
This example tests getting and setting the bbox property on the geomap widget as well as calling various $.geo bbox functions.

.geomap( "option", "bbox" )
$.geo.proj.fromGeodetic( bbox )
$.geo.proj.toGeodetic( bbox )
$ bbox )
$.geo.width( bbox )
$.geo.height( bbox )

For this example, the functions below operate on the above text input only. After using them, you can click set to update the map and other info.

$.geo.expandBy( bbox, , )
$.geo.scaleBy( bbox, )

This last function, reaspect, forces an aspect ratio (calculation of width divided height) onto the bbox. You can run this but it will be difficult to visually see the effects because the geomap widget will automatically reaspect again to fit the bbox back into the viewport.

Common aspect ratio values: 16:9 = 16/9 ~ 1.78:1 & 4:3 = 4/3 ~ 1.33:1

$.geo.reaspect( bbox, )