using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace Efl { namespace Ui { namespace Wearable { /// /// CircleTimePickerMarker is a part used to set the color of the marker. /// /// 6 public class CircleTimePickerMarker : ICircleColor { IntPtr _handle; public CircleTimePickerMarker(IntPtr CircleHandle) { _handle = CircleHandle; } /// /// Sets the color of the marker on the circle time picker. /// /// 6 public void SetColor(int r, int g, int b, int a) { if (_handle != null) Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_item_color_set(_handle, "default", r, g, b, a); } /// /// Gets the color of the marker on the circle time picker. /// /// 6 public void GetColor(out int r, out int g, out int b, out int a) { r = g = b = a = -1; if (_handle != null) Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_item_color_get(_handle, "default", out r, out g, out b, out a); } } /// /// CircleTimePicker is a circular designed widget to display and handle time picker value by the rotary event. /// /// 6 public class CircleTimePicker : Efl.Ui.Timepicker, ICircleWidget { IntPtr _handle; /// /// Get the handle for the circle widget. /// /// 6 public virtual IntPtr CircleHandle => _handle; /// /// Sets or gets the color of the marker. /// /// 6 public CircleTimePickerMarker Marker; /// /// Creates and initializes a new instance of the CircleTimePicker class. /// /// The Efl.Ui.Widget to which the new CircleTimePicker will be attached as a child. /// 6 public CircleTimePicker(Efl.Ui.Widget parent) : base(parent) { _handle = Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_datetime_add(this.NativeHandle, IntPtr.Zero); Marker = new CircleTimePickerMarker(_handle); elm_layout_content_set(this.NativeHandle, "", CircleHandle); } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(efl.Libs.Elementary)] internal static extern bool elm_layout_content_set(IntPtr obj, string swallow, IntPtr content); /// /// Sets or gets the disabled state of the circle time picker. /// /// 6 public bool Disable { get => !Enable; set => Enable = !value; } /// /// Sets or gets the enabled state of the circle time picker. /// /// 6 public bool Enable { get { return !Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_disabled_get(CircleHandle); } set { Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_disabled_set(CircleHandle, !value); } } /// /// Sets or gets the line width of the marker. /// /// 6 public int MarkerLineWidth { get { return Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_item_line_width_get(CircleHandle, "default"); } set { Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_item_line_width_set(CircleHandle, "default", value); } } /// /// Sets or gets the radius of the marker. /// /// 6 public double MarkerRadius { get { return Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_item_radius_get(CircleHandle, "default"); } set { Interop.Eext.eext_circle_object_item_radius_set(CircleHandle, "default", value); } } } } } }