/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Linq; namespace Tizen.CallManager { /// /// A class which manages call manager events, properties and functions. /// public class CmClientHandle { internal IntPtr _handle = IntPtr.Zero; private event EventHandler _callStatusChanged; private event EventHandler _callMuteStatusChanged; private event EventHandler _callEvent; private event EventHandler _dialStatusChanged; private event EventHandler _audioStateChanged; private event EventHandler _dtmfIndication; private event EventHandler _goForeGround; private event EventHandler _voiceRecordStatusChanged; private Interop.CallManager.CallStatusChangedCallback _callStatusChangedCb; private Interop.CallManager.CallMuteStatusChangedCallback _callMuteStatusChangedCb; private Interop.CallManager.CallEventNotificationCallback _callEventCb; private Interop.CallManager.DialStatusChangedCallback _dialStatusChangedCb; private Interop.CallManager.AudioStateChangedCallback _audioStateChangedCb; private Interop.CallManager.DtmfIndicationChangedCallback _dtmfIndicationChangedCb; private Interop.CallManager.GoForegroundCallback _goForeGroundCb; private Interop.CallManager.VoiceRecordStatusChangedCallback _voiceRecordStatusChangedCb; internal CmClientHandle(IntPtr handle) { _handle = handle; } /// /// This event is raised when call status changes. /// public event EventHandler CallStatusChanged { add { if (_callStatusChanged == null) { RegisterCallStatusChangedEvent(); } _callStatusChanged += value; } remove { _callStatusChanged -= value; if (_callStatusChanged == null) { UnregisterCallStatusChangedEvent(); } } } /// /// This event is raised when the mute status changes. /// public event EventHandler CallMuteStatusChanged { add { if (_callMuteStatusChanged == null) { RegisterCallMuteStatusChangedEvent(); } _callMuteStatusChanged += value; } remove { _callMuteStatusChanged -= value; if (_callMuteStatusChanged == null) { UnregisterCallMuteStatusChangedEvent(); } } } /// /// This event is raised when call events change. /// public event EventHandler CallEvent { add { if (_callEvent == null) { RegisterCallEventNotification(); } _callEvent += value; } remove { _callEvent -= value; if (_callEvent == null) { UnregisterCallEventNotification(); } } } /// /// This event is raised when dial status changes. /// public event EventHandler DialStatusChanged { add { if (_dialStatusChanged == null) { RegisterDialStatusEvent(); } _dialStatusChanged += value; } remove { _dialStatusChanged -= value; if (_dialStatusChanged == null) { UnregisterDialStatusEvent(); } } } /// /// This event is raised when audio status changes. /// public event EventHandler AudioStateChanged { add { if (_audioStateChanged == null) { RegisterAudioStateChangedEvent(); } _audioStateChanged += value; } remove { _audioStateChanged -= value; if (_audioStateChanged == null) { UnregisterAudioStateChangedEvent(); } } } /// /// This event is raised during DTMF indication. /// public event EventHandler DtmfIndication { add { if (_dtmfIndication == null) { RegisterDtmfIndicationEvent(); } _dtmfIndication += value; } remove { _dtmfIndication -= value; if (_dtmfIndication == null) { UnregisterDtmfIndicationEvent(); } } } /// /// This event is raised when call comes to foreground. /// public event EventHandler GoForeground { add { if (_goForeGround == null) { RegisterGoForegroundEvent(); } _goForeGround += value; } remove { _goForeGround -= value; if (_goForeGround == null) { UnregisterGoForegroundEvent(); } } } /// /// This event is raised when voice record status is changed. /// public event EventHandler VoiceRecordStatusChanged { add { if (_voiceRecordStatusChanged == null) { RegisterVoiceRecordStatusEvent(); } _voiceRecordStatusChanged += value; } remove { _voiceRecordStatusChanged -= value; if (_voiceRecordStatusChanged == null) { UnregisterVoiceRecordStatusEvent(); } } } private void RegisterCallStatusChangedEvent() { _callStatusChangedCb = (CallStatus status, IntPtr number, IntPtr userData) => { _callStatusChanged?.Invoke(null, new CallStatusChangedEventArgs(status, Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(number))); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetCallStatusCallback(_handle, _callStatusChangedCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set call status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterCallStatusChangedEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetCallstatusCallback(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset call status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterCallMuteStatusChangedEvent() { _callMuteStatusChangedCb = (CallMuteStatus muteStatus, IntPtr userData) => { _callMuteStatusChanged?.Invoke(null, new CallMuteStatusChangedEventArgs(muteStatus)); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetCallMuteStatusCallback(_handle, _callMuteStatusChangedCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set call mute status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterCallMuteStatusChangedEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetCallMuteStatusCallback(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset call mute status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterCallEventNotification() { _callEventCb = (CallEvent callEvent, IntPtr eventData, IntPtr userData) => { _callEvent?.Invoke(null, new CallEventEventArgs(callEvent, CmUtility.GetCallEventData(callEvent, eventData))); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetCallEventCb(_handle, _callEventCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set call event notification callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterCallEventNotification() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetCallEventCb(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset call event notification callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterDialStatusEvent() { _dialStatusChangedCb = (DialStatus status, IntPtr userData) => { _dialStatusChanged?.Invoke(null, new DialStatusEventArgs(status)); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetDialStatusCb(_handle, _dialStatusChangedCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set dial status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterDialStatusEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetDialStatusCb(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset dial status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterAudioStateChangedEvent() { _audioStateChangedCb = (AudioState state, IntPtr userData) => { _audioStateChanged?.Invoke(null, new AudioStatusChangedEventArgs(state)); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetAudioStateChangedCb(_handle, _audioStateChangedCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set audio state changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterAudioStateChangedEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetAudioStateChangedCb(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset audio state changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterDtmfIndicationEvent() { _dtmfIndicationChangedCb = (DtmfIndication indiType, string number, IntPtr userData) => { _dtmfIndication?.Invoke(null, new DtmfIndicationEventArgs(indiType, number)); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetDtmfIndicationCb(_handle, _dtmfIndicationChangedCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set DTMF indication changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterDtmfIndicationEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetDtmfIndicationCb(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset DTMF indication changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterGoForegroundEvent() { _goForeGroundCb = (IntPtr userData) => { _goForeGround?