ArduinoLoggerTest.cpp contains several logger tests and can be used in an Arduino sketch. On Arduino, the logger outputs to the serial port using Serial.print. Run a serial terminal program such as CuteCom at 115200,8,N,1 to view the log outputs. arduinologgertestoutput.txt contains the output captured after running ArduinoLoggerTest.cpp Note: to enable the logger for Arduino, TB_LOG should be defined in Properties|C/C++ Build|Settings|Tool Settings|AVR Compiler|Symbols and Properties|C/C++ Build|Settings|Tool Settings|AVR C++ Compiler|Symbols Note: when building for Arduino, force the compiler to use avr-g++ to build logger.c. Or rename logger.c to logger.cpp. Note: when building for Arduino, several warnings are generated when trying to place strings in PROGMEM "warning: only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area" This appears to be a known gcc bug -