# Setup settings for GRPC Python [coverage:run] plugins = Cython.Coverage [build] build_base=python_build [build_ext] inplace=1 [build_package_protos] exclude=.*protoc_plugin/protoc_plugin_test\.proto$ # Style settings [yapf] based_on_style = google [metadata] license_files = LICENSE # NOTE(lidiz) Adding examples one by one due to pytype aggressive errer: # ninja: error: build.ninja:178: multiple rules generate helloworld_pb2.pyi [-w dupbuild=err] [pytype] inputs = src/python/grpcio/grpc/experimental src/python/grpcio_tests/tests_aio examples/python/auth examples/python/helloworld # NOTE(lidiz) # import-error: C extension triggers import-error. # module-attr: pytype cannot understand the namespace packages by Google. # attribute-error: Data classes in grpc module doesn't specify attributes. disable = "import-error,module-attr,attribute-error"