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetForegroundCb(_handle, _goForeGroundCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set go foreground callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterGoForegroundEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetForegroundCb(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset go foreground callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void RegisterVoiceRecordStatusEvent() { _voiceRecordStatusChangedCb = (VrStatus vrStatus, VrStatusExtraType extraType, IntPtr userData) => { _voiceRecordStatusChanged?.Invoke(null, new VoiceRecordStatusEventArgs(vrStatus, extraType)); }; int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetVoiceRecordStatusCb(_handle, _voiceRecordStatusChangedCb, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set voice record status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } private void UnregisterVoiceRecordStatusEvent() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnsetVoiceRecordStatusCb(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unset voice record status changed callback, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Gets the status of the current call. /// public CallStatus CallStatus { get { int ret = Interop.CallManager.GetStatus(_handle, out CallStatus status); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to get call status, Error: " + (CmError)ret); return default(CallStatus); } return status; } } /// /// Gets the mute status. /// public CallMuteStatus CallMuteStatus { get { int ret = Interop.CallManager.GetMuteStatus(_handle, out CallMuteStatus status); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to get call mute status, Error: " + (CmError)ret); return default(CallMuteStatus); } return status; } } /// /// Gets the audio state. /// public AudioState AudioState { get { int ret = Interop.CallManager.GetAudioState(_handle, out AudioState state); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to get audio state, Error: " + (CmError)ret); return default(AudioState); } return state; } } /// /// Gets the list of call data. /// public IEnumerable AllCalls { get { int ret = Interop.CallManager.GetAllCallList(_handle, out IntPtr list); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to get all call list, Error: " + (CmError)ret); return null; } int length = Interop.GsList.GetLength(list); if (length == 0) { Log.Debug(CmUtility.LogTag, "Call list is empty"); return Enumerable.Empty(); } List callList = new List(); IntPtr callData = IntPtr.Zero; for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { callData = Interop.GsList.GetDataByIndex(list, index); if (callData != IntPtr.Zero) { callList.Add(CmUtility.GetCallData(callData)); } } return callList; } } /// /// Gets the list of conference call data. /// public IEnumerable AllConferenceCalls { get { int ret = Interop.CallManager.GetConferenceCallList(_handle, out IntPtr list); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to get conference call list, Error: " + (CmError)ret); return null; } int length = Interop.GsList.GetLength(list); if (length == 0) { Log.Debug(CmUtility.LogTag, "Conf call list is empty"); return Enumerable.Empty(); } List confList = new List(); IntPtr confData = IntPtr.Zero; for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) { confData = Interop.GsList.GetDataByIndex(list, index); if (confData != IntPtr.Zero) { confList.Add(CmUtility.GetConfCallData(confData)); } } return confList; } } /// /// Rejects the incoming call. /// /// partner /// http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.reject /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void RejectCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.RejectCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to reject call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle, "http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.reject"); } } /// /// Starts incoming call alert ringtone. /// /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void StartAlert() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.StartAlert(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to start incoming call alert, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Stops incoming call alert ringtone. /// /// partner /// http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.reject /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void StopAlert() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.StopAlert(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to stop incoming call alert, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle, "http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.reject"); } } /// /// Enables call recovery. /// /// App ID to be recovered. /// Thrown appId is passed as null. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void EnableRecovery(string appId) { if (appId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("App ID is null"); } int ret = Interop.CallManager.EnableRecovery(_handle, appId); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to enable recovery, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Dials a call. /// /// Calling number to be dialed. /// Type of the call to be dialed. /// Multi sim slot type in which the call is dialed. /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown number is passed as null. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void DialCall(string number, CallType type, MultiSimSlot slot) { if (number == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Calling number is null"); } int ret = Interop.CallManager.DialCall(_handle, number, type, slot); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to dial call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Swaps the calls. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SwapCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SwapCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to swap call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Joins a call with another. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void JoinCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.JoinCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to join call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Splits a call. /// /// Call id to be splitted. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SplitCall(uint id) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SplitCall(_handle, id); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to split call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Transfers a call. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void TransferCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.TransferCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to transfer call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Accepts MT ViLTE call as VoLTE. /// /// Call answer type. /// Call type. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void AnswerCallEx(CallAnswerType answerType, CallType type) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.AnswerCallEx(_handle, answerType, type); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to answer call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Answers an incoming call. /// /// Call answer type. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void AnswerCall(CallAnswerType answerType) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.AnswerCall(_handle, answerType); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to answer call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Upgrades a call. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void UpgradeCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UpgradeCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to upgrade call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Downgrades a call. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void DowngradeCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.DowngradeCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to downgrade call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Confirms upgrade call request. /// /// Upgrade response type. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void ConfirmUpgradeCall(CallUpgradeResponseType response) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.ConfirmUpgradeCall(_handle, response); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to confirm upgrade call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sets the speaker on/off. /// /// Status of the speaker to be set. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void ManageSpeaker(FeatureStatus status) { int ret = -1; if (status == FeatureStatus.Off) { ret = Interop.CallManager.SpeakerOff(_handle); } else if (status == FeatureStatus.On) { ret = Interop.CallManager.SpeakerOn(_handle); } if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to manage speaker, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sets the bluetooth feature on/off. /// /// Status of the bluetooth to be set. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void ManageBluetooth(FeatureStatus status) { int ret = -1; if (status == FeatureStatus.Off) { ret = Interop.CallManager.BluetoothOff(_handle); } else if (status == FeatureStatus.On) { ret = Interop.CallManager.BluetoothOn(_handle); } if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to manage bluetooth, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sets extra volume if needed. /// /// Boolean value to indicate if the call is set to have extra volume. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SetExtraVolume(bool isExtraVolume) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetExtraVolume(_handle, isExtraVolume); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set extra volume, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sets the noise reduction feature during call. /// /// Boolean value to indicate whether the call needs noise reduction. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SetNoiseReduction(bool isNoiceReduction) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetNoiseReduction(_handle, isNoiceReduction); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set noise reduction, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sets the mute state of the call. /// /// Mute state to be set. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SetMuteState(bool isMuteState) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetMuteState(_handle, isMuteState); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set mute state, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Starts sending signal through DTMF digit. /// /// DTMF digit to be pressed on the phone. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid parameter. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void StartDtmf(byte dtmfDigit) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.StartDtmf(_handle, dtmfDigit); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to start DTMF, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Stops sending DTMF signal. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void StopDtmf() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.StopDtmf(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to stop DTMF, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sends signal through DTMF digits. /// /// DTMF digits. /// Thrown when dtmfDigits is passed as null. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void BurstDtmf(string dtmfDigits) { if (dtmfDigits == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DTMF digits is null"); } int ret = Interop.CallManager.BurstDtmf(_handle, dtmfDigits); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to burst DTMF, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sends DTMF response. /// /// DTMF response type. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SendDtmfResponse(DtmfResponseType response) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SendDtmfResponse(_handle, response); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to send DTMF response, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Activates call manager UI. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void ActivateUi() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.ActivateUi(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to activate UI, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Sets device LCD time out. /// /// LCD timeout to be set. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void SetLcdTimeout(LcdTimeOut timeout) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.SetLcdTimeOut(_handle, timeout); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to set LCD timeout, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Starts voice recording. /// /// Call number. /// Thrown when number is passed as null. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void StartVoiceRecord(string number) { if (number == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Call number is null"); } int ret = Interop.CallManager.StartVoiceRecord(_handle, number); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to start voice record, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Stops voice record. /// /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void StopVoiceRecord() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.StopVoiceRecord(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to stop voice record, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } } /// /// Gets all current call data. /// /// Incoming calldata instance to be filled. /// Active calldata instance to be filled. /// Held calldata instance to be filled. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void GetAllCallData(out CallData incoming, out CallData active, out CallData held) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.GetAllCallData(_handle, out IntPtr incomingCall, out IntPtr activeCall, out IntPtr heldCall); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to get all call data, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle); } incoming = CmUtility.GetCallData(incomingCall); active = CmUtility.GetCallData(activeCall); held = CmUtility.GetCallData(heldCall); } /// /// Holds the active call. /// /// platform /// http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.admin /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void HoldCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.HoldCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to hold call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle, "http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.admin"); } } /// /// Unholds the active call. /// /// platform /// http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.admin /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void UnholdCall() { int ret = Interop.CallManager.UnholdCall(_handle); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to unhold call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle, "http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.admin"); } } /// /// Ends ongoing call. /// /// ID of the call which is to be ended. /// Call release type. /// platform /// http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.admin /// Thrown when privilege access is denied. /// Thrown when method failed due to invalid operation. public void EndCall(uint id, CallReleaseType type) { int ret = Interop.CallManager.EndCall(_handle, id, type); if (ret != (int)CmError.None) { Log.Error(CmUtility.LogTag, "Failed to end call, Error: " + (CmError)ret); CmUtility.ThrowCmException(ret, _handle, "http://developer.samsung.com/tizen/privilege/call.admin"); } } } }