// Copyright (c) 2019 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents { /// /// A visual view control if a user adds any visual to it. /// /// /// Example: /// /// VisualView _visualView = new VisualView(); /// ImageVisualMap imageVisualMap1 = new ImageVisualMap(); /// imageVisualMap1.URL = "./NUISample/res/images/image-1.jpg"; /// imageVisualMap1.VisualSize = new Vector2( 300.0f, 300.0f ); /// imageVisualMap1.Offset = new Vector2( 50.0f, 50.0f ); /// imageVisualMap1.OffsetSizeMode = new Vector4( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ); /// imageVisualMap1.Origin = AlignType.TOP_BEGIN; /// imageVisualMap1.AnchorPoint = AlignType.TOP_BEGIN; /// _visualView.AddVisual("imageVisual1", imageVisualMap1); /// /// /// 3 public class VisualView : CustomView { private Dictionary visualNameDictionary = null; private Dictionary visualDictionary = null; private Dictionary tranformDictionary = null; private PropertyArray animateArray = null; /// /// Constructor. /// /// 3 public VisualView() : this(CustomViewBehaviour.ViewBehaviourDefault | CustomViewBehaviour.RequiresTouchEventsSupport) { } /// This will be public opened in tizen_6.0 after ACR done. Before ACR, need to be hidden as inhouse API. [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public VisualView(ViewStyle viewStyle) : this(CustomViewBehaviour.ViewBehaviourDefault | CustomViewBehaviour.RequiresTouchEventsSupport, viewStyle) { } /// Create a VisualView with specified behaviour. /// CustomView behaviour [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public VisualView(CustomViewBehaviour behaviour) : base(typeof(VisualView).FullName, behaviour) { } /// Create a VisualView with specified behaviour and a style. /// CustomView behaviour /// The ViewStyle. [EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public VisualView(CustomViewBehaviour behaviour, ViewStyle viewStyle) : base(typeof(VisualView).FullName, behaviour, viewStyle) { } // static constructor registers the control type (for user can add kinds of visuals to it) static VisualView() { // ViewRegistry registers control type with DALi type registry // also uses introspection to find any properties that need to be registered with type registry CustomViewRegistry.Instance.Register(CreateInstance, typeof(VisualView)); } /// /// Gets the total number of visuals which are added by users. /// /// 3 public int NumberOfVisuals { get { return visualDictionary.Count; } } /// /// Overrides the parent method. /// /// 3 public override void OnInitialize() { base.OnInitialize(); //Initialize empty visualNameDictionary = new Dictionary(); visualDictionary = new Dictionary(); tranformDictionary = new Dictionary(); animateArray = new PropertyArray(); } /// /// Adds or updates a visual to visual view. /// /// The name of a visual to add. If a name is added to an existing visual name, the visual will be replaced. /// The property map of a visual to create. /// Thrown when visualMap is null. /// 3 public void AddVisual(string visualName, VisualMap visualMap) { int visualIndex = -1; /* If the visual had added, then replace it using RegisterVusal. */ //visual.Name = name; foreach (var item in visualNameDictionary) { if (item.Value == visualName) { /* Find a existed visual, its key also exited. */ visualIndex = item.Key; UnregisterVisual(visualIndex); visualNameDictionary.Remove(visualIndex); visualDictionary.Remove(visualIndex); tranformDictionary.Remove(visualIndex); break; } } if (visualIndex == -1) // The visual is a new one, create index for it. */ { using (var temp = new PropertyValue(visualName)) { visualIndex = RegisterProperty(visualName, temp, PropertyAccessMode.ReadWrite); } } if (visualIndex > 0) { if (visualMap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(visualMap)); } visualMap.VisualIndex = visualIndex; visualMap.Name = visualName; visualMap.Parent = this; // Register index and name UpdateVisual(visualIndex, visualName, visualMap); } } /// /// Removes a visual by name. /// /// The name of a visual to remove. /// 3 public void RemoveVisual(string visualName) { foreach (var item in visualNameDictionary) { if (item.Value == visualName) { EnableVisual(item.Key, false); UnregisterVisual(item.Key); tranformDictionary.Remove(item.Key); visualDictionary.Remove(item.Key); visualNameDictionary.Remove(item.Key); RelayoutRequest(); break; } } } /// /// Removes all visuals of the visual view. /// /// 3 public void RemoveAll() { foreach (var item in visualNameDictionary) { EnableVisual(item.Key, false); UnregisterVisual(item.Key); } visualDictionary.Clear(); tranformDictionary.Clear(); visualNameDictionary.Clear(); RelayoutRequest(); } /// /// Overrides the method of OnRelayout() for CustomView class.
