Name: msg-service Version: 0.9.2 Release: 3 License: Samsung Summary: Messaging Framework Library Group: System/Libraries Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz Source101: msg-service.service Source1001: msg-service.manifest Requires(post): /usr/bin/sqlite3 Requires(post): /usr/bin/vconftool Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig Requires(post): systemd Requires(postun): systemd BuildRequires: cmake BuildRequires: pkgconfig(alarm-service) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(aul) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(capi-appfw-application) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(contacts-service2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(db-util) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dlog) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(drm-client) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcurl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsystemd-daemon) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libwbxml2) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(media-thumbnail) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mm-fileinfo) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mm-player) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mm-session) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mm-sound) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(network) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(notification) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(pmapi) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mmutil-imgp) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(mmutil-jpeg) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(security-server) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(sensor) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(svi) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(tapi) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(vconf) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(feedback) %description Description: Messaging Framework Library %package devel License: Flora License v1.0 Summary: Messaging Framework Library (development) Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Group: Development/Libraries %description devel Description: Messaging Framework Library (development) %package tools License: Flora License v1.0 Summary: Messaging server application Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Group: TO_BU / FILL_IN Requires(post): /usr/bin/sqlite3 Requires(post): /usr/bin/vconftool Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig %description tools Description: Messaging server application %package -n sms-plugin License: Flora License v1.0 Summary: SMS plugin library Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Group: System/Libraries Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig %description -n sms-plugin Description: SMS plugin library %package -n mms-plugin License: Flora License v1.0 Summary: MMS plugin library Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Group: System/Libraries Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig %description -n mms-plugin Description: MMS plugin library %prep %setup -q cp %{SOURCE1001} . %build %cmake . make %{?jobs:-j%jobs} %install rm -rf %{buildroot} mkdir -p %{buildroot}/usr/share/license mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/config mkdir -p %{buildroot}/var/log/msgfw %make_install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir_user}/ #install -m 0644 %SOURCE101 %{buildroot}%{_unitdir_user}/ ln -s ../msg-service.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir_user}/ ln -s ../msg-service-log.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir_user}/ mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/rc3.d ln -s %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/msg-server %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/rc3.d/S70msg-server mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/rc5.d ln -s %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/msg-server %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/rc5.d/S70msg-server mkdir -p %{buildroot}/opt/usr/data/msg-service %if 0%{?simulator} rm %{buildroot}/etc/config/sysinfo-message.xml mv %{buildroot}/etc/config/sysinfo-message.emul.xml %{buildroot}/etc/config/sysinfo-message.xml %else rm %{buildroot}/etc/config/sysinfo-message.emul.xml %endif %post tools -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n sms-plugin -p /sbin/ldconfig %post -n mms-plugin -p /sbin/ldconfig %post /sbin/ldconfig if [ ! -f /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db ] then mkdir -p /opt/usr/dbspace/ sqlite3 /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db "PRAGMA journal_mode = PERSIST; CREATE TABLE MSG_CONVERSATION_TABLE ( CONV_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , UNREAD_CNT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , SMS_CNT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , MMS_CNT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , MAIN_TYPE INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , SUB_TYPE INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , MSG_DIRECTION INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , DISPLAY_TIME DATETIME , DISPLAY_NAME TEXT , MSG_TEXT TEXT ); CREATE TABLE MSG_ADDRESS_TABLE ( ADDRESS_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , CONV_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , ADDRESS_TYPE INTEGER , RECIPIENT_TYPE INTEGER , ADDRESS_VAL TEXT , CONTACT_ID INTEGER , DISPLAY_NAME TEXT , FIRST_NAME TEXT , LAST_NAME TEXT , IMAGE_PATH TEXT , SYNC_TIME DATETIME , FOREIGN KEY (CONV_ID) REFERENCES MSG_CONVERSATION_TABLE (CONV_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_FOLDER_TABLE ( FOLDER_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , FOLDER_NAME