/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Tizen.Tapi { /// /// A class which defines SAT main menu info. /// public class SatMainMenuInfo { internal int Id; internal bool IsPresent; internal string Title; internal IEnumerable Items; internal ushort Num; internal bool IsHelpInfo; internal bool IsUpdated; internal SatIconIdInfo IcnId; internal SatIconIdListInfo IdList; internal SatMainMenuInfo() { } /// /// Proactive command number sent by USIM. /// /// Command number represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Flag for checking whether main menu is present or not. /// /// Boolean value checking the presence of main menu. public bool IsMainMenuPresent { get { return IsPresent; } } /// /// Menu title text. /// /// Title text of the menu item represented in string. public string MenuTitle { get { return Title; } } /// /// Menu items. /// /// List of SatMenuInfo objects. public IEnumerable MenuItems { get { return Items; } } /// /// Number of menu itmes. /// /// An unsigned value representing the number of menu items. public ushort MainMenuCount { get { return Num; } } /// /// Flag for a help information request. /// /// Boolean value for checking the flag for help information request. public bool IsMainMenuHelpInfo { get { return IsHelpInfo; } } /// /// Updated Sat main menu or not. /// /// Boolean value to check whether Sat main menu is updated or not. public bool IsUpdatedMainMenu { get { return IsUpdated; } } /// /// Icon Identifier. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdInfo class representing the icon identifier. public SatIconIdInfo IconId { get { return IcnId; } } /// /// List of Icon Identifiers. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdListInfo class representing the icon identifier list. public SatIconIdListInfo IconIdList { get { return IdList; } } } /// /// A class which contains menu item information for the setup menu. /// public class SatMenuInfo { internal string Item; internal char Id; internal SatMenuInfo() { } /// /// Menu item character data. /// /// Menu item data represented in string. public string MenuItem { get { return Item; } } /// /// Identifies the item on the menu that the user selected. /// /// Item identifier value represented as a character. public char ItemId { get { return Id; } } } /// /// A class defining the icon data object. /// public class SatIconIdInfo { internal bool IsPresent; internal SatIconQualifierType Qualifier; internal byte Id; internal SatIconInfo Info; internal SatIconIdInfo() { } /// /// Flag for checking whether the icon identifier exists. /// /// Boolean value representing if the icon exists or not. public bool IsIconPresent { get { return IsPresent; } } /// /// Icon qualifier type. /// /// Icon qualifier type represented as SatIconQualifierType enum. public SatIconQualifierType IconQualifier { get { return Qualifier; } } /// /// Icon identifier. /// /// A byte value representing the icon identifier. public byte IconId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Icon info. /// /// An instance of SatIconInfo class. public SatIconInfo IconInfo { get { return Info; } } } /// /// A class containing the definition of icon info object. /// public class SatIconInfo { internal byte IconWidth; internal byte IconHeight; internal SatImageCodingScheme Scheme; internal ushort IconLength; internal ushort ClutLength; internal string IcnFile; internal string CltFile; internal SatIconInfo() { } /// /// Icon width. /// /// Width of the icon represented in byte. public byte Width { get { return IconWidth; } } /// /// Icon height. /// /// Height of the icon represented in byte. public byte Height { get { return IconHeight; } } /// /// Image coding scheme. /// /// Image coding scheme represented as SatImageCodingScheme enum. public SatImageCodingScheme Ics { get { return Scheme; } } /// /// Icon data length. /// /// Data length of the icon represented in ushort. public ushort IconDataLength { get { return IconLength; } } /// /// Clut data length. /// /// Data length of the clut represented in ushort. public ushort ClutDataLength { get { return ClutLength; } } /// /// Icon file. /// /// Icon file string. public string IconFile { get { return IcnFile; } } /// /// Clut file. /// /// Clut file string. public string ClutFile { get { return CltFile; } } } /// /// A class which defines the icon identifier data object. /// public class SatIconIdListInfo { internal bool IsPresent; internal SatIconQualifierType Qualifier; internal byte Count; internal byte[] IconList; internal IEnumerable Info; internal SatIconIdListInfo() { } /// /// Flag for checking whether the icon identifier exists. /// /// Boolean value indicating the