------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE - Transition to SCONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The IoTivity build system is transitioning to SCONS. Although the makefiles are still available (until v1.0) and some developers are still using them, they are currently no longer supported. To learn more about building using SCONS see Readme.scons.txt in the repository root directory. The build steps used in continuous integration can be found in auto_build.sh which is also in the the repository root directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Linux** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To make octbstack.a in release mode: make To make octbstack.a in debug mode: make BUILD=debug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Arduino** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Touch (i.e. create) file named "local.properties" at this directory level with the following definition(s): ARDUINO_DIR = /arduino-1.0.5 ARDUINO_TOOLS_DIR = (location of avr-g++ and other avr tools) To make octbstack.a in release mode: make PLATFORM=arduinomega (For Arduino Due, use ) To make octbstack.a in debug mode: make PLATFORM=arduinomega BUILD=debug (For Arduino Due, use ) To make octbstack.a with Arduino WiFi Shield support: make PLATFORM=arduinomega ARDUINOWIFI=1 (For Arduino Due, use ) Dependencies: 1) Patch the Wiznet Ethernet library with the patch available at : oic-utilities/tb/arduino_linux_ethernet_socket_cpp.patch 2) Arduino builds are dependent on latest Time library. Download it from here: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Time.html 3) Arduino Due has been tested with Arduino 1.5.7 framework. 4) For Arduino Due, binary tools are located in: /hardware/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.8.3-2014q1/bin 5) For Arduino WiFi, update the WiFi shield with the firmware patches provided by Intel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Clean-Up** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To clean only stack modules: make clean To clean stack modules(i.e. networking) modules & its dependencies: make deepclean