project('efl', ['c','cpp'], version: '1.22.99', default_options : ['buildtype=plain', 'cpp_std=c++11'], meson_version : '>=0.47' ) if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' add_languages('objc') endif pkgconfig = import('pkgconfig') test_env = environment() test_env.set('EFL_RUN_IN_TREE', '1') version_arr = meson.project_version().split('.') version_major = version_arr[0] version_minor = version_arr[1] version_micro = version_arr[2] version_name = 'v-'+version_major + '.' + version_minor cc = meson.get_compiler('c') host_os = host_machine.system() if host_os == 'linux' if cc.has_header_symbol('features.h', '__UCLIBC__') host_os = 'linux-uclibc' elif cc.has_header_symbol('features.h', '__dietlibc__') host_os = 'linux-dietlibc' else host_os = 'linux-gnu' endif endif #prepare a special linker args flag for binaries on macos bin_linker_args = [] if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' bin_linker_args = ['-pagezero_size', '10000', '-image_base', '100000000'] endif windows = ['windows', 'cygwin'] #bsd for meson 0.46 and 0.47 bsd = ['bsd', 'freebsd', 'dragonfly', 'netbsd', 'openbsd'] linux = ['linux'] osx = ['darwin'] sys_linux = linux.contains(host_machine.system()) sys_bsd = bsd.contains(host_machine.system()) sys_windows = windows.contains(host_machine.system()) sys_osx = osx.contains(host_machine.system()) module_files = [] evas_loader_map = [] #install paths dir_prefix = get_option('prefix') dir_sysconf = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('sysconfdir')) dir_bin = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('bindir')) dir_data = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('datadir')) dir_include = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('includedir')) dir_lib = join_paths(dir_prefix, get_option('libdir')) #local paths local_lib = join_paths('src', 'lib') local_bindings = join_paths('src', 'bindings') local_bin = join_paths('src', 'bin') local_module = join_paths('src', 'modules') local_tests = join_paths('src', 'tests') local_benchmark = join_paths('src', 'benchmarks') local_examples = join_paths('src', 'examples') local_scripts = join_paths('src', 'scripts') dev_cflags = [] dev_cflags_try = [ '-fvisibility=hidden', '-Wall', '-Wunused-parameter', '-Wsign-compare', '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', ] foreach cf: dev_cflags_try if cc.has_argument(cf) == true dev_cflags += cf endif endforeach add_global_arguments(dev_cflags, language: 'c') add_global_arguments(dev_cflags, language: 'cpp') foreach lang : ['c', 'objc', 'cpp'] add_global_arguments('-DHAVE_CONFIG_H=1', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-D_GNU_SOURCE=1', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-DEFL_BETA_API_SUPPORT=1', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-DNEED_RUN_IN_TREE=1', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-DEFL_BUILD=1', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-DELM_INTERNAL_API_ARGESFSDFEFC=1', language: lang) if sys_windows == true add_global_arguments('-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L', language: lang) if (get_option('windows-version') == 'vista') add_global_arguments('-DWINVER=0x060', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600', language: lang) elif (get_option('windows-version') == 'win7') add_global_arguments('-DWINVER=0x0601', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0601', language: lang) elif (get_option('windows-version') == 'win8') add_global_arguments('-DWINVER=0x0602', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602', language: lang) elif (get_option('windows-version') == 'win81') add_global_arguments('-DWINVER=0x0603', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0603', language: lang) elif (get_option('windows-version') == 'win10') add_global_arguments('-DWINVER=0x0A00', language: lang) add_global_arguments('-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0A00', language: lang) else error('Version of targetted Windows incorrect') endif add_global_arguments('-D__USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO', language: lang) endif endforeach config_h = configuration_data() config_h.set_quoted('MODULE_ARCH', version_name) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE', meson.project_name()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) config_h.set_quoted('VERSION', meson.project_version()) config_h.set_quoted('LOCALE_DIR', join_paths([dir_prefix, 'share/locale'])) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_URL', '') config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_TARNAME', meson.project_name()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BUGREPORT', '') config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_STRING', meson.project_name() + ' ' + meson.project_version()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BIN_DIR', dir_bin) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_LIB_DIR', dir_lib) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_SRC_DIR', meson.source_root()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_BUILD_DIR', meson.current_build_dir()) config_h.set_quoted('PACKAGE_SYSCONF_DIR', dir_sysconf) config_h.set_quoted('BINDIR', dir_bin) config_h.set10('EFL_HAVE_THREADS', true) config_h.set10('SLOPPY_SPEC', true) ## have