TEXT NOT NULL , FOLDER_TYPE INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE TABLE MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , CONV_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , FOLDER_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , STORAGE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , MAIN_TYPE INTEGER NOT NULL , SUB_TYPE INTEGER NOT NULL , DISPLAY_TIME DATETIME , DATA_SIZE INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , NETWORK_STATUS INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , READ_STATUS INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , PROTECTED INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , PRIORITY INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , MSG_DIRECTION INTEGER NOT NULL , SCHEDULED_TIME DATETIME , BACKUP INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , SUBJECT TEXT , MSG_DATA TEXT , THUMB_PATH TEXT , MSG_TEXT TEXT , ATTACHMENT_COUNT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , FOREIGN KEY (CONV_ID) REFERENCES MSG_CONVERSATION_TABLE (CONV_ID) , FOREIGN KEY (FOLDER_ID) REFERENCES MSG_FOLDER_TABLE (FOLDER_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_SIM_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , SIM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_PUSH_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , ACTION INTEGER , CREATED INTEGER , EXPIRES INTEGER , ID TEXT , HREF TEXT , CONTENT TEXT , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_CBMSG_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , CB_MSG_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_SYNCML_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , EXT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , PINCODE INTEGER NOT NULL , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_SCHEDULED_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , ALARM_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_SMS_SENDOPT_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , DELREP_REQ INTEGER NOT NULL , KEEP_COPY INTEGER NOT NULL , REPLY_PATH INTEGER NOT NULL , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_FILTER_TABLE ( FILTER_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , FILTER_TYPE INTEGER NOT NULL , FILTER_VALUE TEXT NOT NULL , FILTER_ACTIVE INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE TABLE MSG_MMS_MESSAGE_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , TRANSACTION_ID TEXT , MESSAGE_ID TEXT , FWD_MESSAGE_ID TEXT , CONTENTS_LOCATION TEXT , FILE_PATH TEXT , VERSION INTEGER NOT NULL , DATA_TYPE INTEGER DEFAULT -1 , DATE DATETIME , HIDE_ADDRESS INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , ASK_DELIVERY_REPORT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , REPORT_ALLOWED INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , READ_REPORT_ALLOWED_TYPE INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , ASK_READ_REPLY INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , READ INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , READ_REPORT_SEND_STATUS INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , READ_REPORT_SENT INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , PRIORITY INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , KEEP_COPY INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , MSG_SIZE INTEGER NOT NULL , MSG_CLASS INTEGER DEFAULT -1 , EXPIRY_TIME DATETIME , CUSTOM_DELIVERY_TIME INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , DELIVERY_TIME DATETIME , MSG_STATUS INTEGER DEFAULT -1 , FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_MMS_PREVIEW_INFO_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , TYPE INTEGER, VALUE TEXT, COUNT INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(MSG_ID) REFERENCES MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID) ); CREATE TABLE MSG_REPORT_TABLE ( MSG_ID INTEGER NOT NULL , ADDRESS_VAL TEXT , STATUS_TYPE INTEGER , STATUS INTEGER DEFAULT 0 , TIME DATETIME ); CREATE TABLE MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE ( PUSH_ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , CONTENT_TYPE TEXT, APP_ID TEXT, PKG_NAME TEXT, LAUNCH INTEGER, APPCODE INTEGER, SECURE INTEGER ); CREATE INDEX MSG_CONVERSATION_INDEX ON MSG_CONVERSATION_TABLE(CONV_ID); CREATE INDEX MSG_FOLDER_INDEX ON MSG_FOLDER_TABLE(FOLDER_ID); CREATE INDEX MSG_MESSAGE_INDEX ON MSG_MESSAGE_TABLE(MSG_ID, CONV_ID, FOLDER_ID); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (1, 'INBOX', 1); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (2, 'OUTBOX', 2); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (3, 'SENTBOX', 2); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (4, 'DRAFT', 3); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (5, 'CBMSGBOX', 1); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (6, 'SPAMBOX', 4); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (7, 'SMS TEMPLATE', 5); INSERT INTO MSG_FOLDER_TABLE VALUES (8, 'MMS TEMPLATE', 5); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (1, 'text/', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 1, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (2, 'application/vnd.wap.sic', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 2, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (3, 'text/', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 3, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (4, 'application/vnd.wap.slc', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 4, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (5, 'text/', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 5, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (6, 'application/vnd.wap.coc', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 6, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (7, 