module Test_monit = let conf = "# Configuration file for monit. # set alert root@localhost include /my/monit/conf check process sshd start program \"/etc/init.d/ssh start\" if failed port 22 protocol ssh then restart check process httpd with pidfile /usr/local/apache2/logs/ group www-data start program \"/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start\" stop program \"/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop\" " test Monit.lns get conf = { "#comment" = "Configuration file for monit." } {} { "set" {"alert" = "root@localhost" } } { "include" = "/my/monit/conf" } {} { "check" { "process" = "sshd" } { "start" = "program \"/etc/init.d/ssh start\"" } { "if" = "failed port 22 protocol ssh then restart" } } {} { "check" { "process" = "httpd with pidfile /usr/local/apache2/logs/" } { "group" = "www-data" } { "start" = "program \"/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start\"" } { "stop" = "program \"/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop\"" } }