; < Camera/Camcorder Configure Control INI file > ; ; - SDK Camera. Mega Camera. ; ; - Header List - ; 1. Camera ; 2. Strobe ; 3. Effect ; 4. Photograph ; 5. Capture ; 6. Detect ; ; - Note - ; If you want to add a new header, ; add a new enum value to "enum ConfigureCategoryControl" ; and new default table for it in mm_camcorder_configure.c/.h ; [Camera] ; Input index - real setting value ;;; 0:PRIMARY_CAMERA, 1:SECONDARY_CAMERA ; Input index - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; -1:NONE, 0:CAMERA0, 1:CAMERA1 InputIndex = 0,-255 || 0 DeviceName = mt9e013 PreviewResolution = 800,600 | 1600,1200 | 1600,940 | 1024,600 || 800,600 CaptureResolution = 320,240 | 352,288 | 640,480 | 800,600 | 1024,600 | 1280,720 | 1280,960 | 1920,1080 | 2048,1536 | 3264,1836 | 3264,2448 || 2048,1536 DisplayRect = 0,0 | 0,112 || 0,112 DisplayResolution = 580,800 | 480,640 | 600,1024 || 580,800 FPS = 30 || 30 ; PictureForamt - MSL value ;;; 0:NV12, 1:NV12T, 2:NV16, 3:NV21, 4:YUYV, 5:UYVY, 6:422P, 7:I420, 8:YV12, 9:RGB565, 10:RGB888, 11:RGBA, 12:ARGB, 13:ENCODED PictureFormat = 0,4,7,8 || 0 Overlay = 0,1 || 1 ; Recommand preview format for capture ;;; 0:NV12, 1:NV12T, 2:NV16, 3:NV21, 4:YUYV, 5:UYVY, 6:422P, 7:I420, 8:YV12, 9:RGB565, 10:RGB888, 11:RGBA, 12:ARGB, 13:ENCODED, 14:INTERLEAVED_JPEG_UYVY RecommendPreviewFormatCapture = 0 ; Recommand preview format for record ;;; 0:NV12, 1:NV12T, 2:NV16, 3:NV21, 4:YUYV, 5:UYVY, 6:422P, 7:I420, 8:YV12, 9:RGB565, 10:RGB888, 11:RGBA, 12:ARGB, 13:ENCODED, 14:INTERLEAVED_JPEG_UYVY RecommendPreviewFormatRecord = 0 [Strobe] ;StrobeControl - Not support ;StrobeCapabilities - Not support ; Strobe mode - real setting value ;;; 0:AUTO, 1:OFF, 2:ON, 3:_FILL_IN, 4:RED_EYE ; Strobe mode - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:OFF, 1:ON, 2:AUTO, 3:REDEYE_REDUCTION, 4:SLOW_SYNC, 5:FRONT_CURTAIN, 6:REAR_CURTAIN, 7:PERMANENT StrobeMode = 1,2,0,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255 || 0 ;StrobeStatus - Not support ;StrobeEV - Not support [Effect] Brightness = 1,20 || 10 Contrast = 1,20 || 10 Saturation = 1,20 || 10 Sharpness = 1,20 || 10 ; White balance - real setting value ;;; 0:AUTO, 1:DAYLIGHT, 2:SUNSET, 3:CLOUDY, 4:TUNGSTEN, 5:FLUORESCENT ; White balance - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:NONE, 1:AUTO, 2:DAYLIGHT, 3:CLOUDY, 4:FLUOROSCENT, 5:INCANDESCENT, 6:SHADE, 7:HORIZON, 8:FLASH, 9:CUSTOM WhiteBalance = -255,0,1,3,5,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255 || 0 ; Color tone - real setting value ;;; 0:NORMAL, 1:SEPIA, 2:NEGATIVE, 3:GRAYSCALE, 5:VIVID, 9:SKY_BLUE, 10:GRASS_GREEN , 11: SKIN_WHITEN ; Color tone - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:NONE, 1:MONO, 2:SEPIA, 3:NEGATIVE, 4:BLUE, 5:GREEN, 6:AQUA, 7:VIOLET, 8:ORANGE, 9:GRAY, 10:REC, ;;; 11:ANTIQUE, 12:WARM, 13:PINK, 14:YELLOW, 15:PURPLE, 16:EMBOSS, 17:OUTLINE, 18:SOLARIZATION_1, 19:SOLARIZATION_2, 20:SOLARIZATION_3, ;;; 21:SOLARIZATION_4, 22:SKETCH_1, 23:SKETCH_2, 24:SKETCH_3, 25:SKETCH_4 ColorTone = 0,3,1,2,9,10,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255 || 0 ; Flip - real setting value ;;; 0:NONE, 1:VERTICAL, 2:HORIZONTAL ; Flip - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:HORIZONTAL, 