/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Tizen.Applications.DataControl.Core; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Tizen.Applications.DataControl { /// /// Represents the Consumer class for the DataControl consumer application. /// /// 3 public abstract class Consumer : IDisposable { private Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle _handle; private string _dataID, _providerID; private int _changeCallbackID = 0; private const string LogTag = "Tizen.Applications.DataControl"; private bool _disposed = false; private static Mutex _lock = new Mutex(); private Interop.DataControl.DataChangeCallback _dataChangeCallback; private Interop.DataControl.AddCallbackResultCallback _addCallbackResultCallback; private static class CallbackManager { private static IDictionary _mapResponseCallbacks = new Dictionary(); private static IDictionary _mapBulkResponseCallback = new Dictionary(); private static IDictionary _sqlResponseCallbacks = new Dictionary(); private static IDictionary _sqlBulkResponseCallback = new Dictionary(); private static IDictionary _reqConsumerDictionary = new Dictionary(); private static IDictionary _reqProviderList = new Dictionary(); private static void InsertResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, long insertedRowId, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { Log.Debug(LogTag, $"InsertResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}, rowID : {insertedRowId.ToString()}"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnInsertResult(new InsertResult(insertedRowId, providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void BulkInsertResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, IntPtr bulkResults, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { BulkResultData brd; Log.Debug(LogTag, $"BulkInsertResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } if (bulkResults != IntPtr.Zero) { brd = new BulkResultData(new Interop.DataControl.SafeBulkResultDataHandle(bulkResults, false)); } else { brd = new BulkResultData(); Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, bulkResults is null"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnBulkInsertResult(new BulkInsertResult(brd, providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void SelectResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, IntPtr cursor, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { MatrixCursor dmc; Log.Debug(LogTag, $"SelectResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } if (cursor != IntPtr.Zero) { try { dmc = CloneCursor(new CloneCursorCore(new Interop.DataControl.SafeCursorHandle(cursor, true))); } catch (Exception ex) { dmc = new MatrixCursor(); Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, {ex.ToString()}"); } } else { dmc = new MatrixCursor(); Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, cursor is null"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnSelectResult(new SelectResult(dmc, providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void UpdateResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnUpdateResult(new UpdateResult(providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void DeleteResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnDeleteResult(new DeleteResult(providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } static void IntPtrToStringArray(IntPtr unmanagedArray, int size, out string[] managedArray) { managedArray = new string[size]; IntPtr[] IntPtrArray = new IntPtr[size]; Marshal.Copy(unmanagedArray, IntPtrArray, 0, size); for (int iterator = 0; iterator < size; iterator++) { managedArray[iterator] = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(IntPtrArray[iterator]); } } private static void MapGetResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, IntPtr valueList, int valueCount, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { MapGetResult mgr; Log.Debug(LogTag, $"MapGetResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } if (valueList !=null) { string[] stringArray; IntPtrToStringArray(valueList, valueCount, out stringArray); mgr = new MapGetResult(stringArray, providerResult); } else { mgr = new MapGetResult(new string[0], providerResult); Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, valueList is null"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnMapGetResult(mgr); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void MapBulkAddResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, IntPtr bulkResults, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { BulkResultData brd; Log.Debug(LogTag, $"MapBulkAddResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } if (bulkResults != IntPtr.Zero) { brd = new BulkResultData(new Interop.DataControl.SafeBulkResultDataHandle(bulkResults, false)); } else { brd = new BulkResultData(); Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, bulkResults is null"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnMapBulkAddResult(new MapBulkAddResult(brd, providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void MapAddResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { Log.Debug(LogTag, $"MapAddResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnMapAddResult(new MapAddResult(providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void MapSetResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { Log.Debug(LogTag, $"MapSetResponse {reqId.ToString()}"); if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnMapSetResult(new MapSetResult(providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static void MapRemoveResponse(int reqId, IntPtr provider, bool providerResult, string error, IntPtr userData) { if (!