; Log Manager Configuration File ; ; == setting SECTION == ; Set logfilter & output device. ; ; Direction ; Log none = 0 ; Write to Console = 1 ; Write to File = 2 ; Using Syslog = 3 ; Using Target framework = 4 ; Using viewer = 5 ; ex) direction = 1; ; ; Filters is Bitmask ; owner is 0x01~0x80 ; class is 0x01~0x08 ; ex) ownerfilter = 0x0F ; ; Owner list ; Avsystem audio = 0x0001, ; Avsystem video = 0x0002, ; Avsystem camera = 0x0004, ; MM player = 0x0008, ; MM camcorder = 0x0010, ; MM sound = 0x0020, ; MM file = 0x0040, ; MM hardware abstraction layer = 0x0080, ; MM image = 0x0100, ; MM Common = 0x0200, ; MM Avsystem sink = 0x0400, ; MM Avsystem source = 0x0800, ; MM Sound server = 0x1000, ; MM Sound plugin run type = 0x2000, ; MM Sound plugin codec type = 0x4000, ; Gstreamer Plugin = 0x8000, ; Platform = 0x10000, ; Codec = 0x20000, ; MM Server = 0x40000, ; MM Media Call = 0x80000, ; MM Session Mgr = 0x100000, ; ; Class list ; Infomation = 0x01, ; Warning = 0x02, ; Error = 0x04, ; Critical Error = 0x08, ; ; In write to file mode, Setting log file. In other mode will be ignore. ; ex) logfile = /var/log/logmanager.log ; ; == color SECTION == ; Set log clolr by log class. ; Only two directions used. - Console & viewer ; ; Color LIST ; BLACK, WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, B_RED B_GREEN, B_GRAY, ; B_YELLOW, B_CYAN, B_MAGENTA. B_BLUE, REVERSE ; Prefix "B_" means background color. When this setting, charactor color is system default. ; When set charactor color, background color is system default. [setting] direction=@log_direction@ ownerfilter=@log_ownermask@ classfilter=@log_classmask@ logfile=@log_filename@ [color] classinfomation=@log_classinfomation@ classwarning=@log_classwarning@ classerror=@log_classerror@ clsascritical=@log_clsascritical@ classassert=@log_classassert@