'application/vnd.wap.mms-message', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 7, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (8, 'application/vnd.wap.sia', 'X-Wap-Application-Id: x-wap-application:push.sia', '', 0, 8, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (9, 'application/', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 9, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (10, 'application/', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 10, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (11, 'application/vnd.syncml.notification', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 11, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (12, 'application/vnd.syncml.ds.notification', 'X-Wap-Application-Id: x-wap-application:push.syncml.ds', '', 0, 12, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (13, 'application/vnd.syncml+wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:x-wap-application:push.syncml', '', 0, 13, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (14, 'application/vnd.wap.locc+wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 14, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (15, 'application/vnd.wap.loc+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 15, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (16, 'application/vnd.oma.dd+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 16, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (17, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.message', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 17, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (18, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.content', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 18, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (19, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 19, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (20, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 20, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (21, 'application/', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 21, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (22, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.roap-pdu+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 22, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (23, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.roap-trigger+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 23, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (24, 'application/vnd.oma.drm.roap-trigger+wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 24, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (25, 'text/vnd.wap.connectivity-xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 26, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (26, 'application/vnd.wap.connectivity-wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 27, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (27, 'application/x-wap-prov.browser-settings', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 28, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (28, 'application/x-wap-prov.browser-bookmarks', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 29, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (29, 'application/x-wap-prov.syncset+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 30, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (30, 'application/x-wap-prov.syncset+wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 31, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (31, 'text/vnd.wap.emn+xml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 32, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (32, 'application/vnd.wap.emn+wbxml', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 33, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (33, 'application/vnd.wv.csp.cir', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 34, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (34, 'application/vnd.omaloc-supl-init', 'X-Wap-Application-Id:', '', 0, 44, 0); INSERT INTO MSG_PUSHCFG_TABLE VALUES (35, 'application/vnd.wap.emn+wbxml', '', '', 0, 45, 1);" fi chown :6011 /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db chown :6011 /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db-journal chmod 660 /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db chmod 660 /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db-journal mkdir -p /opt/usr/data/msg-service chgrp db_msg_service /opt/usr/data/msg-service #if [ -f %{_libdir}/rpm-plugins/ ] #then # chsmack -a 'msg-service::db' /opt/usr/dbspace/.msg_service.db* # chsmack -a "_" -e "_" /etc/rc.d/init.d/msg-server # chsmack -a "_" -e "_" /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S70msg-server # chsmack -a "_" -e "_" /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S70msg-server #fi ########## Setting Config Value (Internal keys) ########## vcuid=5000 # Message Server Status vconftool set -t bool memory/msg/ready 0 -i -g 5000 -u $vcuid # SMS Send Options vconftool set -t int db/msg/network_mode 2 -u $vcuid # New Message Count vconftool set -t int db/msg/recv_sms 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/msg/recv_mms 0 -u $vcuid ########## Setting Config Value (Private keys) ########## # General Options vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/general/keep_copy 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/general/auto_erase 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/general/block_msg 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/general/contact_sync_time 0 -u $vcuid # SMS Send Options vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/sms_send/dcs 3 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/sms_send/reply_path 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/sms_send/delivery_report 