# If you are using Ubuntu/Xenial, Do "force-version" on meson to get the required version. # If you are using Tizen 5.0+ or Ubuntu/Bionix+, you don't need to mind meson version. project('nnstreamer', 'c', 'cpp', version: '2.4.1', license: ['LGPL-2.1'], meson_version: '>=0.50.0', default_options: [ 'werror=true', 'warning_level=2', 'c_std=gnu89', 'cpp_std=c++14' ] ) add_project_arguments('-DVERSION="' + meson.project_version() + '"', language: ['c', 'cpp']) version_split = meson.project_version().split('.') add_project_arguments('-DVERSION_MAJOR="' + version_split[0] + '"', language: ['c', 'cpp']) add_project_arguments('-DVERSION_MINOR="' + version_split[1] + '"', language: ['c', 'cpp']) add_project_arguments('-DVERSION_MICRO="' + version_split[2] + '"', language: ['c', 'cpp']) cc = meson.get_compiler('c') cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') build_platform = '' so_ext = 'so' if get_option('enable-tizen') # Pass __TIZEN__ to the compiler add_project_arguments('-D__TIZEN__=1', language: ['c', 'cpp']) build_platform = 'tizen' tizenVmajor = get_option('tizen-version-major') add_project_arguments('-DTIZENVERSION='+tizenVmajor.to_string(), language: ['c', 'cpp']) dlog_dep = dependency('dlog') elif not meson.is_cross_build() if cc.get_id() == 'clang' and cxx.get_id() == 'clang' if build_machine.system() == 'darwin' # Pass __MACOS__ to the compiler add_project_arguments('-D__MACOS__=1', language: ['c', 'cpp']) build_platform = 'macos' so_ext = 'dylib' endif endif endif # Define warning flags for c and cpp warning_flags = [ '-Wmissing-braces', '-Wmaybe-uninitialized', '-Wwrite-strings', '-Wformat', '-Wformat-nonliteral', '-Wformat-security', '-Winit-self', '-Waddress', '-Wno-multichar', '-Wvla', '-Wpointer-arith' ] if cxx.get_id() == 'clang' # For the usage of GstTensorFilterFramework in tensor_filter_support_cc.cc warning_flags += '-Wno-c99-designator' endif warning_c_flags = [ '-Wmissing-declarations', '-Wmissing-include-dirs', '-Wmissing-prototypes', '-Wnested-externs', '-Waggregate-return', '-Wold-style-definition', '-Wdeclaration-after-statement' ] # Setup warning flags for c and cpp foreach extra_arg : warning_flags if cc.has_argument (extra_arg) add_project_arguments([extra_arg], language: 'c') endif if cxx.has_argument (extra_arg) add_project_arguments([extra_arg], language: 'cpp') endif endforeach foreach extra_arg : warning_c_flags if cc.has_argument (extra_arg) add_project_arguments([extra_arg], language: 'c') endif endforeach gst_api_verision = '1.0' # Set install path nnstreamer_prefix = get_option('prefix') nnstreamer_libdir = join_paths(nnstreamer_prefix, get_option('libdir')) nnstreamer_bindir = join_paths(nnstreamer_prefix, get_option('bindir')) nnstreamer_includedir = join_paths(nnstreamer_prefix, get_option('includedir')) nnstreamer_inidir = join_paths(nnstreamer_prefix, get_option('sysconfdir')) # join_paths drops first arg if second arg is absolute path. # nnstreamer plugins path plugins_install_dir = join_paths(nnstreamer_libdir, 'gstreamer-' + gst_api_verision) # nnstreamer sub-plugins path if get_option('subplugindir') == '' subplugin_install_prefix = join_paths(nnstreamer_prefix, get_option('libdir'), 'nnstreamer') else subplugin_install_prefix = get_option('subplugindir') endif filter_subplugin_install_dir = join_paths(subplugin_install_prefix, 'filters') decoder_subplugin_install_dir = join_paths(subplugin_install_prefix, 'decoders') customfilter_install_dir = join_paths(subplugin_install_prefix, 'customfilters') converter_subplugin_install_dir = join_paths(subplugin_install_prefix, 'converters') unittest_base_dir = join_paths(nnstreamer_bindir, 'unittest-nnstreamer') # Set default configuration nnstreamer_conf = configuration_data() nnstreamer_conf.set('VERSION', meson.project_version()) nnstreamer_conf.set('PREFIX', nnstreamer_prefix) nnstreamer_conf.set('EXEC_PREFIX', nnstreamer_bindir) nnstreamer_conf.set('LIB_INSTALL_DIR', nnstreamer_libdir) nnstreamer_conf.set('GST_INSTALL_DIR', plugins_install_dir) nnstreamer_conf.set('INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR', nnstreamer_includedir) nnstreamer_conf.set('SUBPLUGIN_INSTALL_PREFIX', subplugin_install_prefix) # Set framework priority about model file extension when automatically selecting framework for tensor filter. nnstreamer_conf.set('FRAMEWORK_PRIORITY_TFLITE', get_option('framework-priority-tflite')) nnstreamer_conf.set('FRAMEWORK_PRIORITY_NB', get_option('framework-priority-nb')) nnstreamer_conf.set('FRAMEWORK_PRIORITY_BIN', get_option('framework-priority-bin')) # Set the alias for backward compatibility nnstreamer_conf.set('TRIX_ENGINE_ALIAS', get_option('trix-engine-alias')) # Define default conf file add_project_arguments('-DNNSTREAMER_CONF_FILE="' + join_paths(nnstreamer_inidir, 'nnstreamer.ini') + '"', language: 'c') # Dependencies glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0') if glib_dep.version().version_compare('>= 2.68.0') add_project_arguments('-DGLIB_USE_G_MEMDUP2', language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif gobject_dep = dependency('gobject-2.0') gmodule_dep = dependency('gmodule-2.0') gio_dep = dependency('gio-2.0') gst_dep = dependency('gstreamer-' + gst_api_verision) gst_base_dep = dependency('gstreamer-base-' + gst_api_verision) gst_controller_dep = dependency('gstreamer-controller-' + gst_api_verision) gst_video_dep = dependency('gstreamer-video-' + gst_api_verision) gst_audio_dep = dependency('gstreamer-audio-' + gst_api_verision) gst_app_dep = dependency('gstreamer-app-' + gst_api_verision) gst_check_dep = dependency('gstreamer-check-' + gst_api_verision) libm_dep = cc.find_library('m') # cmath library libdl_dep = cc.find_library('dl') # DL library thread_dep = dependency('threads') # pthread for tensorflow-lite # Protobuf protobuf_dep = dependency('protobuf', version: '>= 3.6.1', required: false) # Flatbuffers compiler and libraries flatc = find_program('flatc', required : get_option('flatbuf-support')) flatbuf_dep = disabler() flatbuf_version_check_dep = disabler() flatc_dep = disabler() if flatc.found() # TODO: After bumping up meson version to 0.62.0, we can use flatc.version() # Please refer https://mesonbuild.com/Reference-manual_returned_external_program.html#external_programversion flatc_ver = run_command(flatc, '--version', check : true).stdout().split()[2] flatbuf_dep = dependency('flatbuffers', version: flatc_ver, required : get_option('flatbuf-support'), not_found_message : 'flatbuffers version '+flatc_ver+' is required because flatc (flatbuf-compiler) '+flatc_ver+' is installed' ) flatbuf_version_check_dep = dependency('flatbuffers', version: '>=2.0.0', required : get_option('flatbuf-support')) flatc_dep = declare_dependency() endif # Protobuf compiler pb_comp = find_program('protoc', required: get_option('protobuf-support')) pb_comp_dep = disabler() if (pb_comp.found()) pb_comp_dep = declare_dependency() endif #orc pg_orcc = find_program('orcc', required: get_option('orcc-support')) pg_orcc_dep = disabler() if (pg_orcc.found()) pg_orcc_dep = declare_dependency() endif orc_dep = dependency('orc-0.4', version: '>= 0.4.17', required: get_option('orcc-support')) ## nnfw nnfw_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('nnfw-runtime-support').disabled() nnfw_dep = dependency('nnfw', required: false) if not nnfw_dep.found() nnfw_dep = cc.find_library('nnfw-dev', required: get_option('nnfw-runtime-support')) endif endif # snpe snpe_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('snpe-support').disabled() # Check whether the platform supports snpe snpe_dep = dependency('snpe', required: false) if (not snpe_dep.found()) # TODO: support various arch. if host_machine.system() != 'linux' or host_machine.cpu_family() != 'x86_64' message('Not Supported System & Architecture. Linux