#!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys import itertools import perfect_hash pattern = re.compile(r"^#define\s+XKB_KEY_(?P\w+)\s+(?P0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)\s") matches = [pattern.match(line) for line in open(sys.argv[1])] entries = [(m.group("name"), int(m.group("value"), 16)) for m in matches if m] entries_isorted = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e[0].lower()) entries_kssorted = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e[1]) print( """ /** * This file comes from libxkbcommon and was generated by makekeys.py * You can always fetch the latest version from: * https://raw.github.com/xkbcommon/libxkbcommon/master/src/ks_tables.h */ """ ) entry_offsets = {} print( """ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverlength-strings" #endif static const char *keysym_names = """.strip() ) offs = 0 for name, _ in entries_isorted: entry_offsets[name] = offs print(' "{name}\\0"'.format(name=name)) offs += len(name) + 1 print( """ ; #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif """.strip() ) template = r""" static const uint16_t keysym_name_G[] = { $G }; static size_t keysym_name_hash_f(const char *key, const char *T) { size_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; key[i] != '\0'; i++) sum += T[i % $NS] * key[i]; return sum % $NG; } static size_t keysym_name_perfect_hash(const char *key) { return ( keysym_name_G[keysym_name_hash_f(key, "$S1")] + keysym_name_G[keysym_name_hash_f(key, "$S2")] ) % $NG; } """ print( perfect_hash.generate_code( keys=[name for name, value in entries_isorted], template=template, ) ) print( """ struct name_keysym { xkb_keysym_t keysym; uint32_t offset; };\n""" ) def print_entries(x): for name, value in x: print( " {{ 0x{value:08x}, {offs} }}, /* {name} */".format( offs=entry_offsets[name], value=value, name=name ) ) print("static const struct name_keysym name_to_keysym[] = {") print_entries(entries_isorted) print("};\n") # *.sort() is stable so we always get the first keysym for duplicate print("static const struct name_keysym keysym_to_name[] = {") print_entries( next(g[1]) for g in itertools.groupby(entries_kssorted, key=lambda e: e[1]) ) print("};")