/// Called after the size negotiation has been finished for this control.
/// The control is expected to assign this given size to itself or its children.
/// Should be overridden by derived classes if they need to layout actors differently after certain operations like add or remove actors, resize, or after changing specific properties.
/// As this function is called from inside the size negotiation algorithm, you cannot call RequestRelayout (the call would just be ignored). /// The allocated size. /// The control should add actors to this container that it is not able to allocate a size for. /// 3 public override void OnRelayout(Vector2 size, RelayoutContainer container) { foreach (var item in visualDictionary) { if(item.Value != null) { item.Value.SetTransformAndSize(tranformDictionary[item.Key], size); EnableVisual(item.Key, true); } } } /// /// Creates a visual animation (transition) with the input parameters. /// /// The visual map to animation. /// The property of visual to animation. /// The destination value of property after animation. /// The start time of visual animation. /// The end time of visual animation. /// The alpha function of visual animation. /// The initial property value of visual animation. /// Animation instance /// Thrown when target is null. /// 3 public Animation AnimateVisual(VisualMap target, string property, object destinationValue, int startTime, int endTime, AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions? alphaFunction = null, object initialValue = null) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } string strAlpha = alphaFunction?.GetDescription(); foreach (var item in visualNameDictionary.ToList()) { if (item.Value == target.Name) { using (PropertyMap animator = new PropertyMap()) using (PropertyMap timePeriod = new PropertyMap()) using (PropertyValue pvDuration = new PropertyValue((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0f)) using (PropertyValue pvDelay = new PropertyValue(startTime / 1000.0f)) using (PropertyValue destVal = PropertyValue.CreateFromObject(destinationValue)) using (PropertyMap transition = new PropertyMap()) using (PropertyValue pvTarget = new PropertyValue(target.Name)) { if (strAlpha != null) { using (PropertyValue pvAlpha = new PropertyValue(strAlpha)) { animator.Add("alphaFunction", pvAlpha); } } timePeriod.Add("duration", pvDuration); timePeriod.Add("delay", pvDelay); using (PropertyValue pvTimePeriod = new PropertyValue(timePeriod)) { animator.Add("timePeriod", pvTimePeriod); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(property); sb[0] = (char)(sb[0] | 0x20); string _str = sb.ToString(); if (_str == "position") { _str = "offset"; } transition.Add("target", pvTarget); using (PropertyValue pvStr = new PropertyValue(_str)) { transition.Add("property", pvStr); } if (initialValue != null) { using (PropertyValue initVal = PropertyValue.CreateFromObject(initialValue)) using (PropertyValue pvInitialValue = new PropertyValue(initVal)) { transition.Add("initialValue", pvInitialValue); } } transition.Add("targetValue", destVal); using (PropertyValue pvAnimator = new PropertyValue(animator)) { transition.Add("animator", pvAnimator); } using (TransitionData transitionData = new TransitionData(transition)) { return this.CreateTransition(transitionData); } } } } return null; } /// /// Adds a group visual animation (transition) map with the input parameters. /// /// The visual map to animation. /// The property of visual to animation. /// The destination value of property after animation. /// The start time of visual animation. /// The end time of visual animation. /// The alpha function of visual animation. /// The initial property value of visual animation. /// Thrown