/* * Copyright 2012 Intel Corporation. * * This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the * Apache License, version 2.0. The full text of the Apache License is at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ import QtQuick 2.0 import Bluetooth 0.0 Item { id: root width: parent.width; height: parent.height property alias activeCall: activeCallView.call property alias callState: activeCallView.state property bool unpairing: false; property bool pairing: false; Keys.onEscapePressed: { console.log("Escape Pressed"); Qt.quit() } onCallStateChanged: { if (activeCallView.state != 'disconnected') dialPage.state = 'activeCall' else dialPage.state = 'noCall' } Timer { id: reconnectTimer interval: 3000 repeat: false running: false onTriggered: { adapter.modemOnline = true } } Connections { target: adapter onModemOnlineChanged: { //If the modem gets powered down for any reason, attempt to power it again to maintain connection if (!adapter.modemOnline && !unpairing) { reconnectTimer.running = true; } } } Image { id: dialPage anchors.fill: parent source: "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi-v1_ivi-background.jpg" state: 'noCall' DialNumberEntry { id: numberEntry anchors { top: parent.top; //bottom: numPad.top left: parent.left; margins: 15 //right: parent.right //margins: 10 } width: parent.width * 0.60 height: parent.height / 4.5 } DialNumPad { id: numPad width: numberEntry.width anchors {top: numberEntry.bottom; left: parent.left; bottom: parent.bottom; margins: 15} entry: numberEntry } states{ State { name: 'activeCall' PropertyChanges {target: numPad; visible: false} PropertyChanges {target: numberEntry; visible: false} PropertyChanges {target: modemList; visible: false} PropertyChanges {target: vertDivider; visible: false} } State { name: 'noCall' PropertyChanges {target: numPad; visible: true} PropertyChanges {target: numberEntry; visible: true} PropertyChanges {target: modemList; visible: true} PropertyChanges {target: vertDivider; visible: true} } } CallItemView { id: activeCallView } Rectangle { id: vertDivider anchors {left: numberEntry.right; margins: 8} width: 4 height: parent.height color: "#262626" } Rectangle { id: modemList anchors {left: vertDivider.right; right: parent.right; top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom} color: "#51504F" Text { id: yourDevicesTxt text: "Your Devices" font.pixelSize: 42 color: "white" anchors {top: parent.top; right: parent.right; left: parent.left; bottom: horizDivider1.top; leftMargin: 15} } Rectangle { id: horizDivider1 anchors {left: parent.left; right: parent.right; topMargin: 8; bottomMargin: 8;} y: 62 height: 3 color: "#B3BF3C" } Text { id: moreDevicesTxt text: "More Devices" font.pixelSize: 42 color: "white" anchors {right: parent.right; left: parent.left; bottom: horizDivider2.top; leftMargin: 15} height: yourDevicesTxt.height } Rectangle { id: horizDivider2 anchors {left: parent.left; right: parent.right; topMargin: 8; bottomMargin: 8;} y: parent.height / 2 height: 3 color: "#B3BF3C" } Component.onCompleted: { nearbyDevicesModel.discover(true); console.log("Devices qml has been created, checking for BT: " + btDevicesModel.adapterPresent) } Component.onDestruction: { nearbyDevicesModel.discover(false); } BluetoothDevicesModel { id: btDevicesModel property bool successFullPair: false onDevicePaired: { } } NearbyDevicesModel { id: nearbyDevicesModel property bool discovering: false Component.onCompleted: { } onRequestConfirmation: { console.log("onRequestConfirm called") } onRequestPasskey: { console.log("onRequestPasskey called") } onRequestPidCode: { console.log("onRequestPidCode called") } onAdapterPropertiesChanged: { if(name == "Discovering") { discovering = value; } } onNearbyDeviceFound: { //console.log("new device: " + nearbyDevicesModel.alias(index)) } } Flickable{ id: activeFlickable anchors {top: horizDivider1.bottom; bottom: moreDevicesTxt.top; left: parent.left; right: parent.right} clip: true contentWidth: parent.width contentHeight: parent.height flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick Column { id: deviceList width: parent.width spacing: 2 Repeater { model: btDevicesModel Component.onCompleted: { //Once model is completed, check if the modem is powered. If not, power it if (!adapter.modemOnline) { adapter.modemOnline = true } } delegate: DeviceDelegateActive { id: deligateItem deviceName: model.name address: model.address dbuspath: model.path uuids: model.profiles property BluetoothDevice device: btDevicesModel.device(dbuspath) Connections { target: btDevicesModel onDevicePaired: { console.log("new paired device address:" + device.address + "==" + model.address) root.unpairing = false; root.pairing = false; if(device.address === model.address){ device.trusted = true } } onConnectedChanged: { } } onClose: { console.log("unpairing ..."); root.unpairing = true; if (pairing) device.cancelPairing(); device.unpair(); btDevicesModel.deviceRemoved(device.path); nearbyDevicesModel.discover(true); } } } } } Flickable{ id: modelFlickable anchors {top: horizDivider2.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom; left: parent.left; right: parent.right} clip: true contentWidth: parent.width contentHeight: 0 flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick Column { id: nearbyDevicesList width: parent.width height: parent.height / 2 Repeater { id: modelRepeater model: nearbyDevicesModel onCountChanged: { //modelFlickable.contentHeight = (count * 80) } delegate: DeviceDelegate { id: availableBluetoothItem visible: model.icon == "phone" ? true : false width: nearbyDevicesList.width deviceName: name icon: model.icon alias: model.alias anchors {margins: 8} Component.onCompleted: { modelFlickable.contentHeight = visible ? modelFlickable.contentHeight + 80 : modelFlickable.contentHeight } onClicked: { if (visible){ console.log("BUTTON CLICKED bubbled up") root.pairing = true; nearbyDevicesModel.discover(false) nearbyDevicesModel.pair(model.address) } } Connections { target: nearbyDevicesModel onRequestConfirmation: { console.log("spawning request confirm dialog, device = " + device + " deviceName = " + deviceName) if(device != deviceName) return; dialogLoader.type = "confirmation" dialogLoader.device = device dialogLoader.code = code dialogLoader.sourceComponent = requestConfirmDialogComponent } onRequestPasskey: { console.log("spawning requestPasskeyDialog") if(device != deviceName) return; dialogLoader.type = "passkey" dialogLoader.device = device dialogLoader.sourceComponent = requestPasskeyDialogComponent } onRequestPidCode: { console.log("spawning requestPidCodeDialog") if(device != deviceName) return; dialogLoader.type = "pidcode" dialogLoader.device = device dialogLoader.legacyPairing = model.legacyPairing dialogLoader.sourceComponent = requestPidCodeDialogComponent console.log(device + " model legacyPairing: " + model.legacyPairing) } } } } } } Loader { id: dialogLoader anchors.fill: parent property string type: "NULL" property string device: "" property string code: "" property bool legacyPairing: false onLoaded: { console.log("LOADER LOADED! type = " + type) if (type === "confirmation" ) { item.deviceName = device item.key = code } else if (type === "passkey" ) { item.deviceName = device } else if (type === "pidcode" ) { item.deviceName = device item.legacyPairing = legacyPairing } } } Component { id: requestPasskeyDialogComponent RequestpasskeyDialog { id: requestPasskeyDialog onReplyRequestPasskey: { dialogLoader.sourceComponent = undefined nearbyDevicesModel.replyPasskey(reply) } } } Component { id: requestPidCodeDialogComponent RequestPidCodeDialog { id: requestPidCodeDialog onReplyRequestPidCode: { dialogLoader.sourceComponent = undefined nearbyDevicesModel.replyRequestPidCode(reply) } onCancelRequest: { dialogLoader.sourceComponent = undefined } } } Component { id: requestConfirmDialogComponent RequestConfirmDialog { id: requestConfirmDialog onReplyRequestConfirmation: { dialogLoader.sourceComponent = undefined nearbyDevicesModel.replyRequestConfirmation(reply) } } } } } }