x86_64 is required for snpe sub-plugin') else # Check whether $SNPE_ROOT (where SNPE SDK is located) is set. cmd = run_command('sh', '-c', 'echo $SNPE_ROOT', check : true) SNPE_ROOT = cmd.stdout().strip() if SNPE_ROOT != '' message('Got $SNPE_ROOT: @0@'.format(SNPE_ROOT)) # TODO: This is not a portable way to check if a directory exists # After bumping up to 0.53.0, the following line can be replaced with one that uses FS module snpe_dir_not_exist = run_command('[', '-d', SNPE_ROOT, ']', check : false).returncode() if snpe_dir_not_exist != 0 error('@0@ does not exists'.format(SNPE_ROOT)) endif snpe_lib = cxx.find_library('SNPE', dirs: join_paths(SNPE_ROOT, 'lib', 'x86_64-linux-clang'), required: true ) snpe_incdir = include_directories(join_paths(SNPE_ROOT, 'include', 'zdl')) snpe_dep = declare_dependency( dependencies: snpe_lib, include_directories: snpe_incdir ) endif endif endif endif # tensorrt nvinfer_dep = dependency('', required: false) nvparsers_dep = dependency('', required: false) cuda_dep = dependency('', required: false) cudart_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('tensorrt-support').disabled() # check available cuda versions (11.0 and 10.2 are recommended) cuda_vers = [ '11.0', '10.2', '10.1', '10.0', '9.2', '9.1', '9.0' ] foreach ver : cuda_vers cuda_dep = dependency('cuda-' + ver, required: false) cudart_dep = dependency('cudart-' + ver, required: false) if cuda_dep.found() and cudart_dep.found() if ver != '11.0' and ver != '10.2' message('Warning: the recommended cuda version is at least 10.2') endif break endif endforeach nvinfer_lib = cxx.find_library('nvinfer', required: false) if nvinfer_lib.found() and cxx.check_header('NvInfer.h') nvinfer_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: nvinfer_lib) endif nvparsers_lib = cxx.find_library('nvparsers', required: false) if nvparsers_lib.found() and cxx.check_header('NvUffParser.h') nvparsers_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: nvparsers_lib) endif endif # gRPC grpc_dep = dependency('', required: false) gpr_dep = dependency('', required: false) grpcpp_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('grpc-support').disabled() grpc_dep = dependency('grpc', required: false) gpr_dep = dependency('gpr', required: false) grpcpp_dep = dependency('grpc++', required: false) endif # mqtt (paho.mqtt.c) pahomqttc_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('mqtt-support').disabled() pahomqttc_dep = dependency('paho-mqtt-c', required: false) if (not pahomqttc_dep.found() and get_option('mqtt-support').enabled()) message('mqtt-support is enabled while its pkgconfig is not found. Hardcoded build configuration is used.') pahomqttc_lib1 = cxx.find_library('paho-mqtt3a', required: true) pahomqttc_lib2 = cxx.find_library('paho-mqtt3c', required: true) pahomqttc_lib3 = cxx.find_library('paho-mqtt3as', required: true) pahomqttc_lib4 = cxx.find_library('paho-mqtt3cs', required: true) pahomqttc_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: [pahomqttc_lib1, pahomqttc_lib2, pahomqttc_lib3, pahomqttc_lib4]) endif endif # deepview-rt deepview_rt_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('deepview-rt-support').disabled() deepview_rt_dep = dependency('deepview-rt', required: false) if (not deepview_rt_dep.found()) deepview_rt_lib = cxx.find_library('deepview-rt', required: false) if (deepview_rt_lib.found() and cxx.check_header('deepview_rt.h')) deepview_rt_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: [ deepview_rt_lib ]) endif endif endif if get_option('deepview-rt-support').enabled() and not deepview_rt_dep.found() error('deepview-rt enabled but dependencies are not found.') endif # armnn armnn_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('armnn-support').disabled() armnn_dep = dependency('armnn', required: false) if (not armnn_dep.found()) armnn_dep = dependency('Armnn', required: false) endif