msgid "IDS_MSGS_BODY_RADIO_BUTTON" msgstr "Bouton radio" msgid "IDS_ACCS_BODY_BUTTON_TTS" msgstr "Bouton" msgid "IDS_ACCS_BODY_DISABLED_TTS" msgstr "Décoché." msgid "IDS_MSG_BODY_SELECTED_TTS" msgstr "Sélectionné." msgid "IDS_MSGS_BODY_NOT_SELECTED_T_TTS" msgstr "Non sélectionné" msgid "WDS_WNOTI_TPOP_CHECK_YOUR_PHONE_ABB" msgstr "Consultez votre téléphone." msgid "WDS_ST_TPOP_CONNECT_VIA_BLUETOOTH_TO_REVIEW_AND_ACCEPT_THE_LEGAL_NOTICE_ABB" msgstr "Connectez-vous via Bluetooth pour lire et accepter la mention légale." msgid "WDS_IME_HEADER_INPUT_LANGUAGES_ABB" msgstr "Langues de saisie" msgid "IDS_ST_SK_OK" msgstr "OK" msgid "WDS_STU_BODY_SAMSUNG_GEAR" msgstr "Samsung Gear" msgid "WDS_TTS_TBBODY_DOUBLE_TAP_TO_SEND" msgstr "Touchez deux fois pour envoyer." msgid "IDS_MSG_BODY_WHEN_CAN_WE_MEET_Q_M_TEXT_TEMPLATE" msgstr "Quand peut-on se voir ?" msgid "IDS_WMGR_MBODY_HOWS_IT_GOING_Q_M_TEXT_TEMPLATE" msgstr "Comment ça va ?" msgid "IDS_WMGR_MBODY_WHATS_UP_Q_M_TEXT_TEMPLATE" msgstr "Que se passe-t-il ?" msgid "IDS_WMGR_MBODY_ILL_TALK_TO_YOU_SOON_M_TEXT_TEMPLATE" msgstr "À bientôt." msgid "IDS_WMGR_MBODY_ILL_CALL_YOU_LATER_M_TEXT_TEMPLATE" msgstr "Je vous rapp. plus tard." msgid "IDS_MSG_BODY_WHERE_ARE_YOU_Q_M_TEXT_TEMPLATE" msgstr "Où es-tu ?" msgid "IDS_CST_BODY_CALL_ME_LATER" msgstr "Appelle-moi plus tard." msgid "IDS_VTR_BODY_SPEAK_IN_PS_NOW" msgstr "Parlez en %s maintenant." msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_FAILED_TO_RECOGNISE_VOICE" msgstr "La voix n'a pas été reconnue." msgid "IDS_VC_HEADER_VOICE_INPUT_LANGUAGE" msgstr "Langue de la saisie vocale" msgid "IDS_VC_BODY_AUTOMATIC" msgstr "Automatique" msgid "WDS_ST_ACBUTTON_AGREE_ABB" msgstr "ACCEPTER" msgid "IDS_IME_POP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_ERROR" msgstr "Erreur connexion réseau." msgid "IDS_ST_POP_NETWORK_ERROR" msgstr "Erreur réseau." msgid "WDS_VOICE_NPBODY_SPEAK_NOW_ABB" msgstr "Parlez maintenant" msgid "WDS_VOICE_OPT_LANGUAGE_ABB" msgstr "Langue" msgid "WDS_VOICE_TPOP_RECOGNITION_FAILED_ABB" msgstr "Échec reconnaissance." msgid "WDS_VOICE_MBODY_NETWORK_ERROR_ABB" msgstr "Erreur réseau" msgid "IDS_VOICE_BODY_PRIVACY_NOTICE_WC1_LEGALPHRASE_CHN_WC1" msgstr "Privacy Notice" msgid "IDS_VOICE_BODY_SAMSUNG_S_VOICE_ALLOWS_FOR_VOICE_CONTROL_FOR_CERTAIN_FEATURES_LEGALPHRASE_CHN_WC1" msgstr "Samsung S Voice allows for voice control for certain features such as S Voice, Gear Input, Voice memo and Find My car. When you use S Voice features, your voice commands, your device ID, and certain other relevant information such as contact names, song information in your music library and/or location information (if your GPS is turned on) will be processed in order to improve the accuracy of S Voice response to your requests and to provide S Voice features. You can learn more about our privacy practices at" msgid "IDS_VOICE_BODY_PRIVACY_NOTICE_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "Privacy Notice" msgid "IDS_VOICE_BODY_SAMSUNG_S_VOICE_ALLOWS_FOR_VOICE_CONTROL_FOR_CERTAIN_FEATURES_SUCH_AS_S_VOICE_GEAR_INPUT_VOICE_MEMO_AND_FIND_MY_CAR_MSG_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "Samsung S Voice allows for voice control for certain features such as S Voice, Gear Input, Voice memo and Find My car. When you use S Voice features, your voice commands, your device ID, and certain other relevant information such as contact names, song information in your music library and/or location information (if your GPS is turned on) will be processed in order to improve the accuracy of S Voice response to your requests and to provide S Voice features. You can learn more about our privacy practices at" msgid "WDS_MYMAG_TPOP_SHOWING_DETAILS_ON_YOUR_PHONE_ING" msgstr "Affichage des détails sur votre téléphone..." msgid "WDS_IME_ACBUTTON_ADD_TEMPLATE_ABB" msgstr "AJ. MODÈLE" msgid "WDS_IME_MBODY_ADD_TEMPLATE_ABB" msgstr "Aj. modèle" msgid "WDS_IME_TPOP_ADD_TEMPLATE_ON_YOUR_PHONE_ABB" msgstr "Aj. modèle sur téléphone." msgid "IDS_PB_HEADER_SMILE" msgstr "Sourire" msgid "IDS_IME_MBODY_VOICE_INPUT" msgstr "Reconnaissance vocale" msgid "IDS_COM_HEADER_EMOTICON" msgstr "Binette" msgid "IDS_COM_OPT_KEYBOARD" msgstr "Clavier" msgid "IDS_MSG_HEADER_QUICK_RESPONSES_ABB" msgstr "Réponses rapides" msgid "IDS_AMEMO_BUTTON_SEND" msgstr "Envoyer" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_OK_HAND_SIGN_M_EMOTICON_NAME_TTS" msgstr "Signe OK de la main" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_THUMBS_UP_SIGN_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Pouce levé" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_THUMBS_DOWN_SIGN_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Pouce baissé" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_SMILING_FACE_WITH_OPEN_MOUTH_AND_SMILING_EYES_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage souriant avec bouche ouverte et yeux souriants" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_SMILING_FACE_WITH_OPEN_MOUTH_AND_TIGHTLY_CLOSED_EYES_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage souriant avec bouche ouverte et yeux fermés" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_SMILING_FACE_WITH_SMILING_EYES_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage souriant avec yeux souriants" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_SMILING_FACE_WITH_HEART_SHAPED_EYES_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage souriant avec yeux en cœurs" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_KISSING_FACE_WITH_SMILING_EYES_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage envoyant un baiser avec yeux souriants" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_FACE_WITH_STUCK_OUT_TONGUE_AND_WINKING_EYE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage avec langue tirée et clin d'œil" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_ANGRY_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage en colère" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_ASTONISHED_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage étonné" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_CRYING_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage pleurant" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_DISAPPOINTED_BUT_RELIEVED_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage déçu mais soulagé" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_FACE_SCREAMING_IN_FEAR_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage hurlant de terreur" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_FACE_WITH_LOOK_OF_TRIUMPH_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage triomphant" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_FACE_WITH_MEDICAL_MASK_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage avec masque chirurgical" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_POUTING_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage boudeur" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_SLEEPY_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage endormi" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_TIRED_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage fatigué" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_KISSING_FACE_WITH_CLOSED_EYES_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Visage envoyant un baiser yeux fermés" msgid "WDS_ST_TPOP_SHOWING_DETAILS_ON_YOUR_PHONE_ING_ABB" msgstr "Afficher détails sur téléphone..." msgid "WDS_TTS_TBBODY_DOUBLE_TAP_TO_SPEAK" msgstr "Touchez deux fois pour parler." msgid "LDS_IME_BODY_GEAR_INPUT_AND_USE_OF_A_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_SERVICE_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "Gear Input and the Use of a Speech Recognition Service" msgid "LDS_IME_BODY_GEAR_INPUT_AND_USE_OF_A_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_SERVICE_P1_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "1. Speech recognition technology is a component of the Gear Input service. You acknowledge that Samsung may utilise a speech recognition service (the “Speech Recognition Service”) provided by a third party, Nuance Communications Inc. (“Nuance”), and you acknowledge and agree to the following in connection with your use of the Gear Input service.
