizeDeligate.Margin; StepCandidate = IsHorizontal? width + itemMargin.Start + itemMargin.End: height + itemMargin.Top + itemMargin.Bottom; CandidateMargin = new Extents(itemMargin); if (StepCandidate == 0) StepCandidate = 1; //???? colView.UnrealizeItem(sizeDeligate); } float Current = IsHorizontal? Padding.Start : Padding.Top; IGroupableItemSource source = colView.InternalItemSource; GroupInfo currentGroup = null; object currentParent = null; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { if (i == 0 && hasHeader) ItemSize.Add(headerSize); else if (i == count - 1 && hasFooter) ItemSize.Add(footerSize); else if (source.IsGroupHeader(i)) ItemSize.Add(groupHeaderSize); else if (source.IsGroupFooter(i)) ItemSize.Add(groupFooterSize); else ItemSize.Add(StepCandidate); } if (isGrouped) { if (source.IsHeader(i)) { //ItemPosition.Add(Current); Current += headerSize; } else if (source.IsFooter(i)) { //ItemPosition.Add(Current); Current += footerSize; } else { //GroupHeader must always exist in group usage. //if (source.IsGroupHeader(i)) if (source.GetGroupParent(i) != currentParent) { currentParent = source.GetGroupParent(i); float currentSize = (source.IsGroupHeader(i)? groupHeaderSize : (source.IsGroupFooter(i)? groupFooterSize: StepCandidate)); currentGroup = new GroupInfo() { GroupParent = currentParent, //hasHeader = true, //hasFooter = false, StartIndex = i, Count = 1, GroupSize = currentSize, GroupPosition = Current }; if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) currentGroup.ItemPosition.Add(0); groups.Add(currentGroup); if (source.IsGroupHeader(i)) Current += currentSize; } //optional else if (source.IsGroupFooter(i)) { //currentGroup.hasFooter = true; currentGroup.Count++; currentGroup.GroupSize += groupFooterSize; if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) currentGroup.ItemPosition.Add(Current - currentGroup.GroupPosition); Current += groupFooterSize; } else { currentGroup.Count++; currentGroup.GroupSize += StepCandidate; if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) currentGroup.ItemPosition.Add(Current - currentGroup.GroupPosition); Current += StepCandidate; } } } else { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) ItemPosition.Add(Current); if (i == 0 && hasHeader) Current += headerSize; else if (i == count - 1 && hasFooter) Current += footerSize; else Current += StepCandidate; } } ScrollContentSize = Current + (IsHorizontal? Padding.End : Padding.Bottom); if (IsHorizontal) colView.ContentContainer.SizeWidth = ScrollContentSize; else colView.ContentContainer.SizeHeight = ScrollContentSize; base.Initialize(view); //Console.WriteLine("[NUI] Init Done, StepCnadidate{0}, Scroll{1}", StepCandidate, ScrollContentSize); } /// /// This is called to find out where items are lain out according to current scroll position. /// /// Scroll position which is calculated by ScrollableBase /// boolean force flag to layouting forcely. /// 9 public override void RequestLayout(float scrollPosition, bool force = false) { // Layouting is only possible after once it initialized. if (!IsInitialized) return; if (requestLayoutTimer != null) { requestLayoutTimer.Dispose(); requestLayoutTimer = null; force = true; } int LastIndex = colView.InternalItemSource.Count - 1; if (!force && PrevScrollPosition == Math.Abs(scrollPosition)) return; PrevScrollPosition = Math.Abs(scrollPosition); if (ItemSizeChanged >= 0) { for (int i = ItemSizeChanged; i <= LastIndex; i++) UpdatePosition(i); (float updateX, float updateY) = GetItemPosition(LastIndex); ScrollContentSize = GetItemStepSize(LastIndex) + (IsHorizontal? updateX + Padding.End : updateY + Padding.Bottom); } int prevFirstVisible = FirstVisible; int prevLastVisible = LastVisible; (float X, float Y) visibleArea = (PrevScrollPosition, PrevScrollPosition + (IsHorizontal? colView.Size.Width : colView.Size.Height) ); // 1. Set First/Last Visible Item Index. (int start, int end) = FindVisibleItems(visibleArea); FirstVisible = start; LastVisible = end; // 2. Unrealize invisible items. List unrealizedItems = new List(); foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if (item.Index < FirstVisible || item.Index > LastVisible) { //Console.WriteLine("[NUI] Unrealize{0}!", item.Index); unrealizedItems.Add(item); colView.UnrealizeItem(item); } } VisibleItems.RemoveAll(unrealizedItems.Contains); unrealizedItems.Clear(); // 3. Realize and placing visible items. for (int i = FirstVisible; i <= LastVisible; i++) { RecyclerViewItem item = null; // 