center & zoom example

This page tests getting and setting the center & zoom options as well as getting the read-only pixelSize.

The center option is a GeoJSON position. The zoom option for a tiled service a whole number from zero to the number of levels defined by the tilingScheme minus one. The pixelSize is the number of map units that fit in a single pixel of the current view. By default, pixelSize is in meters because the default map service is in web mercator meters.

runtime options

Change the center or zoom option and click set to update the map.

actual values

The center option is in geodetic cooridinates, [lon, lat], but the internal center is in map units, web mercator by default.

.geomap( "option", "center" )
$.geo.proj.toGeodetic( center )
internal center, always projected
.geomap( "option", "zoom" )
.geomap( "option", "pixelSize" )