presence of icon. public bool IsIconPresent { get { return IsPresent; } } /// /// Icon list qualifier. /// /// Icon list qualifier represented in SatIconQualifierType enum. public SatIconQualifierType IconListQualifier { get { return Qualifier; } } /// /// Number of icons. /// /// Byte value indicating the number of icons. public byte IconCount { get { return Count; } } /// /// Icon identifier list. /// /// A byte array containing the list of Icon identifier. public byte[] IconIdList { get { return IconList; } } /// /// Icon list info. /// /// List of icon info. public IEnumerable IconInfo { get { return Info; } } } /// /// A class containing display text proactive command for SAT UI. /// public class SatDisplayTextData { internal int Id; internal SatTextInfo Text; internal uint Drtn; internal bool IsPrtyHigh; internal bool IsRespRequired; internal bool IsImmediateResp; internal SatIconIdInfo IcnId; internal SatDisplayTextData() { } /// /// Proactive command number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Character data to display on screen. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo containing text information. public SatTextInfo TextInfo { get { return Text; } } /// /// Duration of the display. /// /// Duration in integer format. public uint Duration { get { return Drtn; } } /// /// Flag that indicates whether text is to be displayed if some other app is using the screen. /// /// Boolean value checking the priority of the display. public bool IsPriorityHigh { get { return IsPrtyHigh; } } /// /// Flag that indicates whether user response is required. /// /// Boolean value to check the need of user response. public bool IsUserResponseRequired { get { return IsRespRequired; } } /// /// Flag for checking whether immediate response is required. /// /// Boolean value to check the immediate response status. public bool IsImmediateResponse { get { return IsImmediateResp; } } /// /// Icon Identifier. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdInfo class. public SatIconIdInfo IconId { get { return IcnId; } } } /// /// A class defining character data for the SAT engine data structure. /// public class SatTextInfo { internal ushort Length; internal byte[] Data; internal SatTextInfo() { } /// /// Character data length. /// /// An unsigned short value representing the string length. public ushort StringLength { get { return Length; } } /// /// Character data. /// /// A byte array representing the string data. public byte[] StringData { get { return Data; } } } /// /// A class which defines select item proactive command data for SAT UI. /// public class SatSelectItemData { internal int Id; internal bool IsHelpAvailable; internal SatTextInfo Text; internal char DefaultIndex; internal char ItemCount; internal IEnumerable Items; internal SatIconIdInfo IcnId; internal SatIconIdListInfo IdList; internal SatSelectItemData() { } /// /// Proactive command number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Flag for a help information request. /// /// Boolean value to check whether help information is availale or not. public bool IsHelpInfoAvailable { get { return IsHelpAvailable; } } /// /// Menu title text. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class containing the text information. public SatTextInfo TextInfo { get { return Text; } } /// /// Selected default item. /// /// Default item index of the given items. public char DefaultItemIndex { get { return DefaultIndex; } } /// /// Number of menu items. /// /// Menu items count represented as a character. public char MenuItemCount { get { return ItemCount; } } /// /// Menu items. /// /// A list of SatMenuItemInfo objects. public IEnumerable MenuItems { get { return Items; } } /// /// Icon Identifier. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdInfo class. public SatIconIdInfo IconId { get { return IcnId; } } /// /// List of Icon Identifiers. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdListInfo class containing the list of icon identifiers. public SatIconIdListInfo IconIdList { get { return IdList; } } } /// /// A class which defines the menu item data object. /// public class SatMenuItemInfo { internal byte Id; internal byte Length; internal byte[] Txt; internal SatMenuItemInfo() { } /// /// Item identifier. /// /// Item Id represented in byte. public byte ItemId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Text length. /// /// Length of the text represented in byte. public byte TextLength { get { return Length; } } /// /// Text information. /// /// A byte array of length TextLength containing the text information. public byte[] Text { get { return Txt; } } } /// /// A class which defines get inkey