Project Name: IoTivity Release Version No: CA_v0.5 API Version: CA_v0.5 Release Description: Connectivity Abstraction provides a unified approach to send different OIC messages across multiple transports. Supported Platform OS: 1) Ubuntu 12.0.4 and above: Connectivity : WIFI, ETHERNET 2) Tizen 2.3 Connectivity : WIFI, EDR, BLE(1:1). 3) Arduino Mega Connectivity : WIFI, ETH,BLE 4) Android 5.0 Connectivity : WIFI, BLE Preconditions: 1)gcc 4.6.3 and above. 2)glib library (sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev) 3)libcoap.a library ( do make @lib/libcoap-4.1.1) Scope of Release: 1. Supported APIs ( please check below APIs) 2. Samples to test for Supported APIs. 3. OIC Coding guidelines followed based on the current CSDK source. 4. Multi-Threaded, Single threaded Connectivity abstraction. 5. Executed Open Source Verification and Prevent analysis. Type of Release: Source The following Connectivity Abstraction API features are supported in this release: Supported APIs CAInitialize() CATerminate() CAStartListeningServer() CAStartDiscoveryServer() CARegisterHandler() CAhandleRequestResponse() FindResource() SendRequest() SendResponse() SelectNetwork() UnselectNetwork() SendNotification() AdvertizeResource() CAGenerateToken() CADestryToken() CAGetNetworkInfo() Known and Open Issues: 1) OIC Log, OIC Malloc will be removed once name changes applied to OIC Bases code. 2) Tizen platform BLE stack is not stable. So we may see random crashes. How to Build for Linux: Follow below steps to execute CA Client / server in different systems Step 1: Build Libcoap library Make File Location @connectivity\lib\libcoap-4.1.1 Step 2: Build CA library Make File Location @connectivity\build\linux Step 3: Samples Make File Location @connectivity\samples\linux Execution: linux$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../build/out/ linux$ ./out/sample_main Follow below sequence to test Client Option: c Server Option: s Client Option: f (provide a/light) Server Option: h (will pick from queue and send response) Client Option: h (to pick server response) Client Option: r (provide “ServerIP:5383/a/request”) Server Option: h (will pick from queue and send response) Client Option: h (to pick server response) Server Option: a Client Option: h (to pick server response) Server Option: b (provide ServerIP:5383/a/notify) Client Option: h (to pick server response) Client: Server side: n for network selection (WIFI enabled by default)