Build notes The build steps used in continuous integration can be found in which is also in the the repository root directory. Go to the top directory of 'iotivity' project(Note: should always run 'scons' command in this directory) //------------------------------------------------- // Linux //------------------------------------------------- To build release binaries: $ scons resource/csdk/stack Build debug binaries: $ scons resource/csdk/stack RELEASE=false To enable logging, ensure that -D TB_LOG is set in the compiler flags //------------------------------------------------- // Android //------------------------------------------------- To enable logging for Android, TB_LOG should be defined in the ./jni/ file as LOCAL_CFLAGS := -DTB_LOG //------------------------------------------------- // Arduino //------------------------------------------------- To enable the logger for Arduino, TB_LOG should be defined in Properties|C/C++ Build|Settings|Tool Settings|AVR Compiler|Symbols and Properties|C/C++ Build|Settings|Tool Settings|AVR C++ Compiler|Symbols Note: when building for Arduino, force the compiler to use avr-g++ to build logger.c. Or rename logger.c to logger.cpp. Note: when building for Arduino, several warnings are generated when trying to place strings in PROGMEM "warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area" This appears to be a known gcc bug -