if (not armnn_dep.found()) armnn_lib = cxx.find_library('armnn', required: false) if (armnn_lib.found() and cxx.check_header('armnn/ArmNN.hpp')) armnn_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: [ armnn_lib, thread_dep ]) endif endif endif # mxnet mxnet_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('mxnet-support').disabled() mxnet_dep = cxx.find_library('mxnet', required: false) if not mxnet_dep.found() if cxx.check_header('mxnet-cpp/MxNetCpp.h', required: get_option('mxnet-support')) mxnet_dep = declare_dependency(link_args: ['-lmxnet']) endif endif endif # nnstreamer-edge nnstreamer_edge_dep = dependency('nnstreamer-edge', method : 'pkg-config', required: false) if get_option('nnstreamer-edge-support').enabled() if not nnstreamer_edge_dep.found() error('nnstreamer-edge not found whilt it is enabled.') endif endif ## Without the explicit method designation, it fails to find cflags in older Meson # datarepo requires json-glib-1.0 in the name of json_glib_dep json_glib_dep = dependency('json-glib-1.0', required: false) if get_option('datarepo-support').enabled() and not json_glib_dep.found() error('json-glib-1.0 is required for datarepo-support option.') endif if not get_option('datarepo-support').disabled() and not json_glib_dep.found() message('datarepo-support is off because json-glib-1.0 is not available.') endif # ml-agent ml_agent_dep = dependency('', required: false) if not get_option('ml-agent-support').disabled() ml_agent_dep = dependency('ml-agent', required: false) if not ml_agent_dep.found() if cc.check_header('ml-agent/ml-agent-interface.h', dependencies: [glib_dep], required: get_option('ml-agent-support')) ml_agent_dep = cc.find_library('ml-agent', required: true) endif endif endif # features registration to be controlled # # register feature as follows # : { # target: , extra_deps: , project_args: , # project_args_disabled: , extra_args: , features = { 'video-support': { 'project_args_disabled': { 'NO_VIDEO': 1 }, }, 'audio-support': { 'project_args_disabled': { 'NO_AUDIO': 1 }, }, 'tf-support': { 'target': 'tensorflow', 'extra_deps': [ protobuf_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_TENSORFLOW': 1 }, }, 'tflite-support': { 'target': 'tensorflow-lite', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_TENSORFLOW_LITE': 1 } }, 'tflite2-support': { 'target': 'tensorflow2-lite', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_TENSORFLOW2_LITE': 1 } }, 'pytorch-support': { 'target': 'pytorch', 'target_alt': 'Torch', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_PYTORCH': 1 } }, 'caffe2-support': { 'target': 'caffe2', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_CAFFE2': 1 } }, 'deepview-rt-support': { 'extra_deps': [ deepview_rt_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_DEEPVIEW_RT': 1 } }, 'mvncsdk2-support': { 'target': 'libmvnc', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_MOVIDIUS_NCSDK2' : 1} }, 'nnfw-runtime-support': { 'extra_deps': [ nnfw_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_NNFW_RUNTIME': 1 } }, 'armnn-support': { 'extra_deps': [ armnn_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_ARMNN': 1 } }, 'orcc-support': { 'extra_deps': [ orc_dep, pg_orcc_dep ], 'project_args': {'HAVE_ORC': 1}, 'project_args_disabled': { 'DISABLE_ORC': 1 }, 'extra_args': {'orcc_args': [pg_orcc, '--include', 'glib.h'] } }, 'snpe-support': { 'extra_deps': [ snpe_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_SNPE' : 1 }, }, 'flatbuf-support': { 'extra_deps': [ flatc_dep, flatbuf_dep, flatbuf_version_check_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_FLATBUF': 1 } }, 'protobuf-support': { 'extra_deps': [ pb_comp_dep, protobuf_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_PROTOBUF': 1 } }, 'tensorrt-support': { 'extra_deps': [ nvinfer_dep, nvparsers_dep, cuda_dep, cudart_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_TENSORRT': 