_reqConsumerDictionary.ContainsKey(reqId)) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"Invalid reqId {reqId.ToString()}"); return; } if (!providerResult) { Log.Error(LogTag, $"reqId {reqId.ToString()}, error : {error}"); } Consumer consumer = _reqConsumerDictionary[reqId]; consumer.OnMapRemoveResult(new MapRemoveResult(providerResult)); _reqConsumerDictionary.Remove(reqId); } private static MatrixCursor CloneCursor(CloneCursorCore coreCursor) { int size = coreCursor.GetColumnCount(); int i; string[] name = new string[size]; object[] newRow = new object[size]; ColumnType[] type = new ColumnType[size]; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { name[i] = coreCursor.GetColumnName(i); type[i] = coreCursor.GetColumnType(i); } MatrixCursor dmc = new MatrixCursor(name, type); if (coreCursor.GetRowCount() <= 0) { return dmc; } coreCursor.Reset(); do { for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { switch (type[i]) { case ColumnType.ColumnTypeInt: newRow[i] = coreCursor.GetInt64Value(i); break; case ColumnType.ColumnTypeDouble: newRow[i] = coreCursor.GetDoubleValue(i); break; case ColumnType.ColumnTypeBlob: newRow[i] = coreCursor.GetBlobValue(i); break; case ColumnType.ColumnTypeString: newRow[i] = coreCursor.GetStringValue(i); break; } } dmc.AddRow(newRow); } while (coreCursor.Next()); return dmc; } internal static void RegisterReqId(int reqId, Consumer consumer) { _lock.WaitOne(); _reqConsumerDictionary.Add(reqId, consumer); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); } internal static void RegisterCallback(Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle handle, string providerId) { ResultType ret; Interop.DataControl.SqlResponseCallbacks sqlCallbacks; Interop.DataControl.SqlBulkInsertResponseCallback sqlBulkCallbacks; Interop.DataControl.MapResponseCallbacks mapCallbacks; Interop.DataControl.MapBulkAddResponseCallback mapBulkCallbacks; bool sqlRegistered = false; bool mapRegistered = false; if (_reqProviderList.ContainsKey(providerId)) { _reqProviderList[providerId]++; Log.Error(LogTag, "The data control is already set"); return; } sqlCallbacks.Insert = new Interop.DataControl.SqlInsertResponseCallback(InsertResponse); sqlCallbacks.Select = new Interop.DataControl.SqlSelectResponseCallback(SelectResponse); sqlCallbacks.Update = new Interop.DataControl.SqlUpdateResponseCallback(UpdateResponse); sqlCallbacks.Delete = new Interop.DataControl.SqlDeleteResponseCallback(DeleteResponse); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterSqlResponseCallback(handle, ref sqlCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Registering the sql callback function is failed : " + ret); } else { _sqlResponseCallbacks.Add(providerId, sqlCallbacks); sqlRegistered = true; } sqlBulkCallbacks = new Interop.DataControl.SqlBulkInsertResponseCallback(BulkInsertResponse); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterSqlBulkResponseCallback(handle, sqlBulkCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Registering the sql bulk callback function is failed : " + ret); } else { _sqlBulkResponseCallback.Add(providerId, sqlBulkCallbacks); } mapCallbacks.Add = new Interop.DataControl.MapAddResponseCallback(MapAddResponse); mapCallbacks.Set = new Interop.DataControl.MapSetResponseCallback(MapSetResponse); mapCallbacks.Get = new Interop.DataControl.MapGetResponseCallback(MapGetResponse); mapCallbacks.Remove = new Interop.DataControl.MapRemoveResponseCallback(MapRemoveResponse); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterMapResponse(handle, ref mapCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Registering the map callback function is failed : " + ret); } else { _mapResponseCallbacks.Add(providerId, mapCallbacks); mapRegistered = true; } mapBulkCallbacks = new Interop.DataControl.MapBulkAddResponseCallback(MapBulkAddResponse); ret = Interop.DataControl.RegisterMapBulkResponseCallback(handle, mapBulkCallbacks, IntPtr.Zero); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { Log.Error(LogTag, "Registering the map bulk callback function is failed : " + ret); } else { _mapBulkResponseCallback.Add(providerId, mapBulkCallbacks); } if (!mapRegistered && !sqlRegistered) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, true, "Registering the response callback function is failed"); } _reqProviderList.Add(providerId, 1); } internal static void UnregisterCallback(Interop.DataControl.SafeDataControlHandle handle, string providerId) { int count; _reqProviderList[providerId]--; count = _reqProviderList[providerId]; if (count <= 0) { _reqProviderList.Remove(providerId); _mapResponseCallbacks.Remove(providerId); Interop.DataControl.UnregisterMapResponse(handle); _mapBulkResponseCallback.Remove(providerId); Interop.DataControl.UnregisterMapBulkResponseCallback(handle); _sqlResponseCallbacks.Remove(providerId); Interop.DataControl.UnregisterSqlResponseCallback(handle); _sqlBulkResponseCallback.Remove(providerId); Interop.DataControl.UnregisterSqlBulkResponseCallback(handle); } } } /// /// Sends the insert request to the provider application. /// /// The OnInsertResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The insert data. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown when the message has exceeded the maximum limit (1MB). /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void Insert(Bundle insertData) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (insertData == null || insertData.SafeBundleHandle.IsInvalid) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "insertData"); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.Insert(_handle, insertData.SafeBundleHandle, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "Insert"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the select request to the provider application. /// /// The OnSelectResult will recieve the result of this API. /// Select the target column list. /// The Where statement for the select query. /// The Order statement for the select query. /// Select the target page number. /// Select the row count per page. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied.. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void Select(string[] columnList, string where, string order, int pageNumber = 1, int countPerPage = 20) { int reqId, i; ResultType ret; if (columnList == null || columnList.Length == 0) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "column_list"); } for (i = 0; i < columnList.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnList[i])) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "column_list index " + i.ToString()); } } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.Select(_handle, columnList, columnList.Length, where, order, pageNumber, countPerPage, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "Select"); } Log.Info(LogTag, "select end. " + reqId.ToString()); CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the delete request to the provider application. /// /// The OnDeleteResult will recieve the result of this API /// The Where statement for the delete query. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void Delete(string where) { int reqId; ResultType ret; _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.Delete(_handle, where, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "Delete"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the update request to the provider application. /// /// The OnUpdateResult will recieve result of this API. /// The update data. /// The Where statement for the query. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown when the message has exceeded the maximum limit (1MB). /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void Update(Bundle updateData, string where) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (updateData == null || updateData.SafeBundleHandle.IsInvalid) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "insertData"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "where"); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.Update(_handle, updateData.SafeBundleHandle, where, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "Update"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the bulk insert request to the provider application. /// /// The OnBulkInsertResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The bulk insert data. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case oif a permission is denied. /// Thrown when the message has exceeded the maximum limit (1MB). /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void BulkInsert(BulkData insertData) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (insertData == null || insertData.SafeBulkDataHandle.IsInvalid) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "insertData"); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.BulkInsert(_handle, insertData.SafeBulkDataHandle, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "BulkInsert"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the map add request to the provider application. /// /// The OnMapAddResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The key of the value to add. /// The value to add. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case of if a permission is denied. /// Thrown when the message has exceeded the maximum limit (1MB). /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void MapAdd(string key, string value) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.MapAdd(_handle, key, value, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "MapAdd"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the map get request to the provider application. /// /// The OnMapGetResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The key of the value list to obtain. /// The page number of the value set. /// The desired maximum count of the data items per page. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void MapGet(string key, int pageNumber = 1, int countPerPage = 20) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || pageNumber <= 0 || countPerPage <= 0) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.MapGet(_handle, key, out reqId, pageNumber, countPerPage); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "MapGet"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the map remove request to the provider application. /// /// The OnMapRemoveResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The key of the value to remove. /// The value to remove. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void MapRemove(string key, string value) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.MapRemove(_handle, key, value, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "MapRemove"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the map set request to the provider application. /// /// The OnMapSetResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The key of the value to replace. /// The value to be replaced. /// The new value that replaces the existing value. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown when message has exceeded the maximum limit (1MB). /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void MapSet(string key, string oldValue, string newValue) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(newValue)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.MapSet(_handle, key, oldValue, newValue, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "MapSet"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } /// /// Sends the map bulk add request to the provider application. /// /// The OnMapBulkAddResult will recieve the result of this API. /// The map bulk add data. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown when the message has exceeded the maximum limit (1MB). /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void MapBulkAdd(BulkData addData) { int reqId; ResultType ret; if (addData == null || addData.SafeBulkDataHandle.IsInvalid) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "addData"); } _lock.WaitOne(); ret = Interop.DataControl.BulkAdd(_handle, addData.SafeBulkDataHandle, out reqId); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "BulkAdd"); } CallbackManager.RegisterReqId(reqId, this); } private void DataChange(IntPtr handle, ChangeType type, IntPtr data, IntPtr userData) { OnDataChange(type, new Bundle(new SafeBundleHandle(data, false))); } private void DataChangeListenResult(IntPtr handle, ResultType type, int callbackId, IntPtr userData) { OnDataChangeListenResult(new DataChangeListenResult(type)); } /// /// Listens the DataChange event. /// /// The OnDataChangeListenResult will recieve the result of this API. /// If success, the OnDataChange will recieve the DataChange event. /// Thrown in case if a permission is denied. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// http://tizen.org/privilege/datasharing /// http://tizen.org/privilege/appmanager.launch /// 3 public void DataChangeListen() { ResultType ret; _lock.WaitOne(); /* Only one callback is allowed for every obejct */ if (_changeCallbackID > 0) { _lock.ReleaseMutex(); return; } _dataChangeCallback = new Interop.DataControl.DataChangeCallback(DataChange); _addCallbackResultCallback = new Interop.DataControl.AddCallbackResultCallback(DataChangeListenResult); ret = Interop.DataControl.AddDataChangeCallback(_handle, _dataChangeCallback, IntPtr.Zero, _addCallbackResultCallback , IntPtr.Zero, out _changeCallbackID); _lock.ReleaseMutex(); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "DataChangeListen"); } } /// /// Initializes the Consumer class with the providerId and the ataId. /// /// The DataControl Provider ID. /// The DataControl Data ID. /// Thrown in case of an invalid parmaeter. /// Thrown in case of any internal error. /// 3 public Consumer(string providerId, string dataId) { ResultType ret; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerId)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "providerId"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataId)) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ResultType.InvalidParameter, false, "dataId"); } ret = Interop.DataControl.DataControlCreate(out _handle); if (ret != ResultType.Success) { ErrorFactory.ThrowException(ret, false, "Creating data control handle is failed"); } Interop.DataControl.DataControlSetProviderId(_handle, providerId); Interop.DataControl.DataControlSetDataId(_handle, dataId); CallbackManager.RegisterCallback(_handle, providerId); _dataID = dataId; _providerID = providerId; } /// /// Destructor of the Consumer class. /// ~Consumer() { Dispose(false); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the DataChangeListen result is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnDataChangeListenResult(DataChangeListenResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnDataChangeListenResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the data change event is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnDataChange(ChangeType type, Bundle data) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnDataChange is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the select response is received. /// /// 3 protected abstract void OnSelectResult(SelectResult result); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the insert response is received. /// /// 3 protected abstract void OnInsertResult(InsertResult result); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the update response is received. /// /// 3 protected abstract void OnUpdateResult(UpdateResult result); /// /// Overrides this method if want to handle the behavior when the delete response is received. /// /// 3 protected abstract void OnDeleteResult(DeleteResult result); /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the BulkInsert response is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnBulkInsertResult(BulkInsertResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnBulkInsertResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the map get response is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnMapGetResult(MapGetResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapGetResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the map add response is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnMapAddResult(MapAddResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapAddResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the map set response is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnMapSetResult(MapSetResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapSetResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the map remove response is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnMapRemoveResult(MapRemoveResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapRemoveResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Overrides this method if you want to handle the behavior when the BulkAdd response is received. /// /// 3 protected virtual void OnMapBulkAddResult(MapBulkAddResult result) { Log.Info(LogTag, "The OnMapBulkAddResult is not implemented."); } /// /// Releases the unmanaged resources used by the Consumer class specifying whether to perform a normal dispose operation. /// /// true for a normal dispose operation; false to finalize the handle. /// 3 protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!_disposed) { if (_changeCallbackID > 0) { Interop.DataControl.RemoveDataChangeCallback(_handle, _changeCallbackID); } CallbackManager.UnregisterCallback(_handle, _providerID); _handle.Dispose(); _disposed = true; } if (disposing) { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } /// /// Releases all resources used by the Consumer class. /// /// 3 public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } } }