------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE - Transition to SCONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IoTivity build system is transitioning to SCONS. Although the makefiles are still available (until v1.0) and some developers are still using them, they are currently no longer supported. To learn more about building using SCONS see Readme.scons.txt in the repository root directory. The build steps used in continuous integration can be found in auto_build.sh which is also in the the repository root directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Arduino** -- Must be built with the same BUILD mode declared as octbstack.a. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When an Arduino SimpleClientServer application is running, it outputs logs to serial port. This requires the current user to be a part of the "dialout" user group permissions on Ubuntu. If your Arduino device is NOT installed at location "ttyACM0", you must define ARDUINO_PORT to the location it is installed at. This location will be referred to as . This makefile relies on "local.properties" at the directory level of the makefile that generates octbstack.a. Please refer to the README at that level to determine what definitions are needed for your environment. To make ocserver in release mode: make (arduinomega) make -f makefiledue (arduinodue) To make & install ocserver in release mode, with NOT specified: make install (arduinomega) make -f makefiledue install (arduinodue) To make & install ocserver in release mode, with specified: make install ARDUINO_PORT= To make & install ocserver in debug mode, with specified: make install ARDUINO_PORT= BUILD=debug To make ocserver_wifi with Arduino WiFi Shield support: make ARDUINOWIFI=1 (arduinomega) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Clean-Up** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To clean ocserver sample app and objects: make clean