//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTICE - Transition to SCONS //--------------------------------------------------------------------- The IoTivity build system is transitioning to SCONS. Although the makefiles are still available (until v1.0) and some developers are still using them, they are currently no longer supported. To learn more about building using SCONS see Readme.scons.txt in the repository root directory. The build steps used in continuous integration can be found in auto_build.sh which is also in the the repository root directory. To dynamically link with the Google Unit test library, add /extlibs/gtest/gtest-1.7.0/lib/.libs/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH //--------------------------------------------------------------------- stacktests.cpp is a unit test of the APIs in ocstack.c. It uses Google Test for the unit tests. Note that the unit tests are only to test the functionality of ocstack.c. It is not a system or end-to-end test. Unit Test Requirements: 1. Install Google Test on a Linux build machine 2. Create a file called "local.properties" in the root/csdk/stack/test. local.properties is used by the makefile and specifies the path to the Google Test directory on the build machine. Since local.properties is specific to each build system, do not add local.properties to the code repo. local.properties should contain GTEST_DIR. For example: GTEST_DIR := /home/johndoe/utils/gtest-1.7.0 3. The unit test assumes that a network interface is available (e.g. "eth0", "wlan0", etc.) If no interface is available, the unit tests will FAIL. 4. To run the unit test, first build the C OCStack. At the time of this writing this was done by running scons -c resource/csdk/ scons resource/csdk/ RELEASE=1 //*default scons resource/csdk/ RELEASE=0 5. Next, build the ocstack scons -c resource/csdk/stack/test scons resource/csdk/stack/test RELEASE=1 //*default scons resource/csdk/stack/test RELEASE=0 6. Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running the unit tests. Example: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/tester/Documents/iotivity/extlibs/gtest/gtest-1.7.0/lib/.libs/ 7. Run the unit test by issuing the following command from root 'iotivity' folder ./out////resource/csdk/stack/test Example: ./out/linux/x86/release/resource/csdk/stack/test/stacktests