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/sms_send/save_storage 1 -u $vcuid # SMSC vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/total_count 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/selected 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/pid/0 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/val_period/0 255 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/smsc/name/0 "" -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/ton/0 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/npi/0 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/smsc/address/0 "" -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/pid/1 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/val_period/1 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/smsc/name/1 "" -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/ton/1 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/npi/1 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/smsc/address/1 "" -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/pid/2 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/val_period/2 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/smsc/name/2 "" -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/ton/2 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/smsc/npi/2 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/smsc/address/2 "" -u $vcuid # MMS Send Options vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/msg_class 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/priority 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/expiry_time 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/custom_delivery 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/sender_visibility 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/delivery_report 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/read_reply 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/keep_copy 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/body_replying 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/hide_recipients 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_send/report_allowed 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/reply_charging 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/reply_charging_deadline 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/reply_charging_size 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/delivery_time 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_send/creation_mode 2 -u $vcuid # MMS Receive Options vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_recv/home_network 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_recv/abroad_network 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_recv/read_receipt 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_recv/delivery_receipt 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_recv/reject_unknown 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_recv/reject_advertisement 0 -u $vcuid # MMS Receive Options vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_size 30 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_style/bold 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_style/italic 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_style/underline 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_color/red 255 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_color/green 255 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_color/blue 255 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/font_color/hue 255 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/bg_color/red 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/bg_color/green 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/bg_color/blue 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/bg_color/hue 255 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/page_dur 2 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/page_custom_dur 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/mms_style/page_dur_manual 0 -u $vcuid # Push Msg Options vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/push_msg/recv_option 1 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/push_msg/service_load 1 -u $vcuid # CB Msg Options vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/receive 1 -f -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/save 1 -f -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/max_sim_count 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/channel_count 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/0 1 -f -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/1 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/2 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/3 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/4 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/5 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/6 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/7 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/8 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool db/private/msg-service/cb_msg/language/9 0 -u $vcuid # Voice Mail Options vconftool set -t string db/private/msg-service/voice_mail/voice_mail_number "5500" -f -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/voice_mail/voice_mail_count 0 -u $vcuid # MMS Size Options vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/size_opt/msg_size 300 -u $vcuid # SIM message count vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/sim_count/used_cnt 0 -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/sim_count/total_cnt 0 -u $vcuid # SIM information vconftool set -t int memory/private/msg-service/sim_changed 0 -i -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string memory/private/msg-service/sim_imsi "" -i -u $vcuid vconftool set -t bool memory/private/msg-service/national_sim 0 -i -u $vcuid vconftool set -t string memory/private/msg-service/msisdn "" -i -u $vcuid vconftool set -t int db/private/msg-service/notification_priv_id 0 -u $vcuid /sbin/ldconfig /bin/systemctl daemon-reload if [ "$1" = "1" ]; then systemctl stop msg-service.service fi %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun tools -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n sms-plugin -p /sbin/ldconfig %postun -n mms-plugin -p /sbin/ldconfig %files %manifest %{name}.manifest %defattr(-,root,root,-) %dir %attr(775,root,db_msg_service) /opt/usr/data/msg-service %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/* %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/ /usr/share/license/msg-service/LICENSE.Flora %files devel %manifest %{name}.manifest %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/ %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/msg-service.pc %{_includedir}/msg-service/* %files tools %manifest %{name}.manifest %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_bindir}/msg-helper %{_bindir}/msg-server %{_datadir}/media/Sherbet.wav %attr(0644,root,root)/usr/share/msg-service/plugin.cfg %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/msg-server %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/rc3.d/S70msg-server %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/rc5.d/S70msg-server %{_unitdir_user}/msg-service.service %{_unitdir_user}/msg-service-log.service %{_unitdir_user}/ %{_unitdir_user}/ /usr/share/license/msg-service/LICENSE.Flora /opt/etc/smack/accesses.d/msg-service.rule /etc/config/sysinfo-message.xml %attr(0755,app,app)/var/log/msgfw %files -n sms-plugin %manifest %{name}.manifest %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/ /usr/share/license/msg-service/LICENSE.Flora %files -n mms-plugin %manifest %{name}.manifest %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{_libdir}/ /usr/share/license/msg-service/LICENSE.Flora %changelog * Wed Oct 25 2012 Sangkoo Kim - New release version * Wed Aug 8 2012 KeeBum Kim - Apply New TAPI. - Modify transaction data size of sos recipient list. * Tue Aug 7 2012 KeeBum Kim - Fix contact sync defect. - New MessageFW API. * Fri Jul 27 2012 KeeBum Kim - Change devman_haptic.h to devman_managed.h. - Modify to set MSG_SERVER_READY before sim status check. - Fix bug in sim message save related operations. - Limit sim related APIs not to work on sim not available status. - Modify indicator icon image path & related. * Tue Jul 17 2012 KeeBum Kim - Modify MAX_SEGMENT_NUM to 15. - Modify MMplayer related to support interrupted event. - Fix bug in storage change callback which could cause on submit request. * Fri Jun 29 2012 Sangkoo Kim - Modify vconf key path for sos sending option. * Mon Jun 18 2012 Seunghwan Lee - Storage change callback for scheduled message - code chage to support glib2-2.32 - Apply Backup && Restore of Mms Type * Fri Jun 15 2012 Sangkoo Kim - Update display time for scheduled message when it is sent. * Thu Jun 14 2012 Seunghwan Lee - Comment the test app in CMakefile. - Modify MMS BG color of vconf value. - Bug fixed wrong query in MsgStoCheckReadReportIsSent - Add '-i' option for vconf keys of memory type - Add smsc vconf keys(default value). - To avoid msg incoming sound and notification on SOS * Fri Jun 8 2012 Sangkoo Kim - Add '-i' option for vconf keys of memory type. - Add smsc vconf keys(default value). - To avoid msg incoming sound and notification on SOS state. - Change BGcolor to black && font colore to white. * Wed May 31 2012 Keebum Kim - Apply Mdm policy. - SOS message. - Fix horizontality development problem. - Remove vconf key for new message count. (db/badge/ - Change vconf key path of "mms_send/msg_class" to private. * Thu May 24 2012 Keebum Kim - Add new MAPI. * Fri May 18 2012 Sangkoo Kim - Modify to support new DRM service. - Rename private vconf keys. - Modify .postinst and .spec file to pre-install used vconf keys. - Remove compile warnings. - Fix bug in manual retrieve operation. * Fri May 11 2012 Jaeyun Jeong - Fix DB conflict which cause db lock. - Fix bug in Find My Mobile function. - Add '*' and '#' symbol as valid number. * Wed May 9 2012 Keebum Kim - Change mobile tracker related vconf key define values. - Apply MDM policy for allowing text messaging. - Fix bug for getting thumbnail path. - Enable functionality of scheduled message. - Change alarm setting of scheduled message from volatile type to non-volatile. - Fix error in search query. * Thu May 3 2012 Keebum Kim - Change some thread list related APIs to support DB change. - DB change to support multiple recipient. * Thu Apr 19 2012 Keebum Kim - Modify to manage contact sync time by vconf. - Use g_idle_add() routine for updating unread message count(vconf values). - apply try{}catch{} code for handling unexpected exception to avoid thread terminating. - Fix bug for allocated size of replacing string. - Resolve search problem for special characters. - add xmlFree. * Tue Apr 10 2012 Keebum Kim - Remove unused vconf keys. - Initialize SMSC selected_index. - Remove systemd related. * Thu Apr 05 2012 Jaeyun Jeong - Add notification property(NOTIFICATION_PROP_DISPLAY_ONLY_SIMMODE) - Fix S1-2397/2417/2418/2419. - Remove sent status callback check during submit request. - Modify offset and limit operation on search. - Remove invalid folder and file. - Change browser launching API from aul to service-capi. - Remove unused file. - Invalid type checking is fixed. * Fri Mar 16 2012 Jaeyun Jeong - Add #include to support chmod related defines. - Fix DRM content issue(unregistered mo content) * Wed Mar 14 2012 Jaeyun Jeong - Modify plugin configuration file location for FOTA. - Remove the db query which create sample data. * Wed Feb 29 2012 Jaeyun Jeong - Update msg-service.spec for OBS. - Fix TC execute failure. - Fix S1-1419(Removed mms raw file issue after rebooting)