/** Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ namespace Tizen.NUI.UIComponents { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents; /// /// The Popup widget provides a configurable pop-up dialog with built-in layout of three main fields. /// public class Popup : View { private global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef swigCPtr; internal Popup(global::System.IntPtr cPtr, bool cMemoryOwn) : base(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_SWIGUpcast(cPtr), cMemoryOwn) { swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(this, cPtr); } internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Popup obj) { return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr; } protected override void Dispose(DisposeTypes type) { if (disposed) { return; } if (type == DisposeTypes.Explicit) { //Called by User //Release your own managed resources here. //You should release all of your own disposable objects here. } //Release your own unmanaged resources here. //You should not access any managed member here except static instance. //because the execution order of Finalizes is non-deterministic. if (swigCPtr.Handle != global::System.IntPtr.Zero) { if (swigCMemOwn) { swigCMemOwn = false; NDalicPINVOKE.delete_Popup(swigCPtr); } swigCPtr = new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero); } base.Dispose(type); } /// /// Event arguments that passed via OutsideTouchedEvent /// public class TouchedOutsideEventArgs : EventArgs { } /// /// Event arguments that passed via ShowingEventArgs /// public class ShowingEventArgs : EventArgs { } /// /// Event arguments that passed via ShownEventArgs /// public class ShownEventArgs : EventArgs { } /// /// Event arguments that passed via HidingEventArgs /// public class HidingEventArgs : EventArgs { } /// /// Event arguments that passed via HiddenEventArgs /// public class HiddenEventArgs : EventArgs { } [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void OutsideTouchedEventCallbackDelegate(); private EventHandler _popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler; private OutsideTouchedEventCallbackDelegate _popUpOutsideTouchedEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void ShowingEventCallbackDelegate(); private EventHandler _popUpShowingEventHandler; private ShowingEventCallbackDelegate _popUpShowingEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void ShownEventCallbackDelegate(); private EventHandler _popUpShownEventHandler; private ShownEventCallbackDelegate _popUpShownEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void HidingEventCallbackDelegate(); private EventHandler _popUpHidingEventHandler; private HidingEventCallbackDelegate _popUpHidingEventCallbackDelegate; [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.StdCall)] private delegate void HiddenEventCallbackDelegate(); private EventHandler _popUpHiddenEventHandler; private HiddenEventCallbackDelegate _popUpHiddenEventCallbackDelegate; /// /// Event is sent when user has touched outside of the Dialog. /// public event EventHandler TouchedOutside { add { if (_popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler == null) { _popUpOutsideTouchedEventCallbackDelegate = (OnOutsideTouched); OutsideTouchedSignal().Connect(_popUpOutsideTouchedEventCallbackDelegate); } _popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler += value; } remove { _popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler -= value; if (_popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler == null && OutsideTouchedSignal().Empty() == false) { this.OutsideTouchedSignal().Disconnect(_popUpOutsideTouchedEventCallbackDelegate); } } } // Callback for Popup OutsideTouchedSignal private void OnOutsideTouched() { TouchedOutsideEventArgs e = new TouchedOutsideEventArgs(); if (_popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _popUpOutsideTouchedEventHandler(this, e); } } /// /// Event is sent when the Popup is starting to be shown. /// public event EventHandler Showing { add { if (_popUpShowingEventHandler == null) { _popUpShowingEventCallbackDelegate = (OnShowing); ShowingSignal().Connect(_popUpShowingEventCallbackDelegate); } _popUpShowingEventHandler += value; } remove { _popUpShowingEventHandler -= value; if (_popUpShowingEventHandler == null && ShowingSignal().Empty() == false) { ShowingSignal().Disconnect(_popUpShowingEventCallbackDelegate); } } } // Callback for ShowingSignal private void OnShowing() { ShowingEventArgs e = new ShowingEventArgs(); if (_popUpShowingEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _popUpShowingEventHandler(this, e); } } /// /// Event is sent when the Popup has been fully displayed. /// public event EventHandler Shown { add { if (_popUpShownEventHandler == null) { _popUpShownEventCallbackDelegate = (OnShown); ShownSignal().Connect(_popUpShownEventCallbackDelegate); } _popUpShownEventHandler += value; } remove { _popUpShownEventHandler -= value; if (_popUpShownEventHandler == null && ShownSignal().Empty() == false) { ShownSignal().Disconnect(_popUpShownEventCallbackDelegate); } } } // Callback for ShownSignal private void OnShown() { ShownEventArgs e = new ShownEventArgs(); if (_popUpShownEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _popUpShownEventHandler(this, e); } } /// /// Event is sent when the Popup is starting to be hidden. /// public event EventHandler Hiding { add { if (_popUpHidingEventHandler == null) { _popUpHidingEventCallbackDelegate = (OnHiding); HidingSignal().Connect(_popUpHidingEventCallbackDelegate); } _popUpHidingEventHandler += value; } remove { _popUpHidingEventHandler -= value; if (_popUpHidingEventHandler == null && HidingSignal().Empty() == false) { HidingSignal().Disconnect(_popUpHidingEventCallbackDelegate); } } } // Callback for HidingSignal private void OnHiding() { HidingEventArgs e = new HidingEventArgs(); if (_popUpHidingEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _popUpHidingEventHandler(this, e); } } /// /// Event is sent when the Popup has been completely hidden. /// public event EventHandler Hidden { add { if (_popUpHiddenEventHandler == null) { _popUpHiddenEventCallbackDelegate = (OnHidden); HiddenSignal().Connect(_popUpHiddenEventCallbackDelegate); } _popUpHiddenEventHandler += value; } remove { _popUpHiddenEventHandler -= value; if (_popUpHiddenEventHandler == null && HiddenSignal().Empty() == false) { HiddenSignal().Disconnect(_popUpHiddenEventCallbackDelegate); } } } // Callback for HiddenSignal private void OnHidden() { HiddenEventArgs e = new HiddenEventArgs(); if (_popUpHiddenEventHandler != null) { //here we send all data to user event handlers _popUpHiddenEventHandler(this, e); } } internal new class Property { internal static readonly int TITLE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TITLE_get(); internal static readonly int CONTENT = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_CONTENT_get(); internal static readonly int FOOTER = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_FOOTER_get(); internal static readonly int DISPLAY_STATE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_DISPLAY_STATE_get(); internal static readonly int TOUCH_TRANSPARENT = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TOUCH_TRANSPARENT_get(); internal static readonly int TAIL_VISIBILITY = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TAIL_VISIBILITY_get(); internal static readonly int TAIL_POSITION = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TAIL_POSITION_get(); internal static readonly int CONTEXTUAL_MODE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_CONTEXTUAL_MODE_get(); internal static readonly int ANIMATION_DURATION = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_ANIMATION_DURATION_get(); internal static readonly int ANIMATION_MODE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_ANIMATION_MODE_get(); internal static readonly int ENTRY_ANIMATION = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_ENTRY_ANIMATION_get(); internal static readonly int EXIT_ANIMATION = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_EXIT_ANIMATION_get(); internal static readonly int AUTO_HIDE_DELAY = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_AUTO_HIDE_DELAY_get(); internal static readonly int BACKING_ENABLED = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_BACKING_ENABLED_get(); internal static readonly int BACKING_COLOR = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_BACKING_COLOR_get(); internal static readonly int POPUP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_POPUP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_get(); internal static readonly int POPUP_BACKGROUND_BORDER = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_POPUP_BACKGROUND_BORDER_get(); internal static readonly int TAIL_UP_IMAGE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TAIL_UP_IMAGE_get(); internal static readonly int TAIL_DOWN_IMAGE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TAIL_DOWN_IMAGE_get(); internal static readonly int TAIL_LEFT_IMAGE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TAIL_LEFT_IMAGE_get(); internal static readonly int TAIL_RIGHT_IMAGE = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_Property_TAIL_RIGHT_IMAGE_get(); } /// /// Create the Popup. /// public Popup() : this(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_New(), true) { if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } [Obsolete("Please do not use! this will be deprecated")] public new static Popup DownCast(BaseHandle handle) { Popup ret = Registry.GetManagedBaseHandleFromNativePtr(handle) as Popup; if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } /// /// Sets a title for this Popup. /// /// The actor to set a title public void SetTitle(View titleView) { NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_SetTitle(swigCPtr, View.getCPtr(titleView)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } internal View GetTitle() { IntPtr cPtr = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_GetTitle(swigCPtr); View ret = Registry.GetManagedBaseHandleFromNativePtr(cPtr) as View; if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } /// /// Sets the content actor. /// /// The actor to use public void SetContent(View content) { NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_SetContent(swigCPtr, View.getCPtr(content)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } internal View GetContent() { IntPtr cPtr = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_GetContent(swigCPtr); View ret = Registry.GetManagedBaseHandleFromNativePtr(cPtr) as View; if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } /// /// Sets the actor to use for a footer in this Popup. /// /// The footer actor to be added to this Popup public void SetFooter(View footer) { NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_SetFooter(swigCPtr, View.getCPtr(footer)); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } internal View GetFooter() { IntPtr cPtr = NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_GetFooter(swigCPtr); View ret = Registry.GetManagedBaseHandleFromNativePtr(cPtr) as View; if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } /// /// Sets the display state of Popup.