proactive command data for SAT UI. /// public class SatGetInKeyData { internal int Id; internal SatInKeyType Type; internal SatInputAlphabetType AlphabetType; internal bool IsNumericFlag; internal bool IsHelpAvailable; internal SatTextInfo Text; internal uint Duratn; internal SatIconIdInfo IcnId; internal SatGetInKeyData() { } /// /// Proactive command number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Input Type. /// /// Character Set or Yes/No. public SatInKeyType KeyType { get { return Type; } } /// /// Input character mode. /// /// SMS default, UCS2. public SatInputAlphabetType InputAlphabetType { get { return AlphabetType; } } /// /// Flag for checking whether input character is numeric. /// /// Boolean value for checking whether input character is numeric or not. public bool IsNumeric { get { return IsNumericFlag; } } /// /// Help info request flag. /// /// Boolean value for checking whether help info is available or not. public bool IsHelpInfoAvailable { get { return IsHelpAvailable; } } /// /// Character data to display on the screen. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class containing the text information. public SatTextInfo TextInfo { get { return Text; } } /// /// Duration of the display. /// /// Display duration represented in unsigned integer. public uint Duration { get { return Duratn; } } /// /// Icon identifier. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdInfo class containing the Icon identifier information. public SatIconIdInfo IconId { get { return IcnId; } } } /// /// A class which defines get input proactive command data for SAT UI. /// public class SatGetInputData { internal int Id; internal SatInputAlphabetType Type; internal bool IsNumericFlag; internal bool IsHelpAvailable; internal bool IsEcho; internal SatTextInfo Text; internal SatResponseLengthInfo RespLength; internal SatTextInfo Default; internal SatIconIdInfo IcnId; internal SatGetInputData() { } /// /// Proactive command number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Input character mode. /// /// SMS default, UCS2. public SatInputAlphabetType AlphabetType { get { return Type; } } /// /// Flag to check whether input character is numeric. /// /// Boolean value to check the nature of input character. public bool IsNumeric { get { return IsNumericFlag; } } /// /// Help info request flag. /// /// Boolean value to check help information availability. public bool IsHelpInfoAvailable { get { return IsHelpAvailable; } } /// /// Flag that indicates whether to show input data on the screen. /// /// Boolean value to check the availability of input data on the screen. public bool IsEchoInput { get { return IsEcho; } } /// /// Character data to display on the screen. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo. public SatTextInfo TextInfo { get { return Text; } } /// /// Input data min, max length. /// /// An instance of SatResponseLengthInfo. public SatResponseLengthInfo ResponseLength { get { return RespLength; } } /// /// Default input character data. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo. public SatTextInfo DefualtText { get { return Default; } } /// /// Icon identifier. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdInfo. public SatIconIdInfo IconId { get { return IcnId; } } } /// /// A class which defines expected user response length. /// public class SatResponseLengthInfo { internal byte Min; internal byte Max; internal SatResponseLengthInfo() { } /// /// User response length's minimum value. /// /// Minimum value represented in byte. public byte Minimum { get { return Min; } } /// /// User response length's maximum value. /// /// Maximum value represented in byte. public byte Maximum { get { return Max; } } } /// /// A class which defines refresh proactive command data for applications that are concerned with files residing on USIM. /// public class SatRefreshData { internal int Id; internal SatRefreshAppType Type; internal SatCmdQualiRefresh Mode; internal byte Count; internal IEnumerable IdList; internal SatRefreshData() { } /// /// Proactive command number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Concerned application type. /// /// Refresh app type represented in SatRefreshAppType enum. public SatRefreshAppType AppType { get { return Type; } } /// /// Refresh mode. /// /// Refresh mode represented in SatCmdQualiRefresh enum. public SatCmdQualiRefresh RefreshMode { get { return Mode; } } /// /// Refresh file count. /// /// File count represented in byte. public byte FileCount { get { return Count; } } /// /// Refresh file identifiers. /// /// A list of SimFileId enums. public IEnumerable FileId { get { return IdList; } } } /// /// A class which