to get compiler again for this to work code = '''#define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #include #include extern char **environ; void func(void) { printf("%p\n", environ); } ''' if cc.compiles(code, args : '-lc', name : 'environ check') == true config_h.set10('HAVE_ENVIRON', true) endif cpu_sse3 = false cpu_neon = false cpu_neon_intrinsics = false native_arch_opt_c_args = [ ] if host_machine.endian() == 'big' config_h.set10('WORDS_BIGENDIAN', true) endif if get_option('native-arch-optimization') if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' or host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' cpu_sse3 = true config_h.set10('BUILD_MMX', true) config_h.set10('BUILD_SSE3', true) native_arch_opt_c_args = [ '-msse3' ] message('x86 build - MMX + SSE3 enabled') elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'arm' cpu_neon = true config_h.set10('BUILD_NEON', true) add_global_arguments('-mfpu=neon', language: 'c') add_global_arguments('-ftree-vectorize', language: 'c') message('ARM build - NEON enabled') elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'aarch64' cpu_neon = true cpu_neon_intrinsics = true config_h.set10('BUILD_NEON', true) config_h.set10('BUILD_NEON_INTRINSICS', true) add_global_arguments('-ftree-vectorize', language: 'c') native_arch_opt_c_args = [ '-ftree-vectorize' ] message('ARM64 build - NEON + intrinsics enabled') elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'ppc' or host_machine.cpu_family() == 'ppc64' config_h.set10('BUILD_ALTIVEC', true) add_global_arguments('-ftree-vectorize', language: 'c') add_global_arguments('-maltivec', language: 'c') message('PPC/POWER build - ALTIVEC enabled') endif endif config_dir = [include_directories('.')] eolian_include_directories = [] if sys_linux == true or sys_bsd == true sys_lib_extension = 'so' sys_exe_extension = '' sys_mod_extension = 'so' elif sys_windows == true sys_lib_extension = 'dll' sys_exe_extension = 'exe' sys_mod_extension = 'dll' elif sys_osx == true sys_lib_extension = 'dylib' sys_exe_extension = '' sys_mod_extension = 'dylib' config_h.set('environ', '(*_NSGetEnviron())') else error('System '+host_machine.system()+' not known') endif if (get_option('crypto') == 'gnutls') # gcrypt does not want to provide a pkg config file so we try the lib crypto = [dependency('gnutls'), cc.find_library('gcrypt')] config_h.set('HAVE_GNUTLS', '1') elif (get_option('crypto') == 'openssl') crypto = dependency('openssl') config_h.set('HAVE_OPENSSL', '1') endif if get_option('crypto') != '' config_h.set('HAVE_CIPHER', '1') config_h.set('HAVE_SIGNATURE', '1') endif config_h.set_quoted('SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX', '.'+sys_lib_extension) config_h.set_quoted('MOD_SUFFIX', '.'+sys_mod_extension) config_h.set_quoted('EXE_SUFFIX', '.'+sys_exe_extension) config_h.set('EFL_BUILD', '1') if get_option('tslib') == true config_h.set('HAVE_TSLIB', '1') endif subdir('header_checks') subdir('po') if get_option('wl') == true subdir(join_paths('src', 'wayland_protocol')) endif ecore_evas_wayland_engine_include_dir = [] evas_lib = ['evas' ,[], false, true, false, false, true, true, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], ['vg_common', 'libunibreak']] evas_img_modules = ['evas' ,[], true, false, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], ['vg_common', 'libunibreak']] evas_engines = [join_paths('evas', 'engines'),[], true, false, false, false, false, false, [], []] evas_goal = ['evas_goal' ,[], false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []] if get_option('evas-modules') == 'static' evas_settings = [ evas_lib, evas_img_modules, evas_engines, evas_goal, ] else evas_settings = [ evas_lib, evas_img_modules, evas_goal, evas_engines, ] endif subprojects = [ # name | option | mod | lib | bin | bench | tests | examples | pkg-config options | name of static libs ['evil' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, [], []], ['eina' ,[] , false, true, true, true, true, true, [], []], ['eolian' ,[] , false, true, true, false, true, false, ['eina'], []], ['eo' ,[] , false, true, false, true, true, false, ['eina'], []], ['efl' ,[] , false, true, false, false, true, false, ['eo'], []], ['emile' ,[] , false, true, false, false, true, true, ['eina', 'efl'], ['lz4', 'rg_etc']], ['eet' ,[] , false, true, true, false, true, true, ['eina', 'emile', 'efl'], []], ['ecore' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'eo', 'efl'], ['buildsystem']], ['eldbus' ,[] , false, true, true, false, true, true, ['eina', 'eo', 'efl'], []], ['ecore' ,[] , true, false, false, false, true, true, ['eina', 'eo', 'efl'], []], #ecores modules depend on eldbus ['ecore_audio' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'eo'], []], ['ecore_avahi' ,['avahi'] , false, true, false, false, false, true, ['eina', 'ecore'], []], ['ecore_con' ,[] , false, true, true, false, true, false, ['eina', 'eo', 'efl', 'ecore'], ['http-parser']], ['ecore_file' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['eeze' ,['eeze'] , true, true, true, false, true, false, ['eina', 'efl'], []], ['ecore_input' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'eo'], []], ['ecore_x' ,['x11'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl'], []], ['ecore_fb' ,['fb'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['ecore_wayland' ,['wl-deprecated'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['ecore_wl2' ,['wl'] , true, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], ['libdrm']], ['ecore_sdl' ,['sdl'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['ecore_win32' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['ecore_ipc' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['ecore_buffer' ,['buffer'] , true, true, true, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['ector' ,[] , false, true, false, false, true, false, ['eina', 'efl'], ['draw', 'triangulator', 'freetype']], ['elput' ,['drm'] , false, true, false, false, true, false, ['eina', 'eldbus'], []], ['ecore_drm2' ,['drm'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['ecore'], ['libdrm']], ['ecore_cocoa' ,['cocoa'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []]] + evas_settings +[ ['ecore_input_evas' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'evas'], []], ['ecore_evas' ,[] , true, true, true, false, false, false, ['evas', 'ector'], []], ['ecore_imf' ,[] , true, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ['embryo' ,[] , false, true, true, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['efreet' ,[] , false, true, false, false, true, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['eio' ,[] , false, true, false, false, true, true, ['eina', 'eet'], []], ['efreet' ,[] , false, false, true, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['ecore_imf_evas' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['ephysics' ,['physics'] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['edje' ,[] , false, true, true, false, true, true, ['evas', 'eo', 'efl', get_option('lua-interpreter')], []], ['emotion' ,[] , true, true, false, false, true, true, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['ethumb' ,[] , true, true, true, false, false, false, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo'], []], ['ethumb_client' ,[] , false, true, true, false, false, true, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo', 'ethumb'], []], ['elocation' ,[] , false, true, false, false, false, false, ['ecore', 'eldbus'], []], ['elementary' ,[] , true, true, true, true, true, true, ['eina', 'efl', 'eo', 'eet', 'evas', 'ecore', 'ecore-evas', 'ecore-file', 'ecore-input', 'edje', 'ethumb-client', 'emotion', 'ecore-imf', 'ecore-con', 'eldbus', 'efreet', 'efreet-mime', 'efreet-trash', 'eio', 'elocation'], ['atspi']], ['efl_wl' ,['wl'] , false, true, true, false, false, false, ['evas', 'ecore'], []], ['elua' ,['elua'] , false, true, true, false, true, false, ['eina', 'luajit'], []], ['ecore_drm' ,['drm-deprecated'] , true, true, false, false, false, false, ['eina'], []], ] # We generate Efl_Config.h and config.h later, they will be available here config_dir += include_directories('.') #we have to do that first, eina modules are required by eina #the other modules require theire package subdir(join_paths(local_module, 'eina')) test_dirs = [] example_dirs = [] tmp_empty = declare_dependency() foreach package : subprojects package_name = package[0] package_version_name = '-'.join(package_name.split('_')) + '-' + version_major package_c_args = [ '-DPACKAGE_DATA_DIR="'+ join_paths(dir_data, package_name)+'"', '-DNEED_RUN_IN_TREE=1', ] automatic_pkgfile = true if package[1].length() == 0 or get_option(package[1][0]) config_h.set('HAVE_'+package_name.to_upper().underscorify(), '1') dir_package_include = join_paths(dir_include, package_version_name) dir_package_modules = join_paths(dir_lib, package_name, 'modules') #ensure that we really dont copy the eo file targets from a previous library #Those are the variables that can be used to reflect the libraries speical handlings # -> at the end is used to indicate where to find this variable outside of this for loop #public eo and eot files - which probebly have to be used later for bindings pub_eo_files = [] # -> package_name + '_eo_files' pub_eo_types_files = [] # -> package_name + '_eot_files' #All subdirs where eo files that are listed in the pub_* variables can be found #For every element != '' a variable called package_name + '_' + subir + '_eot_files' and package_name + '_' + subir + '_eo_files' must exist. package_eo_subdirs = [''] # -> package_name + '_eo_subdirs' #All subdirs that should be included in order to include every requried header package_header_subdirs = [] # -> package_name + '_include_subdirs' #eo