/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using Tizen.Applications.DataControl; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; namespace Tizen.Applications.DataControl { /// /// Represents the Provider class for the DataControl provider application. /// /// 3 public abstract class Provider : IDisposable { private const string LogTag = "Tizen.Applications.DataControl"; private static IDictionary _providerDict = new Dictionary(); private static Interop.DataControl.SqlRequestCallbacks _sqlRequestCallbacks; private static Interop.DataControl.MapRequestCallbacks _mapRequestCallbacks; private static Interop.DataControl.DataChangeConsumerFilterCb _filterCallback; private static int _filterCallbackID; private static bool _filterRegistered; private static Interop.DataControl.SqlBulkInsertRequestCallback _sqlBulkCallback; private static Interop.DataControl.MapBulkAddRequestCallback _mapBulkCallback; private static Mutex _lock = new Mutex(); private bool _disposed = false; private bool _isRunning = false; private string _currentClientAppId; private string _currentProviderId; /// /// Gets the data ID. /// /// 3 public string DataID { get; private set; } /// /// Gets the current client appid. /// /// 6 public string CurrentClientAppId { get { return _currentClientAppId; } internal set { _currentClientAppId = value; } } /// /// Gets the current provider ID. /// /// 6 public string CurrentProviderId { get { return _currentProviderId; } internal set { _currentProviderId = value; } } private static bool DataChangeListenFilter(IntPtr handlePtr, string consumerAppid, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; DataChangeListenResult result; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist "); return false; } result = provider.OnDataChangeListenRequest(consumerAppid); if (result == null || result.Result != ResultType.Success) { return false; } else { return true; } } private enum OperationType : short { Select, Update, Insert, Delete } private static string CreateSelectQuery(IntPtr handlePtr, string[] columnList, int columnCount, string where, string order, int pageNum, int countPerPage) { Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle handle = new Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle(handlePtr, false); string query = "SELECT"; string dataId; if (columnList == null) { query += " * "; } else { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (i != 0) { query += ","; } query += " " + columnList[i]; } } Interop.DataControl.DataControlGetDataId(handle, out dataId); query += " FROM " + dataId; if (where != null) { query += " WHERE " + where; } if (order != null) { query += " ORDER BY " + order; } if (pageNum != 0) { query += " LIMIT " + countPerPage + " OFFSET " + (countPerPage * (pageNum - 1)); } handle.Dispose(); return query; } internal static ResultType UpdateCurrentClient(Provider provider, int requestId) { string clientAppId; ResultType ret = Interop.DataControl.GetClientAppId(requestId, out clientAppId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Get client id fail " + ret.ToString()); return ResultType.IoError; } provider.CurrentClientAppId = clientAppId; return ResultType.Success; } private static void InsertRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, IntPtr insertData, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; InsertResult result; SafeBundleHandle sbh = new SafeBundleHandle(insertData, false); string query = GetQuery(handlePtr, sbh, null, OperationType.Update); ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist "); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnInsert(query, new Bundle(sbh)); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendInsertResult(requestId, result.RowID); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendInsertResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"InsertResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void BulkInsertRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, IntPtr bulk_data, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; BulkInsertResult result; BulkData bulkData = new BulkData(new Interop.DataControl.SafeBulkDataHandle(bulk_data, false)); Interop.DataControl.SafeBulkDataHandle sbdh = bulkData.SafeBulkDataHandle; IntPtr bundleHandel; ResultType ret; int count = bulkData.GetCount(); List queryList = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Interop.DataControl.BulkGetData(sbdh, i, out bundleHandel); queryList.Add(GetQuery(handlePtr, new SafeBundleHandle(bundleHandel, false), null, OperationType.Insert)); } provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist "); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnBulkInsert(queryList, bulkData); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendBulkInsertResult(requestId, result.BulkResultData.SafeBulkDataHandle); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendBulkInsertResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } if (result.BulkResultData != null) { result.BulkResultData.Dispose(); } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"BulkInsertResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void SendNativeProtocol(int socketFd, ICursor cursor, int requestId) { uint write_len; int DATACONTROL_RESULT_NO_DATA = -1; int COLUMN_TYPE_NULL = 5; int column_count, i, rowcount, size = 0, total_len_of_column_names = 0; byte[] type_array, length_array, string_array, int_tmp, value_array = null; string txt; ResultType result; MemoryStream ms; if (cursor.Reset() == false) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Reset is failed : " + requestId.ToString()); return; } if (cursor.GetRowCount() <= 0) { Log.Error(LogTag, "The DB does not have another row : " + requestId.ToString()); int_tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(DATACONTROL_RESULT_NO_DATA); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, int_tmp, int_tmp.Length, out write_len); return; } /* 1. column count */ column_count = cursor.GetColumnCount(); int_tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(column_count); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, int_tmp, int_tmp.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a column_count to a file descriptor is failed."); return; } Log.Info(LogTag, "Writing a column_count " + column_count.ToString()); /* 2.column type x column_count */ for (i = 0; i < column_count; i++) { type_array = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)cursor.GetColumnType(i)); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, type_array, type_array.