LAST UPDATED 3/28/2016 To execute Provisioning Tool sample: 1) Build IoTivity with security enabled: $ cd $ scons resource SECURED=1 2) Verify Provisioning Tool functionality using secure sample apps: Run Resource Server Device which needs to be 'provisioned' in the directory /out/<...>/resource/csdk/security/provisioning/samples: $ <...>/sampleserver_justworks (Just Works) or $ <...>/sampleserver_randompin (Random Pin) Run Provisioning Tool Device: $ ./provisioningclient Provisioning Tool will provide prompts for discovery, ownership transfer, and provisioning. Enter 1 (UnOwned Device discovery) and you should see the list of discovered unowned devices. Then enter 3 (Ownership transfer) and the number of device you want to perform ownership transfer between the Server device and the Provisioning Tool device. If the random pin server is running, you must enter the PIN code that appears on the server terminal to finish ownership transfer. Enter 2 (Owned Device discovery) to confirm that ownership transfer succeeded. If successful, you should find the Server device on the Owned device list. 3) Verify Ownership Transfer using sample apps: If you would like to check whether ownership transfer successfully created credentials, replace the server and client sample DAT files with oic_svr_db_client.dat and oic_svr_db_server.dat files from the ownership transfer as follows: $ cp ./oic_svr_db_client.dat /out/<...>/release/resource/csdk/stack/samples/linux/secure/oic_svr_db.client.dat $ cp /out/release/resource/csdk/security/provisioning/samples/oic_svr_db_server_<...>.dat /out/<...>/release/resource/csdk/stack/samples/linux/secure/oic_svr_db.server.dat Then move to the sample app directory and execute the server and client apps: $ cd /out/release/resource/csdk/stack/samples/linux/secure/ $ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/out/<...>/release/ $ ./ocserverbasicops $ ./occlientbasicops -u 0 -t 3 If successful, the client and server should successfully send and receive payloads. All security functionality operate using CBOR data (DAT files). JSON files are for reference only as they are human-readable. JSON files are not used by security-related functions. If you wish to test functionality with data file different from the provided default DAT file, modify the JSON files (oic_svr_db_server_justworks.json, oic_svr_db_server_randompin.json) and then use the JSON-to-CBOR conversion tool (/out/<...>/release/resource/csdk/security/tool/json2cbor) to create a new DAT file.