2. You agree not to submit any automated or recorded requests to the Gear Input service.
3. You acknowledge that the words you dictate to the Gear Input service (including audio recordings of such words, associated transcriptions and log files) (“Speech Data”) will be collected by Nuance in providing the Speech Recognition Service." msgid "LDS_IME_BODY_GEAR_INPUT_AND_USE_OF_A_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_SERVICE_P2_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "4. You consent and agree that in providing the Speech Recognition Service, Nuance may collect Speech Data which may be used by Nuance and its third party partners to tune, enhance and improve (a) the Speech Recognition Service and (b) other Nuance products and services.
5. You acknowledge and agree that your Speech Data may be transferred to the United States and/or other countries for storage, processing and use by Nuance and its third party partners.
6. Any and all Speech Data that you provide will remain confidential and will be used in accordance with applicable law, but may be disclosed by Nuance, if so required, to meet legal or regulatory requirements, such as under a court order or to a government agency if required or authorised by law, or to a third party which acquires or merges with Nuance." msgid "LDS_IME_BODY_INFORMATION_PROVISION_AGREEMENT_P1_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "Gear Input uses voice recognition technologies provided by a third party service provider called Nuance Communications, Inc. Therefore, your voice information is inevitably stored on a server operated by Nuance (located in the United States), and using Gear Input requires that you agree to the %sTerms and Conditions of Nuance%s.
Nuance reserves the right to use your voice input for the purposes of improving services and developing technologies. Nuance also reserves the right to provide the aforementioned voice input to Nuance’s partners. Your voice input information is stored until the aforementioned objectives have been accomplished. For more information about Gear Input services, please read the %sNuance Privacy Policy%s.
You cannot use Gear Input if you do not agree to the storage and use of your information as described above." msgid "LDS_IME_BODY_INFORMATION_PROVISION_AGREEMENT_LEGALPHRASE_WC1" msgstr "Information Provision Agreement" msgid "IDS_VTR_BODY_RECOGNITION_SERVICE_BUSY" msgstr "Service de reconnaissance occupé." msgid "WDS_WMGR_MBODY_CALL_ME_LATER" msgstr "Appelez-moi plus tard." msgid "WDS_VOICE_NPBODY_TAP_TO_PAUSE_ABB" msgstr "Toucher pour pause" msgid "LDS_TTS_TO_PROVIDE_PS_SAMSUNG_USES_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_SERVICES_PROVIDED_BY_A_THIRD_PARTY_SERVICE_PROVIDER_MSG_LEGALPHRASE" msgstr "Afin de vous offrir %s, Samsung fait appel aux services de reconnaissance vocale d’un tiers fournisseur de services, Nuance Communications Inc. (“Nuance”). Nuance recueillera et stockera les enregistrements des mots que vous dictez à %s dans le but de fournir les services de reconnaissance vocale utilisés par %s, d’améliorer ceux-ci ou d’en assurer le dépannage. Les données recueillies seront stockées sur un serveur contrôlé par Nuance aux États-Unis et peuvent être partagées avec les partenaires de Nuance afin d’améliorer les services." msgid "WDS_WMGR_MBODY_WHEN_CAN_WE_MEET_Q" msgstr "Qd peut-on se retrouver ?" msgid "WDS_WMGR_MBODY_WHERE_ARE_YOU_Q" msgstr "Où êtes-vous ?" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_TWO_HEARTS_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Deux cœurs" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_PIG_NOSE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Groin de cochon" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_DOG_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Chien" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_CAT_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Chat" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_CHICKEN_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Poule" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_SPOUTING_WHALE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Baleine soufflant" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_PANDA_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Tête de panda" msgid "IDS_IME_BODY_TIGER_FACE_M_EMOTICON_NAME" msgstr "Tête de tigre" msgid "WDS_VOICE_BODY_GEAR_INPUT" msgstr "Saisie de la Gear" msgid "WDS_WMGR_POP_MAKE_SURE_THE_PS_APP_IS_ACTIVE_ON_YOUR_PHONE" msgstr "Assurez-vous que l'application %s est active sur votre téléphone." msgid "WDS_MSG_BODY_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS_HPD_EXCEEDED" msgstr "Le nombre maximal de caractères (%d) a été dépassé." msgid "WDS_IME_MBODY_DRAWING_M_EMOTICON_ABB" msgstr "Dessin" msgid "WDS_IME_HEADER_EMOJIS_ABB" msgstr "Emojis" msgid "WDS_IME_HEADER_RECENT_M_RECETLY_SENT_EMOJIS_ABB" msgstr "Récents" msgid "WDS_WNOTI_POP_ALL_CHANGES_WILL_BE_DISCARDED" msgstr "Toutes les modifications vont être ignorées."