4. Get item if visible or realize new. if (i >= prevFirstVisible && i <= prevLastVisible) { item = GetVisibleItem(i); if (item != null && !force) continue; } if (item == null) { item = colView.RealizeItem(i); if (item != null) VisibleItems.Add(item); else throw new Exception("Failed to create RecycerViewItem index of ["+ i + "]"); } // 5. Placing item. (float posX, float posY) = GetItemPosition(i); item.Position = new Position(posX, posY); var size = (IsHorizontal? item.SizeWidth: item.SizeHeight); if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureFirst) { if (item.IsHeader || item.IsFooter || item.isGroupHeader || item.isGroupFooter) { if (item.IsHeader) size = headerSize; else if (item.IsFooter) size = footerSize; else if (item.isGroupHeader) size = groupHeaderSize; else if (item.isGroupFooter) size = groupFooterSize; } else size = StepCandidate; } if (IsHorizontal && item.HeightSpecification == LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent) { item.Size = new Size(size, Container.Size.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom - item.Margin.Top - item.Margin.Bottom); } else if (!IsHorizontal && item.WidthSpecification == LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent) { item.Size = new Size(Container.Size.Width - Padding.Start - Padding.End - item.Margin.Start - item.Margin.End, size); } } return; } /// /// Clear the current screen and all properties. /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void Clear() { // Clean Up if (requestLayoutTimer != null) { requestLayoutTimer.Dispose(); } if (groups != null) { /* foreach (GroupInfo group in groups) { //group.ItemPosition?.Clear(); // if Disposable? //group.Dispose(); } */ groups.Clear(); } if (ItemPosition != null) { ItemPosition.Clear(); } if (ItemSize != null) { ItemSize.Clear(); } if (headerMargin != null) { headerMargin.Dispose(); headerMargin = null; } if (footerMargin != null) { footerMargin.Dispose(); footerMargin = null; } if (groupHeaderMargin != null) { groupHeaderMargin.Dispose(); groupHeaderMargin = null; } if (groupFooterMargin != null) { groupFooterMargin.Dispose(); groupFooterMargin = null; } base.Clear(); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemSizeChanged(RecyclerViewItem item) { if (item == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item)); if (!IsInitialized || (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureFirst && item.Index != 0) || (item.Index < 0)) return; float PrevSize, CurrentSize; if (item.Index == (colView.InternalItemSource.Count - 1)) { PrevSize = ScrollContentSize - ItemPosition[item.Index]; } else { PrevSize = ItemPosition[item.Index + 1] - ItemPosition[item.Index]; } CurrentSize = (IsHorizontal? item.Size.Width : item.Size.Height); if (CurrentSize != PrevSize) { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) ItemSize[item.Index] = CurrentSize; else StepCandidate = CurrentSize; } if (ItemSizeChanged == -1) ItemSizeChanged = item.Index; else ItemSizeChanged = Math.Min(ItemSizeChanged, item.Index); //ScrollContentSize += Diff; UpdateOnce? } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemInserted(IItemSource source, int startIndex) { // Insert Single item. if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); if (isSourceEmpty) { Initialize(colView); } // Will be null if not a group. float currentSize = StepCandidate; IGroupableItemSource gSource = source as IGroupableItemSource; // Get the first Visible Position to adjust. /* int topInScreenIndex = 0; float offset = 0F; (topInScreenIndex, offset) = FindTopItemInScreen(); */ // 1. Handle MeasureAll /* if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need To Implement } */ //2. Handle Group Case. if (isGrouped && gSource != null) { GroupInfo groupInfo = null; object groupParent = gSource.GetGroupParent(startIndex); int parentIndex = gSource.GetPosition(groupParent); if (gSource.HasHeader) parentIndex--; // Check item is group parent or not // if group parent, add new gorupinfo if (gSource.IsHeader(startIndex)) { // This is childless group. // create new groupInfo! groupInfo = new GroupInfo() { GroupParent = groupParent, StartIndex = startIndex, Count = 1, GroupSize = groupHeaderSize, }; if (parentIndex >= groups.Count) { groupInfo.GroupPosition = ScrollContentSize; groups.Add(groupInfo); } else { groupInfo.GroupPosition = groups[parentIndex].GroupPosition; groups.Insert(parentIndex, groupInfo); } currentSize = groupHeaderSize; } else { // If not group parent, add item into the