Boost GIL

image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >, including all inherited members.

_view (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
allocator() (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
allocator() const (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
allocator_type typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
const_view_t typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
coord_t typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
dimensions() const (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
height() const (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
image(std::size_t alignment=0, const Alloc alloc_in=Alloc()) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inlineexplicit
image(const point_t &dimensions, std::size_t alignment=0, const Alloc alloc_in=Alloc()) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
image(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, std::size_t alignment=0, const Alloc alloc_in=Alloc()) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
image(const point_t &dimensions, const Pixel &p_in, std::size_t alignment, const Alloc alloc_in=Alloc()) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
image(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, const Pixel &p_in, std::size_t alignment=0, const Alloc alloc_in=Alloc()) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
image(const image &img) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
image(const image< P2, IP2, Alloc2 > &img) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
operator=(const image &img) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
operator=(const Img &img) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
point_t typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
recreate(const point_t &dims, std::size_t alignment=0) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, std::size_t alignment=0) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(const point_t &dims, const Pixel &p_in, std::size_t alignment=0) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, const Pixel &p_in, std::size_t alignment=0) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(const point_t &dims, std::size_t alignment, const Alloc alloc_in) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, std::size_t alignment, const Alloc alloc_in) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(const point_t &dims, const Pixel &p_in, std::size_t alignment, const Alloc alloc_in) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
recreate(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height, const Pixel &p_in, std::size_t alignment, const Alloc alloc_in) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
swap(image &img) (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
value_type typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
view_t typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
width() const (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline
x_coord_t typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
y_coord_t typedef (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >
~image() (defined in image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >)image< Pixel, IsPlanar, Alloc >inline