when target is null. /// 3 public void AnimateVisualAdd(VisualMap target, string property, object destinationValue, int startTime, int endTime, AlphaFunction.BuiltinFunctions? alphaFunction = null, object initialValue = null) { if (target == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(target)); } string strAlpha = alphaFunction?.GetDescription(); foreach (var item in visualNameDictionary.ToList()) { if (item.Value == target.Name) { using (PropertyMap animator = new PropertyMap()) using (PropertyMap timePeriod = new PropertyMap()) using (PropertyValue pvDuration = new PropertyValue((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0f)) using (PropertyValue pvDelay = new PropertyValue(startTime / 1000.0f)) using (PropertyValue destVal = PropertyValue.CreateFromObject(destinationValue)) using (PropertyMap transition = new PropertyMap()) using (PropertyValue pvTarget = new PropertyValue(target.Name)) { if (strAlpha != null) { using (PropertyValue pvStrAlpha = new PropertyValue(strAlpha)) { animator.Add("alphaFunction", pvStrAlpha); } } timePeriod.Add("duration", pvDuration); timePeriod.Add("delay", pvDelay); using (PropertyValue pvTimePeriod = new PropertyValue(timePeriod)) { animator.Add("timePeriod", pvTimePeriod); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(property); sb[0] = (char)(sb[0] | 0x20); string _str = sb.ToString(); if (_str == "position") { _str = "offset"; } transition.Add("target", pvTarget); using (PropertyValue pvStr = new PropertyValue(_str)) { transition.Add("property", pvStr); } if (initialValue != null) { using (PropertyValue initVal = PropertyValue.CreateFromObject(initialValue)) using (PropertyValue pvInitialValue = new PropertyValue(initVal)) { transition.Add("initialValue", pvInitialValue); } } transition.Add("targetValue", destVal); using (PropertyValue pvAnimator = new PropertyValue(animator)) { transition.Add("animator", pvAnimator); } using (PropertyValue pvTransition = new PropertyValue(transition)) { PropertyArray temp = animateArray.Add(pvTransition); temp.Dispose(); } } } } } /// /// Finishes to add a visual animation (transition) map and creates a transition animation. /// /// Animation instance. /// 3 public Animation AnimateVisualAddFinish() { if (animateArray == null || animateArray.Empty()) { Tizen.Log.Fatal("NUI", "animate visual property array is empty!"); return null; } TransitionData transitionData = new TransitionData(animateArray); Animation ret = this.CreateTransition(transitionData); transitionData.Dispose(); return ret; } /// /// temporary fix to pass TCT. /// /// Thrown when visualMap is null. /// 3 public Animation VisualAnimate(Tizen.NUI.VisualAnimator visualMap) { if (visualMap == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(visualMap)); } foreach (var item in visualNameDictionary.ToList()) { if (item.Value == visualMap.Target) { using (TransitionData transitionData = new TransitionData(visualMap.OutputVisualMap)) { return this.CreateTransition(transitionData); } } } return null; } //temporary fix to pass TCT internal void UpdateVisual(int visualIndex, string visualName, VisualMap visualMap) { VisualBase visual = VisualFactory.Instance.CreateVisual(visualMap.OutputVisualMap); visualNameDictionary[visualIndex] = visualName; visualDictionary[visualIndex] = visual; tranformDictionary[visualIndex] = visualMap.OutputTransformMap; if(visual != null) { visual.Name = visualName; visual.DepthIndex = visualMap.DepthIndex; RegisterVisual(visualIndex, visual); RelayoutRequest(); NUILog.Debug("UpdateVisual() name=" + visualName); } else { NUILog.Debug("UpdateVisual() FAIL! visual create failed name=" + visualName); } } static CustomView CreateInstance() { return new VisualView(); } } }