file targets, this list of targets can be used to ensure the files are created before accessed pub_eo_file_target = [] #private eo files target - never use this :) priv_eo_file_target = [] #use this variable to store custom variables in that should be placed in the .pc file package_pc_variables = ['module_arch='+version_name,] foreach static_lib : package[9] if get_variable(static_lib, tmp_empty) == tmp_empty subdir(join_paths('src', 'static_libs', static_lib)) endif endforeach if (package[3]) subdir(join_paths(local_lib, package_name)) set_variable(package_name + '_eo_files', pub_eo_files) set_variable(package_name + '_eot_files', pub_eo_types_files) set_variable(package_name + '_header_subdirs', package_header_subdirs) set_variable(package_name + '_eo_subdirs', package_eo_subdirs) endif if (package[2]) subdir(join_paths(local_module, package_name)) endif if (package[4]) subdir(join_paths(local_bin, package_name)) endif if (package[5]) subdir(join_paths(local_benchmark, package_name)) endif if (package[6]) test_dirs += [package_name] endif if (package[7]) example_dirs += [package_name] endif set_variable('build_'+package_name.underscorify(), true) # generate automatic pc files for libraries if automatic_pkgfile == true and package[3] tmp_lib = get_variable(package_name+'_lib') tmp_deps = get_variable(package_name+'_deps') tmp_pub_deps = get_variable(package_name+'_pub_deps') tmp_package_subdirs = [] foreach subdir : package_header_subdirs tmp_package_subdirs += join_paths(package_version_name, subdir) endforeach pkgconfig.generate(tmp_lib, name : '-'.join(package_name.split('_')), subdirs : [package_version_name] + tmp_package_subdirs, version : version_major + '.' + version_minor + '.' + version_micro, libraries : tmp_pub_deps, requires : package[8], variables : package_pc_variables ) if package_name == 'ethumb_client' pkgconfig.generate(tmp_lib, name : package_name, subdirs : [package_version_name] + tmp_package_subdirs, version : version_major + '.' + version_minor + '.' + version_micro, libraries : tmp_pub_deps, requires : package[8], variables : package_pc_variables ) elif package_name == 'ecore' pkgconfig.generate(tmp_lib, name : package_name+'-core', subdirs : [package_version_name] + tmp_package_subdirs, version : version_major + '.' + version_minor + '.' + version_micro, libraries : tmp_pub_deps, requires : package[8], variables : package_pc_variables ) endif endif else message(package_name+' disabled!') endif endforeach ## TIZEN_ONLY(20190418) Install without --enable-csharp-bindings subdir(join_paths('src', 'lib', 'efl_mono')) ## #build this later, as the debug services are depending on ecore subdir(join_paths('src', 'bin', 'efl')) subdir(join_paths('src', 'generic', 'evas')) if sys_windows == false subdir(join_paths('src', 'generic', 'emotion')) endif subdir('cmakeconfig') bindings = get_option('bindings') bindings_order = ['luajit', 'cxx', 'mono'] foreach binding : bindings_order if bindings.contains(binding) subdir(join_paths('src', 'bindings', binding)) endif endforeach subdir(join_paths('src', 'edje_external')) subdir(join_paths('data')) if get_option('build-tests') check = dependency('check') subdir(join_paths('src', 'tests')) foreach test : test_dirs subdir(join_paths(local_tests, test)) endforeach endif if get_option('build-examples') foreach example : example_dirs subdir(join_paths(local_examples, example)) endforeach endif subdir(join_paths(local_scripts)) meson.add_install_script('meson/', module_files) foreach evas_loader_map_inst : evas_loader_map evas_loader_original = evas_loader_map_inst[0] evas_loader_link_types = evas_loader_map_inst[1] meson.add_install_script('meson/', evas_loader_original, evas_loader_link_types) endforeach doxygen = find_program('doxygen', required : false) if doxygen.found() subdir('doc') endif # # Configure files # efl_config_h = configuration_data() efl_config_h.set('EFL_VERSION_MAJOR', version_major) efl_config_h.set('EFL_VERSION_MINOR', version_minor) efl_config_h.set('EFL_VERSION_MICRO', version_micro) efl_config_h.set('EFL_BUILD_ID', get_option('build-id')) #FIXME placeholder efl_config_h.set('EFL_API_LEGACY_DEF', '#define EFL_API_LEGACY_DEF "FIXME NOT IMPLEMENTED"') configure_file( output: 'config.h', configuration: config_h ) configure_file( input: join_paths('src','lib', 'efl', ''), output: 'Efl_Config.h', install_dir : join_paths(dir_include,'efl-'+version_major), configuration: efl_config_h ) configure_file( input: '', output: 'elm_intro.h', configuration: config_h, install_dir : join_paths(dir_include,'elementary-'+version_major) ) subdir(join_paths('systemd-services')) subdir(join_paths('dbus-services')) #output the three new efl-* .pc files efl_20_pc_files = [ ['efl-ui', ['elementary']], ['efl-core', ['ecore', 'efl', 'emile']], ['efl-net', ['ecore', 'ecore-con', 'emile']], ] foreach pc_file : efl_20_pc_files name = pc_file[0] libraries = pc_file[1] pkgconfig.generate( name : '-'.join(name.split('_')), description: name+' configutation file', requires: libraries, ) endforeach