1:VERTICAL, 2:NONE ;Flip = 2,1,0 || 0 ; Wide Dynamic Range - real setting value ;;; 1:OFF, 2:ON, 3:AUTO ; Wide Dynamic Range - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:OFF, 1:ON, 2:AUTO ;WDR = 1,2,3 || 3 ; Part color mode - real setting value ;;; 0:OFF, 1:SWAP, 2:ACCENT ; Part color mode - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:OFF, 1:SWAP, 2:ACCENT ;PartColorMode = 0,1,2 || 0 ; Part color - real setting value ;;; 0:VIOLET, 1:PURPLE, 2:MAGENTA_1, 3:MAGENTA_2, 4:RED_1, 5:RED_2, 6:BROWN, 7:YELLOW, 8:GREEN_1, 9:GREEN_2, 10:GREEN_3, ;;; 11:GREEN_4, 12:COBALT, 13:CYAN, 14:BLUE_1, 15:BLUE_2, 16:GRAY ; Part color - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:VIOLET, 1:PURPLE, 2:MAGENTA_1, 3:MAGENTA_2, 4:RED_1, 5:RED_2, 6:BROWN, 7:YELLOW, 8:GREEN_1, 9:GREEN_2, 10:GREEN_3, ;;; 11:GREEN_4, 12:COBALT_BLUE, 13:CYAN, 14:BLUE_1, 15:BLUE_2, 16:GRAY ;PartColor = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 || 0 [Photograph] ;LensInit = 0,1 || 0 DigitalZoom = 100,800 || 100 ;OpticalZoom - Not support ; Focus mode - real setting value ;;; Not Support, no need to convert ; Focus mode - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:NONE, 1:PAN, 2:AUTO, 3:MANUAL, 4:TOUCH_AUTO, 5:CONTINUOUS FocusMode = 0,1,2,3,4,5 || 4 ; Auto focus type - real setting value ;;; 0:NORMAL, 1:MACRO, 2:FULL ; Auto focus - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:NONE, 1:NORMAL, 2:MACRO, 3:FULL AFType = -255,0,1,-255 || 0 ; Auto exposure type - real setting value ;;; 1,ALL 2,CENTER 3,SPOT ; Auto exposure mode - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0,OFF 1,ALL 2,CENTER1 3,CENTER2 4,CENTER3 5,SPOT1 6,SPOT2 7,CUSTOM1 8,CUSTOM2 AEType = -255,0,2,-255,-255,1,-255,-255,-255 || 1 ExposureValue = 1,9 || 5 ;FNumber - Not support ;ShutterSpeed - Not support ; ISO - real setting value ;;; 0:1600, 1:800, 2:400, 3:200, 4:100, 5:AUTO ; ISO - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:AUTO, 1:50, 2:100, 3:200, 4:400, 5:800, 6:1600, 7:3200 ISO = 5,-255,4,3,2,1,0,-255 || 1 ; Program mode - real setting value ;;; 0: MANUAL, 1:CLOSEUP, 2:PORTRAIT, 3:LANDSCAPE, 4:SPORT, 5:NIGHT, 6:AUTO ; Program mode - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:NORMAL, 1:PORTRAIT, 2:LANDSCAPE, 3:SPORTS, 4:PARTY_N_INDOOR, 5:BEACH_N_INDOOR, 6:SUNSET, 7:DUSK_N_DAWN, 8:FALL_COLOR, 9:NIGHT_SCENE, ;;; 10:FIREWORK, 11:TEXT, 12:SHOW_WINDOW, 13:CANDLE_LIGHT, 14:BACKLIGHT ProgramMode = 0,2,3,4,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255,5,-255,-255,-255,-255,-255 || 0 ; Anti-handshake - real setting value ;;; 0:OFF, 1:Capture, 2:Movie ; Anti-handshake - MSL value(convert array index) ;;; 0:OFF, 1:ON, 2:AUTO, 3:MOVIE_ON ;AntiHandshake = 0,1,-255,2 || 0 [Capture] ; Output mode ;;; No need to convert ;;; 0:NV12, 1:NV12T, 2:NV16, 3:NV21, 4:YUYV, 5:UYVY, 6:422P, 7:I420, 8:YV12, 9:RGB565, 10:RGB888, 11:RGBA, 12:ARGB, 13:ENCODED OutputMode = 0,4,7,8,13 || 0 JpegQuality = 0,100 || 50 MultishotNumber = 1,255 || 1 SensorEncodedCapture = 0 [Detect] ; Detect mode ;;; No need to convert ;;; 0:OFF, 1:ON ;DetectMode = 0,1 || 0 ;DetectNumber - Not support ;DetectFocusSelect - Not support ;DetectSelectNumber - Not support ;DetectStatus - Not support