------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Linux** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To make octbstack.a in release mode: make To make octbstack.a in debug mode: make BUILD=debug ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Arduino** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Touch (i.e. create) file named "local.properties" at this directory level with the following definition(s): ARDUINO_DIR = /arduino-1.0.5 ARDUINO_TOOLS_DIR = (location of avr-g++ and other avr tools) To make octbstack.a in release mode: make PLATFORM=arduinomega (For Arduino Due, use ) To make octbstack.a in debug mode: make PLATFORM=arduinomega BUILD=debug (For Arduino Due, use ) To make octbstack.a with Arduino WiFi Shield support: make PLATFORM=arduinomega ARDUINOWIFI=1 (For Arduino Due, use ) Dependencies: 1) Patch the Wiznet Ethernet library with the patch available at : oic-utilities/tb/arduino_linux_ethernet_socket_cpp.patch 2) Arduino builds are dependent on latest Time library. Download it from here: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Time.html 3) Arduino Due has been tested with Arduino 1.5.7 framework. 4) For Arduino Due, binary tools are located in: /hardware/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-4.8.3-2014q1/bin 5) For Arduino WiFi, update the WiFi shield with the firmware patches provided by Intel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Clean-Up** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To clean only stack modules: make clean To clean stack modules and libcoap (i.e. networking) modules & its dependencies: make deepclean