Project Name: IoTivity Release Version No. / Label Name: CA_v0.1 API Version: CA_v0.4 Release Description: Connectivity Abstraction provides a unified approach to send different OIC messages across multiple transports. Scope of Release: 1. Supported APIs ( please check below APIs) 2. Samples to test Supported APIs. 3. OIC Coding guidelines followed based on the current CSDK source. 4. Multi-Threaded Connectivity abstraction 5. Executed Open Source Verification and Prevent analysis. The following Connectivity Abstraction API features are supported in this release: Supported APIs CAInitialize() CATerminate() CAStartListeningServer() CAStartDiscoveryServer() CARegisterHandler() CAhandleRequestResponse() FindResource() SendRequest() SendResponse() SelectNetwork() UnselectNetwork() Non Supported APIs SendNotification() AdvertizeResource() CAGenerateToken() CADestryToken() CAGetNetworkInfo() Type of Release: Source, Platform OS: Ubuntu 12.0.4 and above: Connectivity: WIFI only Preconditions: 1)gcc 4.6.3 and above. 2)glib library (sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev) 3)libcoap.a library ( do make @lib/libcoap-4.1.1) Known and Open Issues: 1) OIC Log, OIC malloc will be removed once name changes applied to OIC Bases code 2) Support only WIFI Interface. 3) URI length is 16 characters. Nature of Release: Partial How to Build: Follow below steps to execute CA Client / server in different systems Step 1: Build Libcoap library Make File Location @connectivity\lib\libcoap-4.1.1 Step 2: Build CA library Make File Location @connectivity\build\linux Step 3: Samples Make File Location @connectivity\samples\linux NOTE: script can be used @connectivity\samples\linux for 3 steps together Execution: linux$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../build/out/ linux$ ./out/sample_main Client Option : d, f, h Client Server Option : s, h