groupinfo. if (parentIndex >= groups.Count) throw new Exception("group parent is bigger than group counts."); groupInfo = groups[parentIndex];//GetGroupInfo(groupParent); if (groupInfo == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find group information!"); groupInfo.Count++; if (gSource.IsGroupFooter(startIndex)) { // It doesn't make sence to adding footer by notify... // if GroupFooterTemplate is added, // need to implement on here. } else { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { float curPos = groupInfo.ItemPosition[startIndex - groupInfo.StartIndex]; groupInfo.ItemPosition.Insert(startIndex - groupInfo.StartIndex, curPos); for (int i = startIndex - groupInfo.StartIndex; i < groupInfo.Count; i++) { groupInfo.ItemPosition[i] = curPos; curPos += GetItemStepSize(parentIndex + i); } groupInfo.GroupSize = curPos; } else { groupInfo.GroupSize += currentSize; } } } if (parentIndex + 1 < groups.Count) { for(int i = parentIndex + 1; i < groups.Count; i++) { groups[i].GroupPosition += currentSize; groups[i].StartIndex++; } } } else { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { // Need to Implements } } // 3. Update Scroll Content Size ScrollContentSize += currentSize; if (IsHorizontal) colView.ContentContainer.SizeWidth = ScrollContentSize; else colView.ContentContainer.SizeHeight = ScrollContentSize; // 4. Update Visible Items. foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if (item.Index >= startIndex) { item.Index++; } } float scrollPosition = PrevScrollPosition; /* // Position Adjust // Insertion above Top Visible! if (startIndex <= topInScreenIndex) { scrollPosition = GetItemPosition(topInScreenIndex); scrollPosition -= offset; colView.ScrollTo(scrollPosition); } */ // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(scrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemRangeInserted(IItemSource source, int startIndex, int count) { // Insert Group if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); if (isSourceEmpty) { Initialize(colView); } float currentSize = StepCandidate; // Will be null if not a group. IGroupableItemSource gSource = source as IGroupableItemSource; // Get the first Visible Position to adjust. /* int topInScreenIndex = 0; float offset = 0F; (topInScreenIndex, offset) = FindTopItemInScreen(); */ // 1. Handle MeasureAll /* if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need To Implement } */ // 2. Handle Group Case // Adding ranged items should all same new groups. if (isGrouped && gSource != null) { GroupInfo groupInfo = null; object groupParent = gSource.GetGroupParent(startIndex); int parentIndex = gSource.GetPosition(groupParent); if (gSource.HasHeader) parentIndex--; // We guess here that range inserted from GroupStartIndex. int groupStartIndex = startIndex; for (int current = startIndex; current - startIndex < count; current++) { // Check item is group parent or not // if group parent, add new gorupinfo if (groupStartIndex == current) { currentSize = (gSource.IsGroupHeader(current)? groupHeaderSize : (gSource.IsGroupFooter(current)? groupFooterSize: currentSize)); //create new groupInfo! groupInfo = new GroupInfo() { GroupParent = groupParent, StartIndex = current, Count = 1, GroupSize = currentSize, }; } else { //if not group parent, add item into the groupinfo. //groupInfo = GetGroupInfo(groupStartIndex); if (groupInfo == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find group information!"); groupInfo.Count++; if (gSource.IsGroupFooter(current)) { groupInfo.GroupSize += groupFooterSize; } else { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need To Implement /* float curPos = groupInfo.ItemPosition[current - groupStartIndex]; groupInfo.ItemPosition.Insert(current - groupStartIndex, curPos); for (int i = current - groupStartIndex; i < groupInfo.Count; i++) { groupInfo.ItemPosition[i] = curPos; curPos += GetItemSize(parentIndex + i); } groupInfo.GroupSize = curPos; */ } else { groupInfo.GroupSize += StepCandidate; } } } } if (parentIndex >= groups.Count) { groupInfo.GroupPosition = ScrollContentSize; groups.Add(groupInfo); } else { groupInfo.GroupPosition = groups[parentIndex].GroupPosition; groups.Insert(parentIndex, groupInfo); } // Update other below group's position if (parentIndex + 1 < groups.Count) { for(int i = parentIndex + 1; i < groups.Count; i++) { groups[i].GroupPosition += groupInfo.GroupSize; groups[i].StartIndex += count; } } ScrollContentSize += groupInfo.GroupSize; } else { Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", "Not support insert ungrouped range items currently!"); } // 3. Update Scroll Content Size if (IsHorizontal) colView.ContentContainer.SizeWidth = ScrollContentSize; else colView.ContentContainer.SizeHeight = ScrollContentSize; // 4. Update Visible Items. foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if (item.Index >= startIndex) { item.Index += count; } } // Position Adjust float scrollPosition = PrevScrollPosition; /* // Insertion above Top Visible! if (startIndex + count <= topInScreenIndex) { scrollPosition = GetItemPosition(topInScreenIndex); scrollPosition -= offset; colView.ScrollTo(scrollPosition); } */ // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(scrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemRemoved(IItemSource source, int startIndex) { // Remove Single if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); // Will be null if not a group. float currentSize = StepCandidate; IGroupableItemSource gSource = source as IGroupableItemSource; // Get the first Visible Position to adjust. /* int topInScreenIndex = 0; float offset = 0F; (topInScreenIndex, offset) = FindTopItemInScreen(); */ // 1. Handle MeasureAll /* if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need To Implement } */ // 2. Handle Group Case if (isGrouped && gSource != null) { int parentIndex = 0; GroupInfo groupInfo = null; foreach(GroupInfo cur in groups) { if ((cur.StartIndex <= startIndex) && (cur.StartIndex + cur.Count - 1 >= startIndex)) { groupInfo = cur; break; } parentIndex++; } if (groupInfo == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find group information!"); // Check item is group parent or not // if group parent, add new gorupinfo if (groupInfo.StartIndex == startIndex) { // This is empty group! // check group is empty. if (groupInfo.Count != 1) { throw new Exception("Cannot remove group parent"); } currentSize = groupInfo.GroupSize; // Remove Group // groupInfo.Dispose(); groups.Remove(groupInfo); } else { groupInfo.Count--; if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need to Implement this. } else { groupInfo.GroupSize -= currentSize; } } for (int i = parentIndex + 1; i < groups.Count; i++) { groups[i].GroupPosition -= currentSize; groups[i].StartIndex--; } } else { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { // Need to Implements } // else Nothing to Do } ScrollContentSize -= currentSize; // 3. Update Scroll Content Size if (IsHorizontal) colView.ContentContainer.SizeWidth = ScrollContentSize; else colView.ContentContainer.SizeHeight = ScrollContentSize; // 4. Update Visible Items. RecyclerViewItem targetItem = null; foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if (item.Index == startIndex) { targetItem = item; colView.UnrealizeItem(item); } else if (item.Index > startIndex) { item.Index--; } } VisibleItems.Remove(targetItem); // Position Adjust float scrollPosition = PrevScrollPosition; /* // Insertion above Top Visible! if (startIndex <= topInScreenIndex) { scrollPosition = GetItemPosition(topInScreenIndex); scrollPosition -= offset; colView.ScrollTo(scrollPosition); } */ // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(scrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemRangeRemoved(IItemSource source, int startIndex, int count) { // Remove Group if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); // Will be null if not a group. float currentSize = StepCandidate; IGroupableItemSource gSource = source as IGroupableItemSource; // Get the first Visible Position to adjust. /* int topInScreenIndex = 0; float offset = 0F; (topInScreenIndex, offset) = FindTopItemInScreen(); */ // 1. Handle MeasureAll /* if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need To Implement } */ // 2. Handle Group Case if (isGrouped && gSource != null) { int parentIndex = 0; GroupInfo groupInfo = null; foreach(GroupInfo cur in groups) { if ((cur.StartIndex == startIndex) && (cur.Count == count)) { groupInfo = cur; break; } parentIndex++; } if (groupInfo == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find group information!"); // Check item is group parent or not // if group parent, add new gorupinfo currentSize = groupInfo.GroupSize; if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { // Update ItemSize and ItemPosition } // Remove Group // groupInfo.Dispose(); groups.Remove(groupInfo); for (int i = parentIndex; i < groups.Count; i++) { groups[i].GroupPosition -= currentSize; groups[i].StartIndex -= count; } } else { //It must group case! throw exception! Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", "Not support remove ungrouped range items currently!"); } ScrollContentSize -= currentSize; // 3. Update Scroll Content Size if (IsHorizontal) colView.ContentContainer.SizeWidth = ScrollContentSize; else colView.ContentContainer.SizeHeight = ScrollContentSize; // 4. Update Visible Items. List unrealizedItems = new List(); foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if ((item.Index >= startIndex) && (item.Index < startIndex + count)) { unrealizedItems.Add(item); colView.UnrealizeItem(item); } else if (item.Index >= startIndex + count) { item.Index -= count; } } VisibleItems.RemoveAll(unrealizedItems.Contains); unrealizedItems.Clear(); // Position Adjust float scrollPosition = PrevScrollPosition; /* // Insertion above Top Visible! if (startIndex <= topInScreenIndex) { scrollPosition = GetItemPosition(topInScreenIndex); scrollPosition -= offset; colView.ScrollTo(scrollPosition); } */ // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(scrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemMoved(IItemSource source, int fromPosition, int toPosition) { // Reorder Single if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); // Will be null if not a group. float currentSize = StepCandidate; int diff = toPosition - fromPosition; // Get the first Visible Position to adjust. /* int topInScreenIndex = 0; float offset = 0F; (topInScreenIndex, offset) = FindTopItemInScreen(); */ // 1. Handle MeasureAll /* if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //Need To Implement } */ // Move can only happen in it's own groups. // so there will be no changes in position, startIndex in ohter groups. // check visible item and update indexs. int startIndex = ( diff > 0 ? fromPosition: toPosition); int endIndex = (diff > 0 ? toPosition: fromPosition); if ((endIndex >= FirstVisible) && (startIndex <= LastVisible)) { foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if ((item.Index >= startIndex) && (item.Index <= endIndex)) { if (item.Index == fromPosition) item.Index = toPosition; else { if (diff > 0) item.Index--; else item.Index++; } } } } if (IsHorizontal) colView.ContentContainer.SizeWidth = ScrollContentSize; else colView.ContentContainer.SizeHeight = ScrollContentSize; // Position Adjust float scrollPosition = PrevScrollPosition; /* // Insertion above Top Visible! if (((fromPosition > topInScreenIndex) && (toPosition < topInScreenIndex) || ((fromPosition < topInScreenIndex) && (toPosition > topInScreenIndex))) { scrollPosition = GetItemPosition(topInScreenIndex); scrollPosition -= offset; colView.ScrollTo(scrollPosition); } */ // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(scrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemRangeMoved(IItemSource source, int fromPosition, int toPosition, int count) { // Reorder Groups if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); // Will be null if not a group. float currentSize = StepCandidate; int diff = toPosition - fromPosition; int startIndex = ( diff > 0 ? fromPosition: toPosition); int endIndex = (diff > 0 ? toPosition + count - 1: fromPosition + count - 1); // 2. Handle Group Case if (isGrouped) { int fromParentIndex = 0; int toParentIndex = 0; bool findFrom = false; bool findTo = false; GroupInfo fromGroup = null; GroupInfo toGroup = null; foreach(GroupInfo cur in groups) { if ((cur.StartIndex == fromPosition) && (cur.Count == count)) { fromGroup = cur; findFrom = true; if (findFrom && findTo) break; } else if (cur.StartIndex == toPosition) { toGroup = cur; findTo = true; if (findFrom && findTo) break; } if (!findFrom) fromParentIndex++; if (!findTo) toParentIndex++; } if (toGroup == null || fromGroup == null) throw new Exception("Cannot find group information!"); fromGroup.StartIndex = toGroup.StartIndex; fromGroup.GroupPosition = toGroup.GroupPosition; endIndex = (diff > 0 ? toPosition + toGroup.Count - 1: fromPosition + count - 1); groups.Remove(fromGroup); groups.Insert(toParentIndex, fromGroup); int startGroup = (diff > 0? fromParentIndex: toParentIndex); int endGroup = (diff > 0? toParentIndex: fromParentIndex); for (int i = startGroup; i <= endGroup; i++) { if (i == toParentIndex) continue; float prevPos = groups[i].GroupPosition; int prevIdx = groups[i].StartIndex; groups[i].GroupPosition = groups[i].GroupPosition + (diff > 0? -1 : 1) * fromGroup.GroupSize; groups[i].StartIndex = groups[i].StartIndex + (diff > 0? -1 : 1) * fromGroup.Count; } } else { //It must group case! throw exception! Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", "Not support move ungrouped range items currently!"); } // Move can only happen in it's own groups. // so there will be no changes in position, startIndex in ohter groups. // check visible item and update indexs. if ((endIndex >= FirstVisible) && (startIndex <= LastVisible)) { foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if ((item.Index >= startIndex) && (item.Index <= endIndex)) { if ((item.Index >= fromPosition) && (item.Index < fromPosition + count)) { item.Index = fromPosition - item.Index + toPosition; } else { if (diff > 0) item.Index -= count; else item.Index += count; } } } } // Position Adjust float scrollPosition = PrevScrollPosition; /* // Insertion above Top Visible! if (((fromPosition > topInScreenIndex) && (toPosition < topInScreenIndex) || ((fromPosition < topInScreenIndex) && (toPosition > topInScreenIndex))) { scrollPosition = GetItemPosition(topInScreenIndex); scrollPosition -= offset; colView.ScrollTo(scrollPosition); } */ // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(scrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override void NotifyItemRangeChanged(IItemSource source, int startRange, int endRange) { // Reorder Group if (source == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); IGroupableItemSource gSource = source as IGroupableItemSource; if (gSource == null)throw new Exception("Source is not group!"); // Get the first Visible Position to adjust. /* int topInScreenIndex = 0; float offset = 0F; (topInScreenIndex, offset) = FindTopItemInScreen(); */ // Unrealize, initialized all items in the Range // and receate all. // Update Viewport in delay. // FIMXE: original we only need to process RequestLayout once before layout calculation in main loop. // but currently we do not have any accessor to pre-calculation so instead of this, // using Timer temporarily. DelayedRequestLayout(PrevScrollPosition); } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override float CalculateLayoutOrientationSize() { //Console.WriteLine("[NUI] Calculate Layout ScrollContentSize {0}", ScrollContentSize); return ScrollContentSize; } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override float CalculateCandidateScrollPosition(float scrollPosition) { //Console.WriteLine("[NUI] Calculate Candidate ScrollContentSize {0}", ScrollContentSize); return scrollPosition; } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override View RequestNextFocusableView(View currentFocusedView, View.FocusDirection direction, bool loopEnabled) { if (currentFocusedView == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(currentFocusedView)); View nextFocusedView = null; int targetSibling = -1; switch (direction) { case View.FocusDirection.Left: { targetSibling = IsHorizontal? currentFocusedView.SiblingOrder - 1 : targetSibling; break; } case View.FocusDirection.Right: { targetSibling = IsHorizontal? currentFocusedView.SiblingOrder + 1 : targetSibling; break; } case View.FocusDirection.Up: { targetSibling = IsHorizontal? targetSibling : currentFocusedView.SiblingOrder - 1; break; } case View.FocusDirection.Down: { targetSibling = IsHorizontal? targetSibling : currentFocusedView.SiblingOrder + 1; break; } } if (targetSibling > -1 && targetSibling < Container.Children.Count) { RecyclerViewItem candidate = Container.Children[targetSibling] as RecyclerViewItem; if (candidate != null && candidate.Index >= 0 && candidate.Index < colView.InternalItemSource.Count) { nextFocusedView = candidate; } } return nextFocusedView; } /// [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] protected override (int start, int end) FindVisibleItems((float X, float Y) visibleArea) { int MaxIndex = colView.InternalItemSource.Count - 1 - (hasFooter? 