[core] modules=ico_plugin_loader.so [shell] num-workspaces=1 shell-exe= [input-method] path=/bin/weekeyboard [output] name=HDMI1 transform=90 [output] name=HDMI3 transform=90 [output] name=VGA1 mode=off [ivi-plugin] modules=ico_ivi_shell.so,ico_window_mgr.so,ico_window_animation.so,ico_input_mgr.so [ivi-display] # logical display number list displayno=1,0 # default input panel display inputpanel=0 [ivi-layer] # background layer id background=0 # default(panel) layer id default=1 # touch panel layer id touch=101 # cursor layer id cursor=102 # layer id at the time of the system startup startup=103 # input panel layer decoration (magnification rate(%);difference from the bottom) inputpaneldeco=120;132 [ivi-animation] # default animation name;time;rate(frame/sec) default=fade;500;30 # input panel surface animation(name;time) inputpanel=fade;200 [ivi-option] # option flags # bit.0 1=show surface at screen create if HomeScreen exist/0=not show surface at create # bit.1 1=1=show if display not exist/0=not show if display not exist # bit.2 1=show input panel automatically/0=not show automaticaly # bit.8 1=surface fixed aspect rate/0=not fixed aspect rate flag=0x0004 # debug log output level # 0=no debug log write(1=err/2=warn/3=info/4=trace/5=debug) log=4