//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTICE - Transition to SCONS //--------------------------------------------------------------------- The IoTivity build system is transitioning to SCONS. Although the makefiles are still available (until v1.0) and some developers are still using them, they are currently no longer supported. To learn more about building using SCONS see Readme.scons.txt in the repository root directory. The build steps used in continuous integration can be found in auto_build.sh which is also in the the repository root directory. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- ArduinoStackTest.cpp contains several logger tests and can be used in an Arduino sketch. On Arduino, the logger outputs to the serial port using Serial.print. Run a serial terminal program such as CuteCom at 115200,8,N,1 to view the log outputs. Note: to enable the logger for Arduino, TB_LOG should be defined in Properties|C/C++ Build|Settings|Tool Settings|AVR Compiler|Symbols and Properties|C/C++ Build|Settings|Tool Settings|AVR C++ Compiler|Symbols Copy logger.c/h and ocstack.c/h, and ocstackinternal.h to the Arduino project Note: when building for Arduino, force the compiler to use avr-g++ to build logger.c, and stack.c. Note: when building for Arduino, several warnings are generated when trying to place strings in PROGMEM "warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area" This appears to be a known gcc bug - https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34734