1 : 0); int adds = 5; int skipGroup = -2; (int start, int end) found = (0, 0); // 1. Find the start index. // Header is Showing if (hasHeader && visibleArea.X <= headerSize + (IsHorizontal? Padding.Start: Padding.Top)) { found.start = 0; } else { if (isGrouped) { bool failed = true; foreach (GroupInfo gInfo in groups) { skipGroup++; // in the Group if (gInfo.GroupPosition <= visibleArea.X && gInfo.GroupPosition + gInfo.GroupSize >= visibleArea.X) { for (int i = 0; i < gInfo.Count; i++) { // Reach last index of group. if (i == (gInfo.Count - 1)) { found.start = gInfo.StartIndex + i - adds; failed = false; break; } else if (GetGroupPosition(gInfo, gInfo.StartIndex + i) <= visibleArea.X && GetGroupPosition(gInfo, gInfo.StartIndex + i + 1) >= visibleArea.X) { found.start = gInfo.StartIndex + i - adds; failed = false; break; } } } } //footer only shows? if (failed) { found.start = MaxIndex; } } else { float visibleAreaX = visibleArea.X - (hasHeader? headerSize : 0); found.start = (Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(visibleAreaX / StepCandidate)) - adds); } if (found.start < 0) found.start = 0; } if (hasFooter && visibleArea.Y > ScrollContentSize - footerSize) { found.end = MaxIndex + 1; } else { if (isGrouped) { bool failed = true; // can it be start from founded group...? //foreach(GroupInfo gInfo in groups.Skip(skipGroup)) foreach (GroupInfo gInfo in groups) { // in the Group if (gInfo.GroupPosition <= visibleArea.Y && gInfo.GroupPosition + gInfo.GroupSize >= visibleArea.Y) { for (int i = 0; i < gInfo.Count; i++) { if (i == (gInfo.Count - 1)) { //Should be groupFooter! found.end = gInfo.StartIndex + i + adds; failed = false; break; } else if (GetGroupPosition(gInfo, gInfo.StartIndex + i) <= visibleArea.Y && GetGroupPosition(gInfo, gInfo.StartIndex + i + 1) >= visibleArea.Y) { found.end = gInfo.StartIndex + i + adds; failed = false; break; } } } } if (failed) found.end = MaxIndex; } else { float visibleAreaY = visibleArea.Y - (hasHeader? headerSize : 0); found.end = (Convert.ToInt32(Math.Abs(visibleAreaY / StepCandidate)) + adds); if (hasHeader) found.end += 1; } if (found.end > (MaxIndex)) found.end = MaxIndex; } return found; } // Item position excluding margins. internal override (float X, float Y) GetItemPosition(int index) { int spaceStartX = Padding.Start; int spaceStartY = Padding.Top; if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsHeader(index)) { return (spaceStartX + headerMargin.Start, spaceStartY + headerMargin.Top); } else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsFooter(index)) { return ((IsHorizontal? ScrollContentSize - footerSize - Padding.End + footerMargin.Start : spaceStartX + footerMargin.Start), (IsHorizontal? spaceStartY + footerMargin.Top : ScrollContentSize - footerSize - Padding.Bottom + footerMargin.Top)); } else if (isGrouped) { GroupInfo gInfo = GetGroupInfo(index); if (gInfo == null) { Tizen.Log.Error("NUI", "GroupInfo failed to get in GetItemPosition()!"); return (0, 0); } float current = GetGroupPosition(gInfo, index); Extents itemMargin = CandidateMargin; if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupHeader(index)) { itemMargin = groupHeaderMargin; } else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupFooter(index)) { itemMargin = groupFooterMargin; } return ((IsHorizontal? itemMargin.Start + GetGroupPosition(gInfo, index): spaceStartX + itemMargin.Start), (IsHorizontal? spaceStartY + itemMargin.Top: itemMargin.Top + GetGroupPosition(gInfo, index))); } else if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { //FIXME : CandidateMargin need to be actual itemMargin return ((IsHorizontal? ItemPosition[index] + CandidateMargin.Start : spaceStartX + CandidateMargin.Start), (IsHorizontal? spaceStartY + CandidateMargin.Top : ItemPosition[index] + CandidateMargin.Top)); } else { int adjustIndex = index - (hasHeader ? 1 : 0); float current = (IsHorizontal ? spaceStartX : spaceStartY) + (hasHeader? headerSize : 0) + adjustIndex * StepCandidate; //FIXME : CandidateMargin need to be actual itemMargin return ((IsHorizontal? current + CandidateMargin.Start : spaceStartX + CandidateMargin.Start), (IsHorizontal? spaceStartY + CandidateMargin.Top : current + CandidateMargin.Top)); } } // Item size excluding margins. this size is approximated size. internal override (float Width, float Height) GetItemSize(int index) { if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsHeader(index)) { return ((IsHorizontal? (int)headerSize : (int)(colView.Size.Width) - Padding.Start - Padding.End) - headerMargin.Start - headerMargin.End, (IsHorizontal? (int)colView.Size.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom: (int)headerSize) - headerMargin.Top - headerMargin.Bottom); } else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsFooter(index)) { return ((IsHorizontal? (int)footerSize : (int)(colView.Size.Width) - Padding.Start - Padding.End) - footerMargin.Start - footerMargin.End, (IsHorizontal? (int)colView.Size.