/* * Copyright 2012 Intel Corporation. * * This program is licensed under the terms and conditions of the * Apache License, version 2.0. The full text of the Apache License is at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 */ import QtQuick 2.0 Item { id: root property string deviceName property string address property string icon: "" property string alias: "" property string dbuspath: "" property variant uuids: [] property int containerHeight: 80 height: containerHeight width: parent.width signal clicked() signal close() Connections { target: adapter onModemOnlineChanged: { //If the modem gets powered down for any reason, attempt to power it again to maintain connection if (!adapter.modemOnline) { mainText.color = "grey" availableBluetoothItem.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_btn-list-inactive.png" } else { mainText.color = "white" availableBluetoothItem.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_btn-list.png" } } } Image { id: availableBluetoothItem source: !adapter.modemOnline? "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_btn-list-inactive.png" : availableBluetoothItem.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_btn-list.png" anchors {fill: parent; leftMargin: 8; rightMargin: 8; topMargin: 8} MouseArea { id: clickArea anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { availableBluetoothItem.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_btn-list.png" } onReleased: { availableBluetoothItem.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_btn-list-inactive.png" } onClicked: { adapter.modemOnline = true } } Text { id: mainText anchors {left: parent.left; top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom; leftMargin: 15} width: parent.width * 0.75 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter height: availableBluetoothItem.containerHeight font.pixelSize: parent.height / 2 style: Text.Outline styleColor: "#3B3A39" color: !adapter.modemOnline? "grey" : "white" text: root.deviceName elide: Text.ElideRight } Image { id: closeButton source: "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_icon-list-delete.png" anchors { left: mainText.right; right: parent.right; top: parent.top; bottom: parent.bottom} MouseArea { id: closeArea anchors.fill: parent onPressed: { closeButton.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_icon-list-delete-active.png" } onReleased: { closeButton.source = "/usr/share/hfdialer/images/ivi_icon-list-delete.png" } onClicked: { console.log("CLOSE BUTTON CLICKED") root.close() } } } } }