#!/usr/bin/perl # # Author: Petter Reinholdtsen # Date: 2005-08-21 # # Read LSM init.d headers in SysV init.d scripts, and verify correct # start order for all runlevels. It can also provide a graph. # # To generate a graph, run it like this # # check-initd-order -g > initorder.dotty && dotty initorder.dotty use strict; use warnings; my $rcbase = "/etc"; my $overridepath = "/usr/share/insserv/overrides"; my $hostoverridepath = "/etc/insserv/overrides"; my $debug = 0; my $errors = 0; my %rcmap = ( 'B' => 'rc.boot', 'S' => 'rcS.d', '1' => 'rc1.d', '2' => 'rc2.d', '3' => 'rc3.d', '4' => 'rc4.d', '5' => 'rc5.d', '6' => 'rc6.d', ); my %sysmap; my %provideslist; my %scriptorder; my %opts; # Used to draw graphs my %gotrevdeps; my %allprovides; while($#ARGV >= 0 && ($_ = $ARGV[0]) =~ /^-/) { shift @ARGV; if (/^-([cdgko])$/) { $opts{$1}++; next } if (/^-b$/) { $rcbase = shift; next } if (/^-h|--help$/) { &usage; } &usage("unknown option"); } load_sysmap("$rcbase/insserv.conf"); $debug = $opts{'d'}; my $useoverrides = $opts{'o'} ? 0 : 1; if ($opts{'g'}) { graph_generate(); exit 0; } check_bootorder(); exit $errors > 0 ? 1 : 0; sub usage { print STDERR "check-initd-order: error: @_\n" if ($#_ >= 0); print STDERR <) { chomp; s/\#.*$//; next if m/^\s*$/; if (m/^(\$\S+)\s+(\S.*\S*)\S*$/) { my $virt = $1; for my $dep (split(/\s+/, $2)) { $dep =~ s/^\+//g; $sysmap{$dep} = $virt; } } } close(CONF); } sub graph_addnode { my ($isstopseq, $lsbinforef) = @_; my %lsbinfo = %{$lsbinforef}; unless ($lsbinfo{'provides'}) { error "File ". $lsbinfo{'file'} . " is missing the provides header\n"; $lsbinfo{'provides'} = $lsbinfo{'file'}; $lsbinfo{'provides'} =~ s/^[SK]\d{2}//; } my $key = $opts{'k'} ? 'stop' : 'start'; my $revkey = $opts{'k'} ? 'stop-after' : 'start-before'; my @provides = split(/\s+/, $lsbinfo{'provides'}); for my $name (@provides) { if (exists $sysmap{$name}) { graph_addnode($isstopseq, {'provides' => $sysmap{$name}, "required-$key" => $name}); } } if (1 < @provides) { my @providescopy = @provides; my $lastprovide = shift @providescopy; for my $provide (@providescopy) { graph_addnode($isstopseq, {'provides' => $lastprovide, "required-$key" => $provide}); graph_addnode($isstopseq, {'provides' => $provide, "required-$key" => $lastprovide}); } } for my $provide (@provides) { my $provideesc = $provide; $provideesc =~ s/"/\\"/g; my %deps = ( "required-$key" => 'blue', "should-$key" => 'springgreen', "$revkey" => 'yellow' ); for $key (keys %deps) { if (exists $lsbinfo{$key} && $lsbinfo{$key}) { my @depends = split(/\s+/, $lsbinfo{$key}); my $dependonall = 0; for my $pkg (@depends) { $dependonall = 1 if ($pkg eq '$all'); } for my $pkg (@depends) { my $pkgesc = $pkg; $pkgesc =~ s/"/\\"/g; my $color = $deps{$key}; if ($revkey eq $key) { print "\"$provideesc\" -> \"$pkgesc\"[color=$color] ;\n"; $gotrevdeps{$pkg} = 1 unless $dependonall; } else { print "\"$pkgesc\" -> \"$provideesc\"[color=$color] ;\n"; $gotrevdeps{$provide} = 1 unless $dependonall; } } } } print "\"$provideesc\" [shape=box];\n" unless $allprovides{$provide}; $allprovides{$provide} = 1; } } sub graph_generate_mode { my ($isstopseq) = @_; my @dirs = $isstopseq ? $rcmap{6} : ($rcmap{S}, $rcmap{2}); for my $rcdir (@dirs) { chdir "$rcbase/$rcdir/."; my @scripts = $isstopseq ? : ; for my $script (@scripts) { my $lsbinforef = load_lsb_tags("$rcbase/$rcdir/$script", $useoverrides); unless (defined $lsbinforef) { error "LSB header missing in $rcbase/$rcdir/$script\n"; $script =~ s/^[SK]\d{2}//; $lsbinforef = {'provides' => $script, 'required-start' => '$remote_fs $syslog', 'required-stop' => '$remote_fs $syslog'}; } graph_addnode($isstopseq, $lsbinforef); } } # Mark all packages without any reverse dependencies as depending # on $all for my $provide (keys %allprovides) { next unless (exists $gotrevdeps{$provide}); my $lsbinforef = {'provides' => '$all', 'required-start' => "$provide", 'required-stop' => "$provide"}; graph_addnode($isstopseq, $lsbinforef); } } sub graph_generate { print "# Generating graph\n"; print < $bootorder)) { my $deporder; if (exists $scriptorder{$tag}{$dep}) { $deporder = $scriptorder{$tag}{$dep} } else { $deporder = exists $provideslist{$dep} ? $provideslist{$dep} : "?"; } error(sprintf("Incorrect order %s@%s %s %s%s\n", $dep, $deporder, 'S' eq $tag ? '>' : '<', $name, $order)); } } } } } sub check_bootorder { my $bootorder = 0; my @dirs = $opts{'k'} ? $rcmap{6} : ($rcmap{S}, $rcmap{2}); my @scripts; for my $rcdir (@dirs) { push(@scripts, $opts{'k'} ? <$rcbase/$rcdir/K*> : <$rcbase/$rcdir/S*>); } if ($opts{'k'}) { $scriptorder{'K'}{'$all'} = 1; } else { # Calculate script order for the script before the scripts # with the last boot sequence number. my $tmpbootorder = 0; my $allorder = 0; my $maxorder = 0; my $maxbootorder = 0; for my $scriptpath (@scripts) { my $script = $scriptpath; $script =~ s%^.