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom: (int)footerSize) - footerMargin.Top - footerMargin.Bottom); } else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupHeader(index)) { return ((IsHorizontal? (int)groupHeaderSize : (int)(colView.Size.Width) - Padding.Start - Padding.End) - groupHeaderMargin.Start - groupHeaderMargin.End, (IsHorizontal? (int)colView.Size.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom: (int)groupHeaderSize) - groupHeaderMargin.Top - groupHeaderMargin.Bottom); } else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupFooter(index)) { return ((IsHorizontal? (int)groupFooterSize : (int)(colView.Size.Width) - Padding.Start - Padding.End) - groupFooterMargin.Start - groupFooterMargin.End, (IsHorizontal? (int)colView.Size.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom: (int)groupFooterSize) - groupFooterMargin.Top - groupFooterMargin.Bottom); } else { return ((IsHorizontal? (int)StepCandidate : (int)(colView.Size.Width) - Padding.Start - Padding.End) - CandidateMargin.Start - CandidateMargin.End, (IsHorizontal? (int)colView.Size.Height - Padding.Top - Padding.Bottom: (int)StepCandidate) - CandidateMargin.Top - CandidateMargin.Bottom); } } private void DelayedRequestLayout(float scrollPosition , bool force = true) { if (requestLayoutTimer != null) { requestLayoutTimer.Dispose(); } requestLayoutTimer = new Timer(1); requestLayoutTimer.Interval = 1; requestLayoutTimer.Tick += ((object target, Timer.TickEventArgs args) => { RequestLayout(scrollPosition, force); return false; }); } /* private (int, float) FindTopItemInScreen() { int index = -1; float offset = 0.0F, Pos, Size; foreach(RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { Pos = IsHorizontal ? item.PositionX : item.PositionY; Size = IsHorizontal ? item.SizeWidth : item.SizeHeight; if (PrevScrollPosition >= Pos && PrevScrollPosition < Pos + Size) { index = item.Index; offset = Pos - PrevScrollPosition; break; } } return (index, offset); } */ private float GetItemStepSize(int index) { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) { return ItemSize[index]; } else { if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsHeader(index)) return headerSize; else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsFooter(index)) return footerSize; else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupHeader(index)) return groupHeaderSize; else if (colView.InternalItemSource.IsGroupFooter(index)) return groupFooterSize; else return StepCandidate; } } private void UpdatePosition(int index) { bool IsGroup = (colView.InternalItemSource is IGroupableItemSource); if (index <= 0) return; if (index >= colView.InternalItemSource.Count) if (IsGroup) { //IsGroupHeader = (colView.InternalItemSource as IGroupableItemSource).IsGroupHeader(index); //IsGroupFooter = (colView.InternalItemSource as IGroupableItemSource).IsGroupFooter(index); //Do Something } if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) ItemPosition[index] = ItemPosition[index - 1] + GetItemStepSize(index - 1); } private RecyclerViewItem GetVisibleItem(int index) { foreach (RecyclerViewItem item in VisibleItems) { if (item.Index == index) return item; } return null; } private GroupInfo GetGroupInfo(int index) { if (Visited != null) { if (Visited.StartIndex <= index && Visited.StartIndex + Visited.Count > index) return Visited; } if (hasHeader && index == 0) return null; foreach (GroupInfo group in groups) { if (group.StartIndex <= index && group.StartIndex + group.Count > index) { Visited = group; return group; } } Visited = null; return null; } private float GetGroupPosition(GroupInfo groupInfo, int index) { if (colView.SizingStrategy == ItemSizingStrategy.MeasureAll) return groupInfo.GroupPosition + groupInfo.ItemPosition[index - groupInfo.StartIndex]; else { float pos = groupInfo.GroupPosition; if (groupInfo.StartIndex == index) return pos; pos = pos + groupHeaderSize + StepCandidate * (index - groupInfo.StartIndex - 1); return pos; } } /* private object GetGroupParent(int index) { if (Visited != null) { if (Visited.StartIndex <= index && Visited.StartIndex + Visited.Count > index) return Visited.GroupParent; } if (hasHeader && index == 0) return null; foreach (GroupInfo group in groups) { if (group.StartIndex <= index && group.StartIndex + group.Count > index) { Visited = group; return group.GroupParent; } } Visited = null; return null; } */ class GroupInfo { public object GroupParent; public int StartIndex; public int Count; public float GroupSize; public float GroupPosition; //Items relative position from the GroupPosition. Only use for MeasureAll. public List ItemPosition = new List(); } } }