# # Top Level Makefile for LAPACK # Version 3.4.1 # April 2012 # include make.inc all: lapack_install lib blas_testing lapack_testing lib: lapacklib tmglib #lib: blaslib variants lapacklib tmglib clean: cleanlib cleantesting cleanblas_testing cleancblas_testing lapack_install: ( cd INSTALL; $(MAKE) ) # ./testlsame; ./testslamch; ./testdlamch; \ # ./testsecond; ./testdsecnd; ./testieee; ./testversion ) blaslib: ( cd BLAS/SRC; $(MAKE) ) cblaslib: ( cd CBLAS; $(MAKE) ) lapacklib: lapack_install ( cd SRC; $(MAKE) ) lapackelib: lapacklib ( cd LAPACKE; $(MAKE) ) cblas_example: cblaslib blaslib ( cd CBLAS/examples; $(MAKE) ) lapacke_example: lapackelib ( cd LAPACKE/example; $(MAKE) ) variants: ( cd SRC/VARIANTS ; $(MAKE)) tmglib: ( cd TESTING/MATGEN; $(MAKE) ) lapack_testing: lib ( cd TESTING ; $(MAKE) ) ./lapack_testing.py variants_testing: lib variants ( cd TESTING ; rm -f xlintst* ; $(MAKE) VARLIB='SRC/VARIANTS/LIB/cholrl.a' ; \ mv stest.out stest_cholrl.out ; mv dtest.out dtest_cholrl.out ; mv ctest.out ctest_cholrl.out ; mv ztest.out ztest_cholrl.out ) ( cd TESTING ; rm -f xlintst* ; $(MAKE) VARLIB='SRC/VARIANTS/LIB/choltop.a' ; \ mv stest.out stest_choltop.out ; mv dtest.out dtest_choltop.out ; mv ctest.out ctest_choltop.out ; mv ztest.out ztest_choltop.out ) ( cd TESTING ; rm -f xlintst* ; $(MAKE) VARLIB='SRC/VARIANTS/LIB/lucr.a' ; \ mv stest.out stest_lucr.out ; mv dtest.out dtest_lucr.out ; mv ctest.out ctest_lucr.out ; mv ztest.out ztest_lucr.out ) ( cd TESTING ; rm -f xlintst* ; $(MAKE) VARLIB='SRC/VARIANTS/LIB/lull.a' ; \ mv stest.out stest_lull.out ; mv dtest.out dtest_lull.out ; mv ctest.out ctest_lull.out ; mv ztest.out ztest_lull.out ) ( cd TESTING ; rm -f xlintst* ; $(MAKE) VARLIB='SRC/VARIANTS/LIB/lurec.a' ; \ mv stest.out stest_lurec.out ; mv dtest.out dtest_lurec.out ; mv ctest.out ctest_lurec.out ; mv ztest.out ztest_lurec.out ) ( cd TESTING ; rm -f xlintst* ; $(MAKE) VARLIB='SRC/VARIANTS/LIB/qrll.a' ; \ mv stest.out stest_qrll.out ; mv dtest.out dtest_qrll.out ; mv ctest.out ctest_qrll.out ; mv ztest.out ztest_qrll.out ) blas_testing: ( cd BLAS/TESTING; $(MAKE) -f Makeblat1 ) ( cd BLAS; ./xblat1s > sblat1.out ; \ ./xblat1d > dblat1.out ; \ ./xblat1c > cblat1.out ; \ ./xblat1z > zblat1.out ) ( cd BLAS/TESTING; $(MAKE) -f Makeblat2 ) ( cd BLAS; ./xblat2s < sblat2.in ; \ ./xblat2d < dblat2.in ; \ ./xblat2c < cblat2.in ; \ ./xblat2z < zblat2.in ) ( cd BLAS/TESTING; $(MAKE) -f Makeblat3 ) ( cd BLAS; ./xblat3s < sblat3.in ; \ ./xblat3d < dblat3.in ; \ ./xblat3c < cblat3.in ; \ ./xblat3z < zblat3.in ) cblas_testing: blaslib ( cd CBLAS ; $(MAKE) cblas_testing) ( cd CBLAS ; $(MAKE) runtst) html: @echo "LAPACK HTML PAGES GENRATION with Doxygen" doxygen DOCS/Doxyfile @echo "==================" @echo "LAPACK HTML PAGES GENRATED in DOCS/explore-html" @echo "Usage: open DOCS/explore-html/index.html" @echo "Online version available at http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/" @echo "==================" man: @echo "LAPACK MAN PAGES GENRATION with Doxygen" doxygen DOCS/Doxyfile_man @echo "==================" @echo "LAPACK MAN PAGES GENRATED in DOCS/MAN" @echo "Set your MANPATH env variable accordingly" @echo "Usage: man dgetrf.f" @echo "==================" cleanlib: ( cd INSTALL; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd BLAS/SRC; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd CBLAS; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd SRC; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd SRC/VARIANTS; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd TESTING/MATGEN; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd LAPACKE; $(MAKE) clean ) cleanblas_testing: ( cd BLAS/TESTING; $(MAKE) -f Makeblat1 clean ) ( cd BLAS/TESTING; $(MAKE) -f Makeblat2 clean ) ( cd BLAS/TESTING; $(MAKE) -f Makeblat3 clean ) ( cd BLAS; rm -f xblat* ) cleancblas_testing: ( cd CBLAS/testing; $(MAKE) clean ) cleantesting: ( cd TESTING/LIN; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd TESTING/EIG; $(MAKE) clean ) ( cd TESTING; rm -f xlin* xeig* ) cleanall: cleanlib cleanblas_testing cleancblas_testing cleantesting rm -f *.a TESTING/*.out INSTALL/test* BLAS/*.out