Compiling Interface APIs FOR Android: =================================== •Preconditons : •Supported version : 5.0 ( Lollipop ) •Required NDK version : android-ndk-r10d ( ) Building CA Library for android : Run the SCons as mentioned in connectivity/build/How_To_Build.txt Building CA Samples for Android : Run the SCons as mentioned in connectivity/build/How_To_Build.txt Edit connectivity/SConscript to build the APK uncomment the below line to build the sample : env.SConscript('./samples/' + target_os + '/casample/SConscript') Note : If this is enabled before building the SO files, Build will fail. Ensure to disable the script whenever not required Installing the APK : Run the following command : $(ADB_HOME)/adb install resource/csdk/connectivity/samples/android/casample/sampleService/build/outputs/apk/sampleService-debug.apk