(* Module: Test_Anaconda Provides unit tests and examples for the lens. - 'exampleN' snippets are taken from the documentation: https://anaconda-installer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-interaction-config-file-spec.html - 'installedN' snippets are taken from the resulting files after a successful installation *) module Test_Anaconda = let example1 = "# comment example - before the section headers [section_1] # comment example - inside section 1 key_a_in_section1=some_value key_b_in_section1=some_value [section_2] # comment example - inside section 2 key_a_in_section2=some_value " test Anaconda.lns get example1 = { "#comment" = "comment example - before the section headers" } { } { "section_1" { "#comment" = "comment example - inside section 1" } { "key_a_in_section1" = "some_value" } { "key_b_in_section1" = "some_value" } { } } { "section_2" { "#comment" = "comment example - inside section 2" } { "key_a_in_section2" = "some_value" } } let example2 = "# this is the user interaction config file [General] post_install_tools_disabled=0 [DatetimeSpoke] # the date and time spoke has been visited visited=1 changed_timezone=1 changed_ntp=0 changed_timedate=1 [KeyboardSpoke] # the keyboard spoke has not been visited visited=0 " test Anaconda.lns get example2 = { "#comment" = "this is the user interaction config file" } { } { "General" { "post_install_tools_disabled" = "0" } { } } { "DatetimeSpoke" { "#comment" = "the date and time spoke has been visited" } { "visited" = "1" } { "changed_timezone" = "1" } { "changed_ntp" = "0" } { "changed_timedate" = "1" } { } } { "KeyboardSpoke" { "#comment" = "the keyboard spoke has not been visited" } { "visited" = "0" } } let installed1 = "# This file has been generated by the Anaconda Installer [ProgressSpoke] visited = 1 " test Anaconda.lns get installed1 = { "#comment" = "This file has been generated by the Anaconda Installer" } { } { "ProgressSpoke" { "visited" = "1" } { } }