(* Module: Test_JettyRealm Provides unit tests and examples for the lens. *) module Test_JettyRealm = (* Variable: conf *) let conf = "### Comment admin: admin, admin " (* Variable: conf_norealm *) let conf_norealm = "### Comment admin: admin " (* Variable: new_conf *) let new_conf = "### Comment admin: password, admin " let lns = JettyRealm.lns (* Test: JettyRealm.lns * Get test against tree structure *) test lns get conf = { "#comment" = "## Comment" } { "user" { "username" = "admin" } { "password" = "admin" } { "realm" = "admin" } } (* Test: JettyRealm.lns * Get test against tree structure without a realm *) test lns get conf_norealm = { "#comment" = "## Comment" } { "user" { "username" = "admin" } { "password" = "admin" } } (* Test: JettyRealm.lns * Put test changing password to password *) test lns put conf after set "/user/password" "password" = new_conf (* vim: set ts=4 expandtab sw=4: *)