/// There are 4 total display states.
/// Only 2 can be set, but all four can be read for better inspection of the current popup state.
/// The other two states are getable, but not setable and are there for consistency.
/// | Value | Setting the state | Getting the state |
/// |----------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
/// | SHOWN | Show the popup | The popup is fully shown |
/// | HIDDEN | Hide the popup | The popup is fully hidden |
/// | SHOWING | | The popup is transitioning in |
/// | HIDING | | The popup is transitioning out |
/// All 4 state changes cause notifications via 4 respective signals that can be connected to.
/// The desired display state to change to public void SetDisplayState(Popup.DisplayStateType displayState) { NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_SetDisplayState(swigCPtr, (int)displayState); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); } internal Popup.DisplayStateType GetDisplayState() { Popup.DisplayStateType ret = (Popup.DisplayStateType)NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_GetDisplayState(swigCPtr); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } internal VoidSignal OutsideTouchedSignal() { VoidSignal ret = new VoidSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_OutsideTouchedSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } internal VoidSignal ShowingSignal() { VoidSignal ret = new VoidSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_ShowingSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } internal VoidSignal ShownSignal() { VoidSignal ret = new VoidSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_ShownSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } internal VoidSignal HidingSignal() { VoidSignal ret = new VoidSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_HidingSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } internal VoidSignal HiddenSignal() { VoidSignal ret = new VoidSignal(NDalicPINVOKE.Popup_HiddenSignal(swigCPtr), false); if (NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Pending) throw NDalicPINVOKE.SWIGPendingException.Retrieve(); return ret; } /// /// The display states of the Popup. /// public enum DisplayStateType { Showing, Shown, Hiding, Hidden } /// /// The animation mode within popup.
/// Choose from a predefined mode or "CUSTOM" to use the ANIMATION_IN and ANIMATION_OUT properties.
public enum AnimationModeType { None, Zoom, Fade, Custom } /// /// Types of contextual layout.
/// The Popup is positioned adjacent to it's parent in the direction specified by this mode.
/// NON_CONTEXTUAL disables any contextual positioning.
public enum ContextualModeType { NonContextual, Above, Rright, Below, Left } /// /// Popup title. /// public PropertyMap Title { get { PropertyMap temp = new PropertyMap(); GetProperty(Popup.Property.TITLE).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TITLE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Popup content. /// public PropertyMap Content { get { PropertyMap temp = new PropertyMap(); GetProperty(Popup.Property.CONTENT).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.CONTENT, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Popup footer. /// public PropertyMap Footer { get { PropertyMap temp = new PropertyMap(); GetProperty(Popup.Property.FOOTER).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.FOOTER, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Popup display state. /// public DisplayStateType DisplayState { get { string temp; if (GetProperty(Popup.Property.DISPLAY_STATE).Get(out temp) == false) { NUILog.Error("DisplayState get error!"); } switch (temp) { case "SHOWING": return DisplayStateType.Showing; case "SHOWN": return DisplayStateType.Shown; case "HIDING": return DisplayStateType.Hiding; case "HIDDEN": return DisplayStateType.Hidden; default: return DisplayStateType.Hidden; } } set { string valueToString = ""; switch (value) { case DisplayStateType.Showing: { valueToString = "SHOWING"; break; } case DisplayStateType.Shown: { valueToString = "SHOWN"; break; } case DisplayStateType.Hiding: { valueToString = "HIDING"; break; } case DisplayStateType.Hidden: { valueToString = "HIDDEN"; break; } default: { valueToString = "HIDDEN"; break; } } SetProperty(Popup.Property.DISPLAY_STATE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(valueToString)); } } /// /// Touch transparent. /// public bool TouchTransparent { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty(Popup.Property.TOUCH_TRANSPARENT).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TOUCH_TRANSPARENT, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Popup tail visibility. /// public bool TailVisibility { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_VISIBILITY).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_VISIBILITY, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Popup tail position. /// public Vector3 TailPosition { get { Vector3 temp = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_POSITION).