1 } }, 'grpc-support': { 'extra_deps': [ grpc_dep, gpr_dep, grpcpp_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_GRPC': 1 } }, 'lua-support': { # TODO: support various Lua versions 'target': 'lua', 'target_alt': 'lua5.1', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_LUA': 1 } }, 'mqtt-support': { 'extra_deps': [ pahomqttc_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_MQTT': 1 } }, 'tvm-support': { 'target': 'tvm_runtime', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_TVM' : 1 } }, 'trix-engine-support': { 'target': 'npu-engine', 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_TRIX_ENGINE' : 1 } }, 'nnstreamer-edge-support': { 'extra_deps': [ nnstreamer_edge_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_NNSTREAMER_EDGE': 1 } }, 'mxnet-support': { 'extra_deps': [ mxnet_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_MXNET' : 1 } }, 'datarepo-support': { 'extra_deps': [ json_glib_dep ], }, 'ml-agent-support': { 'extra_deps': [ ml_agent_dep ], 'project_args': { 'ENABLE_ML_AGENT' : 1 } } } project_args = {} # This section controls the flow of feature registration. foreach feature_name, data : features variable_name = feature_name.underscorify() variable_deps_name = variable_name + '_deps' variable_available_name = variable_name + '_is_available' _available = true target = data.get('target', '') _deps = [] if target != '' target_dep = dependency(target, required: false) if not target_dep.found() target_alt = data.get('target_alt', '') if target_alt != '' target_dep = dependency(target_alt, required: false) endif endif if get_option(feature_name).enabled() and not target_dep.found() error('@0@ is enabled but unable to find the target dependency'.format(feature_name)) endif _deps += target_dep endif _deps += data.get('extra_deps', []) foreach dep : _deps if not dep.found() _available = false endif endforeach if get_option(feature_name).disabled() or not _available project_args += data.get('project_args_disabled', {}) set_variable(variable_deps_name, []) set_variable(variable_available_name, false) message('@0@ is off because it is either not available or disabled'.format(feature_name)) continue endif # handle when available project_args += data.get('project_args', {}) set_variable(variable_deps_name, _deps) set_variable(variable_available_name, true) foreach name, value : data.get('extra_args', {}) set_variable(variable_name + '_' + name, value) endforeach endforeach #Definitions enabled by meson_options.txt message('Following project_args are going to be included') message(project_args) foreach name, value: project_args add_project_arguments('-D@0@=@1@'.format(name, value), language: ['c', 'cpp']) endforeach # Add redundant declaration flag when caffe2 and pytorch both are disabled if not (pytorch_support_is_available or caffe2_support_is_available) redundant_decls_flag = '-Wredundant-decls' if cc.has_argument (redundant_decls_flag) add_project_arguments([redundant_decls_flag], language: 'c') endif if cxx.has_argument (redundant_decls_flag) add_project_arguments([redundant_decls_flag], language: 'cpp') endif endif # Python3 have_python3 = false if not get_option('python3-support').disabled() # Check python 3.x python3_dep = dependency('python3', required: false) if python3_dep.found() and python3_dep.version().version_compare('>= 3.8') # The name of .pc file provides C/CXX/LD_FLAGS for Python C API has been changed since v3.8 python3_dep = dependency('python3-embed', required: false) endif if python3_dep.found() pg_pkgconfig = find_program('pkg-config') python3_inc_args = [] python3_inc_args += run_command(pg_pkgconfig, ['python3', '--cflags'], check : true).stdout().strip().split() python3_inc_args += run_command('python3', ['-c', 'import site\nfor i in site.getsitepackages(): print("-I" + i + "/numpy/core/include")'], check : true).stdout().strip().split() r = run_command('python3', ['-m', 'site', '--user-site'], check : false) if r.returncode() == 0 python3_inc_args += '-I' + r.stdout().strip() + '/numpy/core/include' endif python3_inc_valid_args = [] foreach python3_inc_arg : python3_inc_args if cxx.has_argument(python3_inc_arg) and \ cxx.check_header('numpy/arrayobject.h', args : python3_inc_arg, dependencies : python3_dep) python3_inc_valid_args += python3_inc_arg have_python3 = true break endif endforeach if have_python3 python3_dep = declare_dependency(dependencies: python3_dep, compile_args : python3_inc_valid_args) else warning('Found python3, but failed to find numpy.') warning('Disable nnstreamer-python3.') python3_dep = disabler() endif endif if get_option('python3-support').enabled() and not have_python3 error('Cannot find python3 with numpy support') endif endif # Set sub-plugin priority tflite_subplugin_list = [] if tflite2_support_is_available tflite_subplugin_list += 'tensorflow2-lite' endif if tflite_support_is_available tflite_subplugin_list += 'tensorflow1-lite' endif nnstreamer_conf.set('TFLITE_SUBPLUGIN_PRIORITY', ','.join(tflite_subplugin_list)) # Set configuration to install .ini nnstreamer_install_conf = configuration_data() nnstreamer_install_conf.merge_from(nnstreamer_conf) nnstreamer_install_conf.set('ENABLE_ENV_VAR', get_option('enable-env-var')) nnstreamer_install_conf.set('ENABLE_SYMBOLIC_LINK', get_option('enable-symbolic-link')) nnstreamer_install_conf.set('TORCH_USE_GPU', get_option('enable-pytorch-use-gpu')) # Element restriction restriction_config = '' if get_option('enable-element-restriction') restriction_config = '''[element-restriction] enable_element_restriction=True allowed_elements=''' + get_option('allowed-elements') endif nnstreamer_install_conf.set('ELEMENT_RESTRICTION_CONFIG', restriction_config) nnstreamer_install_conf.set('TEST_TEMPLATE_DIR', unittest_base_dir) # TEST_TEMPLATE_DIR will be empty if `install-test` is false # Extra configuration extra_config_path = '' if get_option('extra_config_path') != '' extra_config_path = 'extra_config_path=' + get_option('extra_config_path') endif nnstreamer_install_conf.set('EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH', extra_config_path) # Install .ini configure_file(input: 'nnstreamer.ini.in', output: 'nnstreamer.ini', install_dir: nnstreamer_inidir, configuration: nnstreamer_install_conf ) # Install .pc configure_file(input: 'nnstreamer-single.pc.in', output: 'nnstreamer-single.pc', install_dir: join_paths(nnstreamer_libdir, 'pkgconfig'), configuration: nnstreamer_install_conf ) configure_file(input: 'nnstreamer.pc.in', output: 'nnstreamer.pc', install_dir: join_paths(nnstreamer_libdir, 'pkgconfig'), configuration: nnstreamer_install_conf ) configure_file(input: 'nnstreamer-internal.pc.in', output: 'nnstreamer-internal.pc', install_dir: join_paths(nnstreamer_libdir, 'pkgconfig'), configuration: nnstreamer_install_conf ) # Check whether mqtt broker is running or not. check_mosquitto = run_command ('bash', './tests/check_broker.sh', check : true).stdout() if check_mosquitto != '' add_project_arguments('-D__MQTT_BROKER_ENABLED__=1', language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif # Float16 Support if get_option('enable-float16') arch = target_machine.cpu_family() add_project_arguments('-DFLOAT16_SUPPORT', language: ['c', 'cpp']) if arch == 'aarch64' message ('Float16 for aarch64 enabled. Modern gcc-aarch64 generally supports float16 with __fp16. It uses IEEE 754-2008 format.') elif arch == 'arm' add_project_arguments('-mfp16-format=ieee', language: ['c', 'cpp']) message ('Float16 for arm (32b) enabled. Modern gcc-arm generally supports float16 with __fp16 by -mfp16-format=ieee for IEEE 754-2008 format.') elif arch == 'x86_64' or arch == 'x86' # GCC 12+ has fp16 avx512 support. has_avx512fp16 = cc.has_argument('-mavx512fp16') if (has_avx512fp16) add_project_arguments(['-mavx512fp16'], language: ['c', 'cpp']) message ('Float16 for x86_64 enabled. Modern gcc-x64 genrally supports float16 with _Float16. -mavx512fp16 added for hardware acceleration') else warning ('Float16 for x86_64 enabled. However, software emulation is applied for fp16, making it slower and inconsistent. Use GCC 12+ for AVX512 FP16 support. This build will probably fail unless you bring a compiler that supports fp16 for x64.') endif else error ('Float16 is supported only in aarch64, arm, and x86_64. If you believe the compiler for this architecture supports float16, you will need to update the build script (meson.build).') endif endif # A few distros do not have execinfo.h if not cc.has_header('execinfo.h') add_project_arguments('-D_NO_EXECINFO_', language: ['c', 'cpp']) endif # See if src-iio can be built or not gst18_dep = dependency('gstreamer-' + gst_api_verision, version : '>=1.8', required : false) tensor_src_iio_build = false if gst18_dep.found() and build_platform != 'macos' add_project_arguments('-D_ENABLE_SRC_IIO', language: ['c', 'cpp']) message('tensor_src_iio enabled') tensor_src_iio_build = true else message('tensor_src_iio disabled: it requires GStreamer >= 1.8 and Linux') endif # Build nnstreamer (common, plugins) subdir('gst') # Build ext subplugins subdir('ext') # Build Utility subdir('tools/development') # Build unittests if get_option('enable-test') # ini file generator template for the plugins from other repository configure_file(input: 'nnstreamer.ini.in', output: 'nnstreamer-test.ini.in', install: get_option('install-test'), install_dir: unittest_base_dir, copy: true, ) # temporary ini file for test, enable env variables. nnstreamer_test_conf = configuration_data() nnstreamer_test_conf.merge_from(nnstreamer_conf) nnstreamer_test_conf.set('ENABLE_ENV_VAR', true) nnstreamer_test_conf.set('ENABLE_SYMBOLIC_LINK', false) nnstreamer_test_conf.set('TORCH_USE_GPU', false) nnstreamer_test_conf.set('EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH', '') nnstreamer_test_conf.set('ELEMENT_RESTRICTION_CONFIG', '') configure_file(input: 'nnstreamer.ini.in', output: 'nnstreamer-test.ini', install: get_option('install-test'), install_dir: unittest_base_dir, configuration: nnstreamer_test_conf ) path_gst_plugin = join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'gst') path_ext_plugin = join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'ext') path_nns_conf = join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'nnstreamer-test.ini') path_nns_plugin_prefix = join_paths(path_ext_plugin, 'nnstreamer') path_nns_plugin_filters = join_paths(path_nns_plugin_prefix, 'tensor_filter') path_nns_plugin_decoders = join_paths(path_nns_plugin_prefix, 'tensor_decoder') path_nns_plugin_converters = join_paths(path_nns_plugin_prefix, 'tensor_converter') path_nns_plugin_trainers = join_paths(path_nns_plugin_prefix, 'tensor_trainer') testenv = environment() testenv.set('GST_PLUGIN_PATH', path_gst_plugin + ':' + path_ext_plugin) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_CONF', path_nns_conf) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_FILTERS', path_nns_plugin_filters) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_DECODERS', path_nns_plugin_decoders) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_CONVERTERS', path_nns_plugin_converters) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_TRAINERS', path_nns_plugin_trainers) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_SOURCE_ROOT_PATH', meson.source_root()) testenv.set('NNSTREAMER_BUILD_ROOT_PATH', meson.build_root()) if have_python3 py3_module_path = join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'ext/nnstreamer/extra') run_command('ln', '-sf', py3_module_path + '/nnstreamer_python3.' + so_ext, py3_module_path + '/nnstreamer_python.' + so_ext, check : true) testenv.set('PYTHONPATH', py3_module_path) endif subdir('tests') endif