# Cloud Connection # Start cloud application # Run ./cloudClient command in console. By default if uses cloud.dat database # if you want to use custom database, run ./cloudClient # After cloudClient start, you will see the big Menu # First of all, you need to fill proper connection settings # Enter number 4 (Change default host) - and enter your ip address # By default, cloudClient using non-secure connection. If you want to use secure connection # Enter number 5 (Change default port) - and enter 5684 (default CoAPs port) # Enter number 10 (Change Protocol type (CoAP/CoAPs)) - and enter 1 - secure connection # You can check all settings, they are printed in title of the Menu # After basic setting were done, it is required to execute Sign Up request # Enter number 1 (Sign Up request) and follow the comments (go to link, get authentication token and paste it to console) # Then, before each user request, it is required to execute Sign In request # Enter number 2 (Sign In request) and check the result. # If it says "UUID is missing, execute Sign Up first", then previous Sign Up failed. # Otherwice, it is OK and you can proceed to user requests # After successful Sign Up and Sign In, you can execute user Requests # There are 3 main group of requests - Certificate Request, CRL and ACL requests # After Certificate Request, CRL Get and ACL Get Individual Info SVR database will be updated by received data from cloud # Details about all requests you can find in latest Convergence Spec (what will be sent to and received from Cloud) # Device-to-Device connection # Start both ./cloudClient and ./cloudServer in two terminals # In cloudClient Menu, Enter number 13 (Start Discovery). It will discover all resources in network. # After discover, you can execute (14/15/16) GET/PUT/POST requests. # Data for those requests will be automatically get from discovery (host, port and uri of first found secure resource)