# GPS NMEA plugin {#gpsnmea_plugin} Version: @PROJECT_VERSION@ This plugin uses NMEA-compatible devices to provide location information to AMB. To enable the GPS NMEA plugin, run cmake and enable the gpsnmea_plugin option: cmake -Dgpsnmea_plugin=On .. To use the Database plugin, add the following to the "sources" array in /etc/ambd/config: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.json} { "name" : "gpsnmea", "path" : "@PLUGIN_INSTALL_PATH@/gpsnmea.so", "device" : "/dev/ttyUSB0", "baudrate" : "4800", "bluetoothAdapter" : "00:00:00:00:00:00" } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## Configuration Key Definitions: "name" name of plugin. This key is not used by the plugin at this moment. "path" path to plugin on the filesystem. "device" gps device. This must be a serial device. It can also be a bluetooth address. Default: none "baudrate" Baudrate for serial devices : 2400,4800,9600,19200 or 38400. Default: 9600 "bluetoothAdapter" bluetooth adapter to use. This is only used if "device" is also a bluetooth device. If left blank, the system default adapter will be used. Default: none ## AMB Properties: GpsTime Timestamp in seconds from unix epoc (UTC) parsed from the NMEA output. Type: double Access: readonly GpsSpeed Speed as reported by GPS Type: UInt16 Access: readonly GpsFix Fix status. ~~~~~~~~~~~~(.cpp} enum FixType { NoFix = 1, Fix2D = 2, Fix3D = 3 }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: int Access: readonly GpsSatsUsed {#GpsSatsUsed} How many satellites are being used in the fix Type: UInt16 Access: readonly GpsNmea Raw NMEA message. Useful for debugging Type: String Access: readonly ## DBus Interfaces: ### org.automotive.GpsInfo **Properties** GpsTime - Corresponds with the GpsTime AMB Property Speed - Corresponds with the GpsSpeed AMB Property Fix - Corresponds with the GpsFix AMB Property SattelitesUsed - Corresponds with the GpsSatsUsed AMB Property RawNmea - Corresponds with the GpsNmea AMB Property interface GpsInfo { }