defines send SMS proactive command data for the SMS application. /// public class SatSendSmsData { internal int Id; internal bool IsPackRequired; internal SatAddressData Addr; internal SatSmsTpduInfo Info; internal SatSendSmsData() { } /// /// Proactive Command Number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Flag to check if packing is required for SMS Tpdu. /// /// Boolean value to check the need of packing in SMS Tpdu data. public bool IsPackingRequired { get { return IsPackRequired; } } /// /// Destination address. /// /// An instance of SatAddressData containing the address info. public SatAddressData Address { get { return Addr; } } /// /// SMS Tpdu data. /// /// An instance of SatSmsTpduInfo. public SatSmsTpduInfo TpduInfo { get { return Info; } } } /// /// A class which defines SAT address data object. /// public class SatAddressData { internal SimTypeOfNumber Type; internal SimNumberPlanIdentity NumId; internal byte NumLen; internal string Number; internal SatAddressData() { } /// /// Type of number. /// /// Sim type of number represented in SimTypeOfNumber enum. public SimTypeOfNumber Ton { get { return Type; } } /// /// Number plan identity. /// /// Sim number plan represented in SimNumberPlanIdentity enum. public SimNumberPlanIdentity Npi { get { return NumId; } } /// /// Length of dialling number. /// /// Dialling number length represented in byte. public byte DiallingNumberLength { get { return NumLen; } } /// /// Dialling number. /// /// Dialling number represented in string. public string DiallingNumber { get { return Number; } } } /// /// A class which defines the Result data object. /// public class SatSmsTpduInfo { internal SatSmsTpduType Type; internal byte Length; internal byte[] Data; internal SatSmsTpduInfo() { } /// /// SMS TPDU type. /// /// Tpdu type represented in SatSmsTpduType. public SatSmsTpduType TpduType { get { return Type; } } /// /// SMS TPDU data length. /// /// Length of Tpdu data represented in byte. public byte DataLength { get { return Length; } } /// /// SMS TPDU data. /// /// An array of bytes representing TPDU data. public byte[] TpduData { get { return Data; } } } /// /// A class which defines Event list info. /// public class SatEventListData { internal bool IsDownloadActive; internal bool IsCallEvent; internal bool IsConnected; internal bool IsDisconnected; internal bool IsStatus; internal bool IsUsrActivity; internal bool IsIdleScreen; internal bool IsReaderStatus; internal bool IsLanguageSelect; internal bool IsBrowserTerminate; internal bool IsDataPresent; internal bool IsCnlStatus; internal SatEventListData() { } /// /// Flag to check if the event download is acive. /// /// Boolean value to check for active event download. public bool IsEventDownloadActive { get { return IsDownloadActive; } } /// /// Flag to check if the event is about Mt call event. /// /// Boolean value to check the event for Mt call event. public bool IsMtCallEvent { get { return IsCallEvent; } } /// /// Flag to check if the call is connected. /// /// Boolean value to check the connection of call. public bool IsCallConnected { get { return IsConnected; } } /// /// Flag to check if the call is disconnected. /// /// Boolean value to check the call disconnection. public bool IsCallDisconnected { get { return IsDisconnected; } } /// /// Flag to check if the event is aboout locaion status. /// /// Boolean value to check the presence of location status in the event. public bool IsLocationStatus { get { return IsStatus; } } /// /// Flag to check if the event is about user activity. /// /// Boolean value to check the presence of user activity. public bool IsUserActivity { get { return IsUsrActivity; } } /// /// Flag to check if idle screen is available. /// /// Boolean value to check the availability of idle screen. public bool IsIdleScreenAvailable { get { return IsIdleScreen; } } /// /// Flag to check if the event is about card reader status. /// /// Boolean value to check the status of card reader. public bool IsCardReaderStatus { get { return IsReaderStatus; } } /// /// Flag to check if the event is about language selection. /// /// Boolean value to check if the event is language selection. public bool IsLanguageSelection { get { return IsLanguageSelect; } } /// /// Flag to check if the browser is terminated. /// /// Boolean value to check the termination of browser. public bool IsBrowserTermination { get { return IsBrowserTerminate; } } /// /// Flag to check if the data is available. /// /// Boolean value to check availablility of data. public bool IsDataAvailable { get { return IsDataPresent; } } /// /// Flag to check if the event has channel status. /// /// Boolean value to check if this field is a channel status. public bool IsChannelStatus { get { return IsCnlStatus; } } } /// /// A class which defines send DTMF proactive command data for the DTMF application. /// public class SatSendDtmfData { internal int Id; internal bool IsHidden; internal SatTextInfo Dtmf; internal SatSendDtmfData() { } /// /// Proactive Command Number sent by USIM /// /// Command id represented in integer. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Hidden mode flag. /// /// Flag to check if the data is in hidden mode. public bool IsHiddenMode { get { return IsHidden; } } /// /// DTMF string data. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo containing DTMF string data. public SatTextInfo DtmfString { get { return Dtmf; } } } /// /// A class which defines call control confirm data for Call/Ss. /// public class SatCallCtrlData { internal SatTextInfo Addr; internal SatTextInfo SubAddr; internal SatBcRepeatIndicatorType RepeatIndicator; internal SatTextInfo Ccparam1; internal SatTextInfo Ccparam2; internal SatCallCtrlData() { } /// /// Call destination address. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class. public SatTextInfo Address { get { return Addr; } } /// /// Call SUB address. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class. public SatTextInfo SubAddress { get { return SubAddr; } } /// /// BC repeat indicator. /// /// SatBcRepeatIndicatorType enum representing Bc repeat indicator. public SatBcRepeatIndicatorType BcRepeatIndicator { get { return RepeatIndicator; } } /// /// Configuration Capability Parameter 1. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class. public SatTextInfo Ccp1 { get { return Ccparam1; } } /// /// Configuration Capability Parameter 2. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class. public SatTextInfo Ccp2 { get { return Ccparam2; } } } /// /// A class which defines common call control confirm data. /// public class SatCallCtrlConfirmData { internal SatCallType Type; internal SatCallCtrlResultType Result; internal SatTextInfo Data; internal bool IsUserInfoEnabled; internal SatCallCtrlData CallData; internal SatCallCtrlData SsData; internal SatTextInfo Ussd; internal SatCallCtrlConfirmData() { } /// /// Call control confirm type - call, SS or USSD. /// /// Type of call represented in SatCallType enum. public SatCallType CallType { get { return Type; } } /// /// Call control result type. /// /// Type of call control result represented in SatCallCtrlResultType enum. public SatCallCtrlResultType CallCtrlResult { get { return Result; } } /// /// Call control display data. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class containing information about call control display data. public SatTextInfo DisplayData { get { return Data; } } /// /// Flag for checking existence of call control display. /// /// Boolean value to check existence of user info display. public bool IsUserInfoDisplayEnabled { get { return IsUserInfoEnabled; } } /// /// Call control call address. /// /// /// This value will be filled only if CallType is MoVoice. Otherwise it will be null. /// /// An instance of SatCallCtrlData containing call control call address. public SatCallCtrlData CallCtrlCallData { get { return CallData; } } /// /// Call control SS string. /// /// /// This value will be filled only if CallType is Ss. Otherwise it will be null. /// /// An instance of SatCallCtrlData containing call control SS string. public SatCallCtrlData CallCtrlSsData { get { return SsData; } } /// /// Call control USSD string. /// /// /// This value will be filled only if CallType is Ussd. Otherwise it will be null. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo class containing call control USSD string. public SatTextInfo UssdString { get { return Ussd; } } } /// /// A class which defines the data coding scheme object. /// public class SatDataCodingScheme { internal bool IsCompressed; internal SatAlphabetFormat Alphabet; internal SatMsgClassType Msg; internal byte Dcs; internal SatDataCodingScheme() { } /// /// Flag to verify the compressed format. /// /// Boolean value to check the compressed value. public bool IsCompressedFormat { get { return IsCompressed; } } /// /// Alphabet format type. /// /// Represented in SatAlphabetFormat enum. public SatAlphabetFormat AlphabetFormat { get { return Alphabet; } } /// /// Type of message class. /// /// Message class represented in SatMsgClassType enum. public SatMsgClassType MsgClass { get { return Msg; } } /// /// Raw DCS info. /// /// Dcs info stored in byte. public byte RawDcs { get { return Dcs; } } } /// /// A class which defines text string data object. /// public class SatTextTypeInfo { internal bool