#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. readonly SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$0")" readonly SCRIPT_DIR_ABS="$(cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}" ; pwd)" # Use the batch file as an entry point if on cygwin. if [ "x${OSTYPE}" = "xcygwin" ]; then # Use extended globbing (cygwin should always have it). shopt -s extglob # Filter out cygwin python (everything under /usr or /bin, or *cygwin*). export PATH=${PATH/#\/bin*([^:])/} export PATH=${PATH//:\/bin*([^:])/} export PATH=${PATH/#\/usr*([^:])/} export PATH=${PATH//:\/usr*([^:])/} export PATH=${PATH/#*([^:])cygwin*([^:])/} export PATH=${PATH//:*([^:])cygwin*([^:])/} "${SCRIPT_DIR_ABS}/scons.bat" "$@" exit fi readonly BASE_SCRIPT="${SCRIPT_DIR_ABS}/scons.py" python3 "${BASE_SCRIPT}" "$@"