project('pulseaudio', 'c', 'cpp', version : '10.99.1', meson_version : '>= 0.31.0', default_options : [ 'c_std=gnu11', 'cpp_std=c++11' ] ) pa_version = meson.project_version() version_split = pa_version.split('.') pa_version_major = version_split[0] pa_version_minor = version_split[1] pa_version_micro = version_split[2] pa_version_major_minor = pa_version_major + '.' + pa_version_minor pa_api_version = 12 pa_protocol_version = 33 apiversion = '1.0' soversion = 0 # FIXME: this doesn't actually do what we want it to # maintaining compatibility with the previous libtool versioning # current = minor * 100 + micro libversion = '@0@.@1@.0'.format(soversion, pa_version_minor.to_int() * 100 + pa_version_micro.to_int()) prefix = get_option('prefix') datadir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('datadir')) localstatedir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('localstatedir')) sysconfdir = join_paths(prefix, get_option('sysconfdir')) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cdata = configuration_data() cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE', 'pulseaudio') cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_NAME', 'pulseaudio') cdata.set_quoted('PACKAGE_VERSION', pa_version) cdata.set_quoted('CANONICAL_HOST', host_machine.cpu()) cdata.set_quoted('PA_MACHINE_ID', join_paths(sysconfdir, 'machine-id')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_MACHINE_ID_FALLBACK', join_paths(localstatedir, 'lib', 'dbus', 'machine-id')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SRCDIR', join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'src')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_BUILDDIR', meson.current_build_dir()) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SOEXT', '.so') cdata.set_quoted('PA_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR', join_paths(sysconfdir, 'pulse')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_BINARY', join_paths(prefix, get_option('bindir'), 'pulseaudio')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_RUNTIME_PATH', join_paths(localstatedir, 'run', 'pulse')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH', join_paths(localstatedir, 'lib', 'pulse')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_STATE_PATH', join_paths(localstatedir, 'lib', 'pulse')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_DLSEARCHPATH', join_paths(prefix, get_option('libdir'), 'pulse-' + pa_version_major_minor, 'modules')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_USER', get_option('system_user')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_SYSTEM_GROUP', get_option('system_group')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_ACCESS_GROUP', get_option('access_group')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_CFLAGS', 'Not yet supported on meson') cdata.set_quoted('PA_ALSA_PATHS_DIR', join_paths(datadir, 'pulseaudio', 'alsa-mixer', 'paths')) cdata.set_quoted('PA_ALSA_PROFILE_SETS_DIR', join_paths(datadir, 'pulseaudio', 'alsa-mixer', 'profile-sets')) cdata.set_quoted('DESKTOPFILEDIR', join_paths(datadir, 'applications')) # Headers check_headers = [ 'arpa/inet.h', 'cpuid.h', 'grp.h', 'langinfo.h', 'locale.h', 'netdb.h', 'netinet/in.h', 'netinet/in_systm.h', 'netinet/ip.h', 'netinet/tcp.h', 'pcreposix.h', 'poll.h', 'pwd.h', 'regex.h', 'sched.h', 'sys/capability.h', 'sys/ioctl.h', 'sys/mman.h', 'sys/prctl.h', 'sys/resource.h', 'sys/select.h', 'sys/socket.h', 'sys/un.h', 'valgrind/memcheck.h', 'xlocale.h', ] foreach h : check_headers if cc.has_header(h) define = 'HAVE_' + h.underscorify().to_upper() cdata.set(define, 1) endif endforeach # FIXME: move this to the above set if cc.has_header('pthread.h') cdata.set('HAVE_PTHREAD', 1) endif # Functions check_functions = [ 'accept4', 'clock_gettime', 'fchmod', 'fchown', 'fork', 'fstat', 'getaddrinfo', 'gettimeofday', 'getuid', 'lstat', 'memfd_create', 'mlock', 'nanosleep', 'paccept', 'pipe', 'pipe2', 'posix_madvise', 'readlink', 'setegid', 'seteuid', 'setregid', 'setreuid', 'setresgid', 'setresuid', 'setsid', 'sig2str', 'sigaction', 'strtod_l', 'symlink', 'sysconf', 'uname', ] foreach f : check_functions if cc.has_function(f) define = 'HAVE_' + f.underscorify().to_upper() cdata.set(define, 1) endif endforeach shm_dep = cc.find_library('rt', required : false) if shm_dep.found() cdata.set('HAVE_SHM_OPEN', 1) endif if cc.has_function('SYS_memfd_create', prefix : '#include ') cdata.set('HAVE_MEMFD', 1) endif # Types # FIXME: do we ever care about gid_t not being defined / smaller than an int? cdata.set('GETGROUPS_T', 'gid_t') # Include paths configinc = include_directories('.') topinc = include_directories('src') # CFLAGS pa_c_args = ['-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', '-D_GNU_SOURCE'] server_c_args = ['-D__INCLUDED_FROM_PULSE_AUDIO'] cdata.set('MESON_BUILD', 1) # Core Dependencies libm_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : true) thread_dep = dependency('threads') cap_dep = cc.find_library('cap', required : false) if get_option('database') == 'tdb' database_dep = dependency('tdb') elif get_option('database') == 'gdbm' database_dep = cc.find_library('gdbm', required : true) endif atomictest = '''void func() { volatile int atomic = 2; __sync_bool_compare_and_swap (&atomic, 2, 3); } ''' if cc.compiles(atomictest) cdata.set('HAVE_ATOMIC_BUILTINS', true) else # FIXME: check if we need libatomic_ops endif # FIXME: make sure it's >= 2.2 ltdl_dep = cc.find_library('ltdl', required : true) # FIXME: can meson support libtool -dlopen/-dlpreopen things? # and do we still want to support this at all? cdata.set('DISABLE_LIBTOOL_PRELOAD', 1) sndfile_dep = dependency('sndfile', version : '>= 1.0.20') dbus_dep = dependency('dbus-1', version : '>= 1.4.12', required : false) if dbus_dep.found() cdata.set('HAVE_DBUS', 1) endif x11_dep = dependency('x11-xcb', required : false) if x11_dep.found() cdata.set('HAVE_X11', 1) endif alsa_dep = dependency('alsa', version : '>= 1.0.24', required : false) if alsa_dep.found() cdata.set('HAVE_ALSA_UCM', 1) endif # FIXME: support ORC cdata.set('DISABLE_ORC', 1) # Module dependencies udev_dep = dependency('libudev', version : '>= 143', required : false) # Now generate config.h from everything above configure_file(output : 'config.h', configuration : cdata) subdir('src')