/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace Tizen.Messaging.Messages { /// /// A class to represent all messages. /// public abstract class Message : IDisposable { internal IntPtr _messageHandle = IntPtr.Zero; private bool disposed = false; private int _memoryPressureSize = IntPtr.Size * 11 + sizeof(int) * 5 + sizeof(bool) * 5 + sizeof(short) * 2 + sizeof(byte) * 1176; private ICollection _from = new Collection(); internal ICollection _to = new Collection(); internal ICollection _cc = new Collection(); internal ICollection _bcc = new Collection(); internal Message(MessageType type) { int ret = Interop.Messages.CreateMessage((int)type, out _messageHandle); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to create message handle, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret); } GC.AddMemoryPressure(_memoryPressureSize); } internal Message(IntPtr messageHandle) { _messageHandle = messageHandle; GetAllAddresses(); GC.AddMemoryPressure(_memoryPressureSize); } internal void FillHandle() { SetAddresses(); (this as MmsMessage)?.SetAttachments(); } ~Message() { Dispose(false); } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); GC.RemoveMemoryPressure(_memoryPressureSize); } private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposed) return; if (disposing) { // Free managed objects } // Free unmanaged objects if (_messageHandle != IntPtr.Zero) { Interop.Messages.DestroyMessage(_messageHandle); _messageHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } disposed = true; } internal IntPtr GetHandle() { return _messageHandle; } private void SetAddresses() { foreach (var it in _to) { AddAddress(it); } foreach (var it in _cc) { AddAddress(it); } foreach (var it in _bcc) { AddAddress(it); } } private void AddAddress(MessagesAddress address) { int ret = Interop.Messages.AddAddress(_messageHandle, address.Number, (int)address.Type); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to add address, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } } private void GetAllAddresses() { int count; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetAddressCount(_messageHandle, out count); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get address count, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } string number; int type; var To = new Collection(); var Cc = new Collection(); var Bcc = new Collection(); var From = new Collection(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ret = Interop.Messages.GetAddress(_messageHandle, i, out number, out type); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get address, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } var addressItem = new MessagesAddress((RecipientType)type, number); switch ((RecipientType)type) { case RecipientType.To: To.Add(addressItem); break; case RecipientType.Cc: Cc.Add(addressItem); break; case RecipientType.Bcc: Bcc.Add(addressItem); break; default: From.Add(addressItem); break; } } _to = To; _cc = Cc; _bcc = Bcc; _from = From; } /// /// The message ID /// /// /// After creating Message object, default value of this property is 0. After sending, this value is changed. /// public int Id { get { int id = 0; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetMessageId(_messageHandle, out id); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get message id, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); } return id; } } /// /// The destination port of the message /// public int Port { get { int port = 0; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetMessagePort(_messageHandle, out port); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get message port, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); } return port; } } /// /// The message box type /// public MessageBoxType BoxType { get { int boxType = (int)MessageBoxType.All; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetMboxType(_messageHandle, out boxType); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get message box type, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); } return (MessageBoxType)boxType; } set { int ret = Interop.Messages.SetMboxType(_messageHandle, (int)value); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to set message box type, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } } } /// /// The text of the message /// public string Text { get { string text = null; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetText(_messageHandle, out text); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get text, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); } return text; } set { int ret = Interop.Messages.SetText(_messageHandle, value); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to set text, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } } } /// /// The time of the message /// public DateTime Time { get { int time = 0; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetTime(_messageHandle, out time); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get time, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); } return (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).AddSeconds(time).ToLocalTime(); } set { int ret = Interop.Messages.SetTime(_messageHandle, (int)(value.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds)); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to set time, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } } } /// /// The SIM slot index of the message /// public SimSlotId SimId { get { int simId = (int)SimSlotId.Unknown; int ret = Interop.Messages.GetSimId(_messageHandle, out simId); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to get simId, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); } return (SimSlotId)simId; } set { int ret = Interop.Messages.SetSimId(_messageHandle, (int)value); if (ret != (int)MessagesError.None) { Log.Error(Globals.LogTag, "Failed to set simId, Error - " + (MessagesError)ret); MessagesErrorFactory.ThrowMessagesException(ret, _messageHandle); } } } /// /// Indicates sender of the message /// public IReadOnlyCollection From { get { return _from as IReadOnlyCollection; } } } }