using ElmSharp; using System; namespace Tizen.Applications.AttachPanel { /// /// Represents the immutable class for the attach panel. /// public partial class AttachPanel { /// /// Represents the immutable class for the attach panel. /// /// 4 /// The caller's conformant. /// /// Thrown when the parameter is null /// Thrown when an attempt to allocate the memory fails. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel already exists or the is not a conformant object. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. public AttachPanel(EvasObject conformant) { if (conformant == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Invalid conformant, it's null"); } if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized()) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.AlreadyExists); } var candidateAttachPanel = IntPtr.Zero; var err = Interop.AttachPanel.CreateAttachPanel(conformant, out candidateAttachPanel); CheckException(err); Tizen.Log.Debug("AttachPanelSharp", "Success to create an AttachPanel Instance"); s_attachPanel = candidateAttachPanel; if (s_eventEventHandler == null) { StateEventListenStart(); } if (s_resultEventHandler == null) { ResultEventListenStart(); } } /// /// Represents the immutable class for the attach panel. /// /// 4 /// The caller's conformant. /// /// Thrown when an attempt to allocate the memory fails. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel already exists or the is not a conformant object. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// Thrown when the parameter is null public AttachPanel(Conformant conformant) : this(conformant as EvasObject) { } /// /// A destructor which deallocates the attach panel resources. /// ~AttachPanel() { if (IsInitialized()) { Interop.AttachPanel.DestroyAttachPanel(s_attachPanel); s_attachPanel = IntPtr.Zero; } } /// /// Gets the state of the AttachPanel. /// /// The AttachPanel window state. /// 4 /// /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not created yet or is already destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// Thrown when the parameter is invalid public StateType State { get { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.GetState(s_attachPanel, out int interopState); CheckException(err); return (StateType)Enum.ToObject(typeof(StateType), interopState); } } /// /// Gets the value that indicates whether the AttachPanel is visible. /// /// Visible value of the AttachPanel state. /// 4 /// /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not created yet or is already destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. public bool Visible { get { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.GetVisibility(s_attachPanel, out int visible); CheckException(err); return visible == 1; } } /// /// Adds a content category in the AttachPanel. /// /// The ContentCategory to be added in the AttachPanel. /// The AttachPanel sends some information using the Bundle. /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// The caller application has to check the return value of this function. /// Content categories will be shown as the sequence of using AddCategory. /// Some contents need time to load it all. /// So, it is needed to use this before the main-loop of the Show. /// Privileges, ///, for using Image or Camera. ///, for using Camera or TakePicture. ///, for using Voice. ///, for adding content categories on the More tab. ///, for using Camera or TakePicture. ///, for using Voice. ///, for using attach panel /// Deliver more information to the callee with a bundle if you need. /// /// /// /// Thrown when the is not a valid category. /// Thrown when the application does not have the privilege to access this method. /// Thrown when the device does not support the feature. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not created yet or is already destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void AddCategory(ContentCategory category, Bundle extraData) { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var bundle = IntPtr.Zero; if (extraData != null) { bundle = extraData.SafeBundleHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.AddCategory(s_attachPanel, (int)category, bundle); CheckException(err); } /// /// Removes the ContentCategory from the AttachPanel. /// /// The ContentCategory to be added in the AttachPanel. /// /// Thrown when the is not a valid category. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not created yet or is already destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void RemoveCategory(ContentCategory category) { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.RemoveCategory(s_attachPanel, (int)category); CheckException(err); } /// /// Sets the extraData to be sent to the ContentCategory using a Bundle. /// /// The ContentCategory that some information is to be set, in the AttachPanel. /// The AttachPanel sends some information using a Bundle. /// /// Thrown when the is not a valid category. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is destroyed. /// Thrown when an attempt to allocate the memory fails. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void SetExtraData(ContentCategory category, Bundle extraData) { if (extraData == null) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.InvalidParameter); } if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var bundle = IntPtr.Zero; if (extraData != null) { bundle = extraData.SafeBundleHandle.DangerousGetHandle(); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.SetExtraData(s_attachPanel, (int)category, bundle); CheckException(err); } /// /// Shows the attach panel with the animations. /// /// /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void Show() { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.Show(s_attachPanel); CheckException(err); } /// /// Shows the attach panel and selects whether or not to animate. /// /// A flag which turns on or turns off the animation while the attach panel is showing. /// /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void Show(bool animation) { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } if (animation) { var err = Interop.AttachPanel.Show(s_attachPanel); CheckException(err); } else { var err = Interop.AttachPanel.ShowWithoutAnimation(s_attachPanel); CheckException(err); } } /// /// Hides the attach panel with the animations. /// /// /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void Hide() { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } var err = Interop.AttachPanel.Hide(s_attachPanel); CheckException(err); } /// /// Hides the attach panel and selects whether or not to animate. /// /// A flag which turns on or turns off the animation while the attach panel is hiding. /// /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is destroyed. /// Thrown when the AttachPanel is not supported in the device. /// 4 public void Hide(bool animation) { if (IsAttachPanelSupported() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotSupported); } if (IsInitialized() == false) { CheckException(Interop.AttachPanel.ErrorCode.NotInitialized); } if (animation) { var err = Interop.AttachPanel.Hide(s_attachPanel); CheckException(err); } else { var err = Interop.AttachPanel.HideWithoutAnimation(s_attachPanel); CheckException(err); } } /// /// Occurs when the reserved events are published from the panel-side. /// /// 4 public event EventHandler EventChanged { add { if (s_eventEventHandler == null) { StateEventListenStart(); } s_eventEventHandler += value; } remove { s_eventEventHandler -= value; if (s_eventEventHandler == null) { StateEventListenStop(); } } } /// /// Occurs when a user selects and confirms something to attach in the AttachPanel. /// /// 4 public event EventHandler ResultCallback { add { if (s_resultEventHandler == null) { ResultEventListenStart(); } s_resultEventHandler += value; } remove { s_resultEventHandler -= value; if (s_resultEventHandler == null) { ResultEventListenStop(); } } } } }