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_POSITION, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Contextual mode. /// public ContextualModeType ContextualMode { get { string temp; if (GetProperty(Popup.Property.CONTEXTUAL_MODE).Get(out temp) == false) { NUILog.Error("ContextualMode get error!"); } switch (temp) { case "NON_CONTEXTUAL": return ContextualModeType.NonContextual; case "ABOVE": return ContextualModeType.Above; case "RIGHT": return ContextualModeType.Rright; case "BELOW": return ContextualModeType.Below; case "LEFT": return ContextualModeType.Left; default: return ContextualModeType.Below; } } set { string valueToString = ""; switch (value) { case ContextualModeType.NonContextual: { valueToString = "NON_CONTEXTUAL"; break; } case ContextualModeType.Above: { valueToString = "ABOVE"; break; } case ContextualModeType.Rright: { valueToString = "RIGHT"; break; } case ContextualModeType.Below: { valueToString = "BELOW"; break; } case ContextualModeType.Left: { valueToString = "LEFT"; break; } default: { valueToString = "BELOW"; break; } } SetProperty(Popup.Property.CONTEXTUAL_MODE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(valueToString)); } } /// /// Animation duration. /// public float AnimationDuration { get { float temp = 0.0f; GetProperty(Popup.Property.ANIMATION_DURATION).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.ANIMATION_DURATION, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Animation mode. /// public AnimationModeType AnimationMode { get { string temp; if (GetProperty(Popup.Property.ANIMATION_MODE).Get(out temp) == false) { NUILog.Error("AnimationMode get error!"); } switch (temp) { case "NONE": return AnimationModeType.None; case "ZOOM": return AnimationModeType.Zoom; case "FADE": return AnimationModeType.Fade; case "CUSTOM": return AnimationModeType.Custom; default: return AnimationModeType.Fade; } } set { string valueToString = ""; switch (value) { case AnimationModeType.None: { valueToString = "NONE"; break; } case AnimationModeType.Zoom: { valueToString = "ZOOM"; break; } case AnimationModeType.Fade: { valueToString = "FADE"; break; } case AnimationModeType.Custom: { valueToString = "CUSTOM"; break; } default: { valueToString = "FADE"; break; } } SetProperty(Popup.Property.ANIMATION_MODE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(valueToString)); } } /// /// Entry animation. /// public PropertyMap EntryAnimation { get { PropertyMap temp = new PropertyMap(); GetProperty(Popup.Property.ENTRY_ANIMATION).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.ENTRY_ANIMATION, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Exit animation. /// public PropertyMap ExitAnimation { get { PropertyMap temp = new PropertyMap(); GetProperty(Popup.Property.EXIT_ANIMATION).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.EXIT_ANIMATION, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Auto hide delay. /// public int AutoHideDelay { get { int temp = 0; GetProperty(Popup.Property.AUTO_HIDE_DELAY).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.AUTO_HIDE_DELAY, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Backing enabled. /// public bool BackingEnabled { get { bool temp = false; GetProperty(Popup.Property.BACKING_ENABLED).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.BACKING_ENABLED, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Backing color. /// public Vector4 BackingColor { get { Vector4 temp = new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); GetProperty(Popup.Property.BACKING_COLOR).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.BACKING_COLOR, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Background image. /// public string PopupBackgroundImage { get { string temp; GetProperty(Popup.Property.POPUP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.POPUP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Background border. /// public Rectangle PopupBackgroundBorder { get { Rectangle temp = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); GetProperty(Popup.Property.POPUP_BACKGROUND_BORDER).Get(temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.POPUP_BACKGROUND_BORDER, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Tail up image. /// public string TailUpImage { get { string temp; GetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_UP_IMAGE).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_UP_IMAGE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Tail down image. /// public string TailDownImage { get { string temp; GetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_DOWN_IMAGE).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_DOWN_IMAGE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Tail left image. /// public string TailLeftImage { get { string temp; GetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_LEFT_IMAGE).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_LEFT_IMAGE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } /// /// Tail right image. /// public string TailRightImage { get { string temp; GetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_RIGHT_IMAGE).Get(out temp); return temp; } set { SetProperty(Popup.Property.TAIL_RIGHT_IMAGE, new Tizen.NUI.PropertyValue(value)); } } } }