/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; internal static partial class Interop { internal static partial class Elementary { internal enum Elm_Calendar_Mark_Repeat_Type { ELM_CALENDAR_UNIQUE = 0, /* Default value. Marks will be displayed only on event day. */ ELM_CALENDAR_DAILY, /* Marks will be displayed every day after event day (inclusive). */ ELM_CALENDAR_WEEKLY, /* Marks will be displayed every week after event day (inclusive) */ ELM_CALENDAR_MONTHLY, /* Marks will be displayed every month day that coincides to event day. */ ELM_CALENDAR_ANNUALLY, /* Marks will be displayed every year that coincides to event day (and month). */ LM_CALENDAR_LAST_DAY_OF_MONTH /* Marks will be displayed every last day of month after event day (inclusive). */ }; internal enum Elm_Calendar_Select_Mode { ELM_CALENDAR_SELECT_MODE_DEFAULT = 0, /* Default value. a day is always selected. */ ELM_CALENDAR_SELECT_MODE_ALWAYS, /* a day is always selected. */ ELM_CALENDAR_SELECT_MODE_NONE, /* None of the days can be selected. */ ELM_CALENDAR_SELECT_MODE_ONDEMAND /* User may have selected a day or not. */ } [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern IntPtr elm_calendar_add(IntPtr parent); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern IntPtr elm_calendar_weekdays_names_get(IntPtr obj); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_weekdays_names_set(IntPtr obj, string[] weekdays); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_min_max_year_set(IntPtr obj, int min, int max); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_min_max_year_get(IntPtr obj, out int min, out int max); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_selected_time_set(IntPtr obj, ref Libc.SystemTime selectedtime); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_selected_time_get(IntPtr obj, ref Libc.SystemTime selectedtime); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_first_day_of_week_set(IntPtr obj, int day); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern int elm_calendar_first_day_of_week_get(IntPtr obj); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_selectable_set(IntPtr obj, int SelectedField); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern int elm_calendar_selectable_get(IntPtr obj); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern bool elm_calendar_displayed_time_get(IntPtr obj, out Libc.SystemTime displayedtime); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_interval_set(IntPtr obj, double interval); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern double elm_calendar_interval_get(IntPtr obj); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_select_mode_set(IntPtr obj, Elm_Calendar_Select_Mode mode); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern int elm_calendar_select_mode_get(IntPtr obj); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern IntPtr elm_calendar_mark_add(IntPtr obj, string type, ref Libc.SystemTime date, Elm_Calendar_Mark_Repeat_Type repeatType); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_mark_del(IntPtr markItem); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_marks_draw(IntPtr obj); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_marks_clear(IntPtr obj); [UnmanagedFunctionPointer(CallingConvention.Cdecl)] internal delegate string Elm_Calendar_Format_Cb(ref Libc.SystemTime date); [DllImport(Libraries.Elementary)] internal static extern void elm_calendar_format_function_set(IntPtr obj, Elm_Calendar_Format_Cb format_function); } }