*/([^/]+)$%$1%; $tmpbootorder++; my ($tag, $order, $name) = $script =~ m/^(.)(\d{2})(.+)$/; if ($order > $maxorder) { $allorder = $maxbootorder; $maxbootorder = $tmpbootorder; $maxorder = $order; } my $lsbinforef = load_lsb_tags($scriptpath, $useoverrides); if (exists $lsbinforef->{'provides'} && $lsbinforef->{'provides'}) { for my $provide (split(/\s+/, $lsbinforef->{'provides'})) { $provideslist{$provide} = $order; } } else { $provideslist{$script} = $order; } } $scriptorder{'S'}{'$all'} = $allorder; } for my $scriptpath (@scripts) { my $script = $scriptpath; $script =~ s%^.*/([^/]+)$%$1%; $bootorder++; my ($tag, $order, $name) = $script =~ m/^(.)(\d{2})(.+)$/; $scriptorder{$tag}{$name} = $bootorder; $scriptorder{$tag}{$sysmap{$name}} = $bootorder if (exists $sysmap{$name}); # print "$script\n"; # print "T: $tag O: $order N: $name\n"; my $lsbinforef = load_lsb_tags($scriptpath, $useoverrides); unless (defined $lsbinforef) { error "LSB header missing in $scriptpath\n"; next; } my %lsbinfo = %{$lsbinforef}; if (exists $lsbinfo{'provides'} && $lsbinfo{'provides'}) { for my $provide (split(/\s+/, $lsbinfo{'provides'})) { $scriptorder{$tag}{$provide} = $bootorder; $scriptorder{$tag}{$sysmap{$provide}} = $bootorder if (exists $sysmap{$provide}); } } else { error "no LSB header provides value in script $scriptpath\n"; } if ('S' eq $tag) { check_deps($lsbinforef, $tag, $order, $bootorder, 'required-start', 1); check_deps($lsbinforef, $tag, $order, $bootorder, 'should-start', 0); # check_deps($lsbinforef, 'K', $order, $bootorder, 'start-before', 0); } if ('K' eq $tag) { check_deps($lsbinforef, $tag, $order, $bootorder, 'required-stop', 1); check_deps($lsbinforef, $tag, $order, $bootorder, 'should-stop', 0); # check_deps($lsbinforef, 'S', $order, $bootorder, 'stop-after', 0); } } } sub load_lsb_tags { my ($initfile, $useoverrides) = @_; my $lsbinforef = load_lsb_tags_from_file($initfile); if ($useoverrides) { # Try override file $initfile = readlink($initfile) if (-l $initfile); my $basename = basename($initfile); # Only read shipped override file when initscript does not # contain LSB tags. if (! defined($lsbinforef) && -f "$overridepath/$basename") { print STDERR "Override $overridepath/$basename\n" if $debug; $lsbinforef = load_lsb_tags_from_file("$overridepath/$basename"); } # Always read the host override in $hostoverridepath. if (-f "$hostoverridepath/$basename") { print STDERR "Override $hostoverridepath/$basename\n" if $debug; $lsbinforef = load_lsb_tags_from_file("$hostoverridepath/$basename"); } } return $lsbinforef; } sub load_lsb_tags_from_file { my ($file) = @_; print STDERR "Loading $file\n" if $debug; ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: xdebconfigurator # Required-Start: $syslog # Required-Stop: $syslog # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 1 6 # Short-Description: Genererate xfree86 configuration at boot time # Description: Preseed X configuration and use dexconf to # genereate a new configuration file. ### END INIT INFO unless (open(FILE, "<$file")) { warn "error: Unable to read $file"; return; } my $found = 0; my ($provides, $requiredstart, $requiredstop, $shouldstart, $shouldstop); my ($startbefore, $stopafter); while () { chomp; $found = 1 if (m/\#\#\# BEGIN INIT INFO/); next unless $found; last if (m/\#\#\# END INIT INFO/); $provides = $1 if (m/^\# provides:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); $requiredstart = $1 if (m/^\# required-start:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); $requiredstop = $1 if (m/^\# required-stop:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); $shouldstart = $1 if (m/^\# should-start:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); $shouldstop = $1 if (m/^\# should-stop:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); $startbefore = $1 if (m/^\# X-Start-Before:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); $stopafter = $1 if (m/^\# X-Stop-After:\s+(\S*.*\S+)\s*$/i); } close(FILE); return undef unless ($found); # print "Provides: $provides\n" if $provides; return { 'provides' => $provides, 'required-start' => $requiredstart, 'required-stop' => $requiredstop, 'should-start' => $shouldstart, 'should-stop' => $shouldstop, 'start-before' => $startbefore, 'stop-after' => $stopafter, 'file' => $file, }; }