IsDigit; internal SatDataCodingScheme CodingScheme; internal ushort StringLen; internal string Text; internal SatTextTypeInfo() { } /// /// Flag for checking whether only digits are used. /// /// Boolean value for checking the usage of only digits. public bool IsDigitOnly { get { return IsDigit; } } /// /// Data coding scheme. /// /// An instance of SatDataCodingScheme class. public SatDataCodingScheme DCS { get { return CodingScheme; } } /// /// Text length. /// /// Length of the string in unsigned short format. public ushort StringLength { get { return StringLen; } } /// /// Text string. /// /// Text represented in string. public string TextString { get { return Text; } } } /// /// A class which defines MO SMS control confirm data. /// public class SatMoSmsCtrlData { internal SatCallCtrlResultType Result; internal bool IsUserInfo; internal SatTextTypeInfo Data; internal SatTextTypeInfo RpAddr; internal SatTextTypeInfo TpAddr; internal SatMoSmsCtrlData() { } /// /// Envelope result. /// /// Result of MO SMS control confirm data. public SatCallCtrlResultType MoResult { get { return Result; } } /// /// Display present flag. /// /// Boolean value to check the presence of user information display. public bool IsUserInfoDisplayEnabled { get { return IsUserInfo; } } /// /// Display data for sending SMS. /// /// An instance of SatTextTypeInfo containing display data for sending SMS. public SatTextTypeInfo DisplayData { get { return Data; } } /// /// The RP destination address of the service center. /// /// An instance of SatTextTypeInfo containing RP destination address. public SatTextTypeInfo RpDestAddress { get { return RpAddr; } } /// /// The TP destinationn address. /// /// An instance of SatTextTypeInfo containing TP destination address. public SatTextTypeInfo TpDestAddress { get { return TpAddr; } } } /// /// A class which defines setup call proactive command data for the call application. /// public class SatSetupCallData { internal int Id; internal SatCmdQualiSetupCall Type; internal SatTextInfo Text; internal SatTextInfo Number; internal uint Duratn; internal SatIconIdInfo IcnId; internal SatSetupCallData() { } /// /// Proactive Command Number sent by USIM. /// /// Command Id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Call type /// /// Type of call represented in SatCmdQualiSetupCall enum. public SatCmdQualiSetupCall CallType { get { return Type; } } /// /// Display data for calling. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo containing display data for calling. public SatTextInfo DisplayText { get { return Text; } } /// /// Call number. /// /// An instance of SatTextInfo containing call number information. public SatTextInfo CallNumber { get { return Number; } } /// /// Maximum repeat duration. /// /// Max repeat duration represented in unsigned integer format. public uint Duration { get { return Duratn; } } /// /// Icon identifier for the call application. /// /// An instance of SatIconIdInfo containing Icon id information. public SatIconIdInfo IconId { get { return IcnId; } } } /// /// A class which defines Send SS notification proactive command data for the applicaiton. /// public class SatSendSsData { internal int Id; internal SimTypeOfNumber NumType; internal SimNumberPlanIdentity Identity; internal byte StringLen; internal string Ss; internal SatSendSsData() { } /// /// Proactive Command Number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Type of Number. /// /// TON represented in SimTypeOfNumber enum. public SimTypeOfNumber Ton { get { return NumType; } } /// /// Numbering Plan Identity. /// /// NPI reprensented in SimNumberPlanIdentity enum. public SimNumberPlanIdentity Npi { get { return Identity; } } /// /// SS string length. /// /// Length of SS string represented in byte. public byte StringLength { get { return StringLen; } } /// /// SS string. /// /// Text string represented in string. public string SsString { get { return Ss; } } } /// /// A class which defines send USSD notification proactive command data for the application. /// public class SatSetupUssdData { internal int Id; internal byte Dcs; internal byte StringLen; internal string Ussd; internal SatSetupUssdData() { } /// /// Proactive Command Number sent by USIM. /// /// Command id represented in integer format. public int CommandId { get { return Id; } } /// /// Raw DCS info. /// /// Raw DCS information represented in byte. public byte RawDcs { get { return Dcs; } } /// /// USSD string length. /// /// Length of USSD string in byte. public byte UssdStringLength { get { return StringLen; } } /// /// USSD string. /// /// Ussd text represented in string format. public string UssdString { get { return Ussd; } } } }