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a type to a file descriptor is failed."); return; } Log.Info(LogTag, "Writing a column_type " + cursor.GetColumnType(i).ToString()); } /* 3. column name x column_count */ for (i = 0; i < column_count; i++) { Log.Info(LogTag, "Writing a name " + cursor.GetColumnName(i)); total_len_of_column_names += cursor.GetColumnName(i).Length; string_array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cursor.GetColumnName(i)); value_array = new byte[string_array.Length + 1];/*insert null */ string_array.CopyTo(value_array, 0); length_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(value_array.Length); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, length_array, length_array.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a type to a file descriptor is failed."); return; } result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, value_array, value_array.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a type to a file descriptor is failed."); return; } } /* 4. total length of column names */ length_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(total_len_of_column_names); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, length_array, length_array.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a total_len_of_column_names to a file descriptor is failed"); return; } Log.Info(LogTag, "Writing total length of column namese " + total_len_of_column_names.ToString()); /* 5. row count */ length_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(cursor.GetRowCount()); Log.Error(LogTag, "=========================== select rowcount " + cursor.GetRowCount().ToString()); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, length_array, length_array.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a row count to a file descriptor is failed"); return; } Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a row count " + cursor.GetRowCount().ToString()); rowcount = 0; do { ms = new MemoryStream(); for (i = 0; i < column_count; i++) { type_array = BitConverter.GetBytes((int)cursor.GetColumnType(i)); switch (cursor.GetColumnType(i)) { case ColumnType.ColumnTypeInt: value_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(cursor.GetInt64Value(i)); size = value_array.Length; break; case ColumnType.ColumnTypeDouble: value_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(cursor.GetDoubleValue(i)); size = value_array.Length; break; case ColumnType.ColumnTypeString: txt = cursor.GetStringValue(i); if (txt == null) { type_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(COLUMN_TYPE_NULL); size = 0; break; } string_array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(txt); value_array = new byte[string_array.Length + 1];/*insert null */ string_array.CopyTo(value_array, 0); size = value_array.Length; break; case ColumnType.ColumnTypeBlob: int_tmp = cursor.GetBlobValue(i); if (int_tmp == null) { type_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(COLUMN_TYPE_NULL); size = 0; break; } value_array = int_tmp; size = value_array.Length; break; } ms.Write(type_array, 0, type_array.Length); length_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(size); ms.Write(length_array, 0, length_array.Length); if (size > 0) { ms.Write(value_array, 0, value_array.Length); } } value_array = ms.ToArray(); result = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, value_array, value_array.Length, out write_len); if (result != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a row to a file descriptor is failed"); ms.Dispose(); return; } ms.Dispose(); Log.Info(LogTag, "row_count ~~~~ ", rowcount.ToString()); } while (cursor.Next()); } private static void SelectRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, IntPtr columnList, int columnCount, string where, string order, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; SelectResult result; int pageNum = 0; int countPerPage = 0; int MAX_WRITE_SIZE = 1024; /* 1kbyte */ string query = null; int socketFd, write_size, i; uint write_len; ResultType ret; string[] _columnList = new string[columnCount]; byte[] buffer; unsafe { byte** _sbyte_columnList = (byte**)columnList; for (i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { _columnList[i] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)_sbyte_columnList[i]); } } Interop.DataControl.GetSelectPageInfo(requestId, out pageNum, out countPerPage); query = CreateSelectQuery(handlePtr, _columnList, _columnList.Length, where, order, pageNum, countPerPage); provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist "); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnSelect(query, where, _columnList, _columnList.Length, order, pageNum, countPerPage); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { Interop.DataControl.SendSelectResult(requestId, out socketFd); MatrixCursor mc = result.ResultCursor as MatrixCursor; if (mc == null) { SendNativeProtocol(socketFd, result.ResultCursor, requestId); } else { FileStream fs = mc.GetFileStream(); fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); buffer = new byte[MAX_WRITE_SIZE]; do { write_size = fs.Read(buffer, 0, MAX_WRITE_SIZE); if (write_size > 0) { ret = (ResultType)Interop.DataControl.UnsafeCode.WriteResult(socketFd, buffer, write_size, out write_len); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Writing a row to a file descriptor is failed"); mc.Dispose(); return; } } } while (write_size > 0); mc.Dispose(); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"SelectResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void UpdateRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, IntPtr updateData, string where, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; UpdateResult result; SafeBundleHandle sbh = new SafeBundleHandle(updateData, false); string query = GetQuery(handlePtr, sbh, where, OperationType.Update); ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist "); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnUpdate(query, where, new Bundle(sbh)); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendUpdateResult(requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendUpdateResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"UpdateResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void DeleteRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, string where, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; DeleteResult result; string query = GetQuery(handlePtr, null, where, OperationType.Delete); ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist "); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnDelete(query, where); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendDeleteResult(requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendDeleteResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"DeleteResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void MapAddRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, string key, string value, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; MapAddResult result; ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist"); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnMapAdd(key, value); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendMapResult(requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendMapResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"MapAddResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void MapSetRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, string key, string oldValue, string newValue, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; MapSetResult result; ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist"); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnMapSet(key, oldValue, newValue); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendMapResult(requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendMapResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"MapSetResult is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void MapRemoveRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, string key, string value, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; MapRemoveResult result; ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist"); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnMapRemove(key, value); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendMapResult(requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendMapResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"MapRemoveRequest is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void MapGetRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, string key, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; MapGetResult result; ResultType ret; provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist"); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnMapGet(key); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { int valueCount = 0; if (result.ValueList != null) valueCount = result.ValueList.Length; ret = Interop.DataControl.SendMapGetResult(requestId, result.ValueList, valueCount); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendMapGetResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"MapRemoveRequest is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static void MapBulkAddRequest(int requestId, IntPtr handlePtr, IntPtr bulkDataPtr, IntPtr userData) { Provider provider; MapBulkAddResult result; BulkData bulkData = new BulkData(new Interop.DataControl.SafeBulkDataHandle(bulkDataPtr, false)); Interop.DataControl.SafeBulkDataHandle sbdh = bulkData.SafeBulkDataHandle; IntPtr bundleHandel; int count = bulkData.GetCount(); List queryList = new List(); ResultType ret; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Interop.DataControl.BulkGetData(sbdh, i, out bundleHandel); queryList.Add(GetQuery(handlePtr, new SafeBundleHandle(bundleHandel, false), null, OperationType.Insert)); } provider = GetProvider(handlePtr); if (provider == null) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Provider not exist"); return; } ret = UpdateCurrentClient(provider, requestId); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { return; } result = provider.OnMapBulkAdd(bulkData); if (result != null) { if (result.Result) { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendMapBulkAddResult(requestId, result.BulkResultData.SafeBulkDataHandle); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendMapBulkAddResult fail " + ret.ToString()); } } else { ret = Interop.DataControl.SendError(requestId, result.Result.ToString()); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "SendError fail " + ret.ToString()); } } if (result.BulkResultData != null) { result.BulkResultData.Dispose(); } } else { Log.Info(LogTag, $"MapBulkAddRequest is null : {requestId.ToString()}"); } } private static string GetQuery(IntPtr handlePtr, SafeBundleHandle data, string where, OperationType type) { Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle handle = new Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle(handlePtr, false); string query = null; switch (type) { case OperationType.Select: break; case OperationType.Update: query = Interop.DataControl.CreateUpdateStatement(handle, data, where); break; case OperationType.Delete: query = Interop.DataControl.CreateDeleteStatement(handle, where); break; case OperationType.Insert: query = Interop.DataControl.CreateInsertStatement(handle, data); break; default: break; } handle.Dispose(); return query; } private static Provider GetProvider(IntPtr handlePtr) { Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle handle = new Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle(handlePtr, false); Provider provider = null; string dataID; string providerID; Interop.DataControl.DataControlGetProviderId(handle, out providerID); Interop.DataControl.DataControlGetDataId(handle, out dataID); if (dataID != null && _providerDict.ContainsKey(dataID)) { provider = _providerDict[dataID]; provider.CurrentProviderId = providerID; Log.Info(LogTag, "DataID :" + dataID + ", hash code : " + provider.GetHashCode().ToString()); } handle.Dispose(); return provider; } /// /// Sends a data change notification to consumer applications which have successfully added a data change listen. /// /// The changed data type. /// Customized information about the changed data. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parameter. /// Thrown in case a permission is denied. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// 3 public void SendDataChange(ChangeType type, Bundle changedData) { ResultType ret; if (changedData == null || changedData.SafeBundleHandle.IsInvalid) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "changedData"); } ret = Interop.DataControl.SendDataChange(this.DataID, type, changedData.SafeBundleHandle); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false); } } /// /// Initializes the Provider class with the dataID. /// /// The DataControl Data ID. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parameter. /// 3 public Provider(string dataID) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataID)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "dataID"); } DataID = dataID; } /// /// Starts the Provider service. /// /// Only one Provider service can be run for each process. /// Thrown in case a permission is denied. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// 3 public void Run() { ResultType ret; _lock.WaitOne(); if (_providerDict.ContainsKey(DataID)) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); ErrorFactory.ThrowException((ResultType)1, true, "The provider is already running"); return; } if (_providerDict.Count == 0) { Log.Debug(LogTag, "Provider create"); _sqlRequestCallbacks.Insert = new Interop.DataControl.SqlInsertRequestCallback(InsertRequest); _sqlRequestCallbacks.Select = new Interop.DataControl.SqlSelectRequestCallback(SelectRequest); _sqlRequestCallbacks.Update = new Interop.DataControl.SqlUpdateRequestCallback(UpdateRequest); _sqlRequestCallbacks.Delete = new Interop.DataControl.SqlDeleteRequestCallback(DeleteRequest); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterSqlRequest(ref _sqlRequestCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false); } _sqlBulkCallback = new Interop.DataControl.SqlBulkInsertRequestCallback(BulkInsertRequest); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterSqlBulkRequest(_sqlBulkCallback, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false); } _mapRequestCallbacks.Add = new Interop.DataControl.MapAddRequestCallback(MapAddRequest); _mapRequestCallbacks.Remove = new Interop.DataControl.MapRemoveRequestCallback(MapRemoveRequest); _mapRequestCallbacks.Set = new Interop.DataControl.MapSetRequestCallback(MapSetRequest); _mapRequestCallbacks.Get = new Interop.DataControl.MapGetRequestCallback(MapGetRequest); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterMapRequest(ref _mapRequestCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false); } _mapBulkCallback = new Interop.DataControl.MapBulkAddRequestCallback(MapBulkAddRequest); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterMapBulkRequest(_mapBulkCallback, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false); } if (_filterRegistered == false) { if (_filterCallback == null) _filterCallback = new Interop.DataControl.DataChangeConsumerFilterCb(DataChangeListenFilter); ret = Interop.DataControl.AddDataChangeConsumerFilterCallback( _filterCallback, IntPtr.Zero, out _filterCallbackID); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false); } } _filterRegistered = true; } _providerDict.Add(DataID, this); Log.Info(LogTag, "DataID :" + DataID + ", hash code : " + this.GetHashCode().ToString()); _isRunning = true; _lock.ReleaseMutex(); } /// /// Stops the Provider service. /// /// 3 public void Stop() { if (_isRunning == true) { Log.Info(LogTag, "DataID :" + DataID); _isRunning = false; _providerDict.Remove(DataID); } } /// /// Destructor of the Provider class. /// ~Provider() { Dispose(false); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the select request is received. /// /// The select query. /// The where statement. /// The requested column list. /// The requested column count. /// The select order. /// The page number. /// The count per page. /// The result of select operation. /// 3 protected abstract SelectResult OnSelect(string query, string where, string[] columList, int columnCount, string order, int pageNum, int countPerPage); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the insert request is received. /// /// The select query. /// The insert data. /// The result of insert operation. /// 3 protected abstract InsertResult OnInsert(string query, Bundle insertData); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the update request is received. /// /// The update query. /// The where statement. /// The update data. /// The result of update operation. /// 3 protected abstract UpdateResult OnUpdate(string query, string where, Bundle updateData); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the delete request is received. /// /// The delete query. /// The where statement. /// The result of delete operation. /// 3 protected abstract DeleteResult OnDelete(string query, string where); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the bulk insert request is received. /// /// The insert query list. /// The bulk insert data. /// The result of bulk insert operation. /// 3 protected virtual BulkInsertResult OnBulkInsert(IEnumerable query, BulkData bulkInsertData) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnBulkInsert is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the map get request is received. /// /// The key of requested data. /// The result of get operation. /// 3 protected virtual MapGetResult OnMapGet(string key) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapGet is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the map add request is received. /// /// The key of added data. /// The value of added data. /// The result of add operation. /// 3 protected virtual MapAddResult OnMapAdd(string key, string value) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapAdd is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the update request is received. /// /// The key of set data. /// The old value of set data. /// The new value. /// The result of set operation. /// 3 protected virtual MapSetResult OnMapSet(string key, string oldValue, string newValue) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapSet is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the delete request is received. /// /// The key of removed data. /// The value of removed data. /// The result of remove operation. /// 3 protected virtual MapRemoveResult OnMapRemove(string key, string value) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapRemove is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the bulk add request is received. /// /// The bulk add data. /// The result of bulk add operation. /// 3 protected virtual MapBulkAddResult OnMapBulkAdd(BulkData bulkAddData) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapBulkAdd is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the data change listen request is received. /// /// The app ID sent data change listen request. /// The result of data change listen operation. /// 3 protected virtual DataChangeListenResult OnDataChangeListenRequest(string requestAppID) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnDataChangeListenRequest is not implemented."); return null; } /// /// Releases unmanaged resources used by the Provider class specifying whether to perform a normal dispose operation. /// /// true for a normal dispose operation; false to finalize the handle. /// 3 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposed) { Stop(); _disposed = true; } } /// /// Releases all the resources used by the Provider class. /// /// 3 public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } }