# Author: Erwin Waterlander # Copyright (C) 2012 Erwin Waterlander # This file is distributed under the same license as the dos2unix package. CC = x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc STRIP = x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip CRT_GLOB_OBJ = C:/mingw64/mingw/lib/CRT_glob.o prefix=c:/usr/local64 ENABLE_NLS= ifdef ENABLE_NLS LIBS_EXTRA = -lintl -liconv # Using MinGW gettext,iconv #ZIPOBJ_EXTRA = bin/libintl-8.dll bin/libiconv-2.dll endif LIBS_EXTRA += $(CRT_GLOB_OBJ) all: $(MAKE) all EXE=.exe ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) LIBS_EXTRA="$(LIBS_EXTRA)" prefix=$(prefix) LINK="cp -f" CC=$(CC) EO_XNOTATION=1 MAN_NONLATIN= install: $(MAKE) install EXE=.exe ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) LIBS_EXTRA="$(LIBS_EXTRA)" prefix=$(prefix) LINK="cp -f" CC=$(CC) EO_XNOTATION=1 MAN_NONLATIN= uninstall: $(MAKE) uninstall EXE=.exe prefix=$(prefix) MAN_NONLATIN= clean: $(MAKE) clean EXE=.exe ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) prefix=$(prefix) mostlyclean: $(MAKE) mostlyclean EXE=.exe ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) prefix=$(prefix) dist: $(MAKE) dist-zip EXE=.exe prefix=$(prefix) VERSIONSUFFIX="-win64" ZIPOBJ_EXTRA="${ZIPOBJ_EXTRA}" ENABLE_NLS=$(ENABLE_NLS) strip: $(MAKE) strip LINK="cp -f" EXE=.exe STRIP=$(STRIP)