(* Lens for Linux syntax of NFS exports(5) *) (* Module: Exports Parses /etc/exports Author: David Lutterkort About: Description /etc/exports contains lines associating a directory with one or more hosts, and NFS options for each host. About: Usage Example (start code) $ augtool augtool> ls /files/etc/exports/ comment[1] = /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported comment[2] = to NFS clients. See exports(5). comment[3] = sample /etc/exports file dir[1]/ = / dir[2]/ = /projects dir[3]/ = /usr dir[4]/ = /home/joe augtool> ls /files/etc/exports/dir[1] client[1]/ = master client[2]/ = trusty (end code) The corresponding line in the file is: (start code) / master(rw) trusty(rw,no_root_squash) (end code) Digging further: (start code) augtool> ls /files/etc/exports/dir[1]/client[1] option = rw To add a new entry, you'd do something like this: (end code) (start code) augtool> set /files/etc/exports/dir[10000] /foo augtool> set /files/etc/exports/dir[last()]/client[1] weeble augtool> set /files/etc/exports/dir[last()]/client[1]/option[1] ro augtool> set /files/etc/exports/dir[last()]/client[1]/option[2] all_squash augtool> save Saved 1 file(s) (end code) Which creates the line: (start code) /foo weeble(ro,all_squash) (end code) About: Limitations This lens cannot handle options without a host, as with the last example line in "man 5 exports": /pub (ro,insecure,all_squash) In this case, though, you can just do: /pub *(ro,insecure,all_squash) It also can't handle whitespace before the directory name. *) module Exports = autoload xfm let client_re = /[a-zA-Z0-9.@*?\/:-]+/ let eol = Util.eol let lbracket = Util.del_str "(" let rbracket = Util.del_str ")" let sep_com = Sep.comma let sep_spc = Sep.space let option = [ label "option" . store /[^,)]*/ ] let client = [ label "client" . store client_re . ( Build.brackets lbracket rbracket ( Build.opt_list option sep_com ) )? ] let entry = [ label "dir" . store /\/[^ \t]*/ . sep_spc . Build.opt_list client sep_spc . eol ] let lns = (Hosts.empty | Hosts.comment | entry)* let xfm = transform lns (incl "/etc/exports")