@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal set INIT_TOOLS_LOG=%~dp0init-tools.log if [%PACKAGES_DIR%]==[] set PACKAGES_DIR=%~dp0packages if [%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%]==[] set TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=%~dp0Tools set DOTNET_PATH=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\dotnetcli\ if [%DOTNET_CMD%]==[] set DOTNET_CMD=%DOTNET_PATH%dotnet.exe if [%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%]==[] set BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v3/index.json set /P BUILDTOOLS_VERSION=< "%~dp0BuildToolsVersion.txt" set BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=%PACKAGES_DIR%\Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%\lib set INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT=%~dp0init-tools.msbuild set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%\%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% set BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE=%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%\init-tools.completed :: if force option is specified then clean the tool runtime and build tools package directory to force it to get recreated if [%1]==[force] ( if exist "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" rmdir /S /Q "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" if exist "%PACKAGES_DIR%\Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools" rmdir /S /Q "%PACKAGES_DIR%\Microsoft.DotNet.BuildTools" ) :: If semaphore exists do nothing if exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE%" ( echo Tools are already initialized. goto :EOF ) if exist "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" rmdir /S /Q "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" if exist "%DotNetBuildToolsDir%" ( echo Using tools from '%DotNetBuildToolsDir%'. mklink /j "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" "%DotNetBuildToolsDir%" if not exist "%DOTNET_CMD%" ( echo ERROR: Ensure that '%DotNetBuildToolsDir%' contains the .NET Core SDK at '%DOTNET_PATH%' exit /b 1 ) echo Done initializing tools. if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%" mkdir "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%" echo Using tools from '%DotNetBuildToolsDir%'. > "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE%" exit /b 0 ) echo Running %0 > "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" set /p DOTNET_VERSION=< "%~dp0DotnetCLIVersion.txt" if exist "%DOTNET_CMD%" goto :afterdotnetrestore REM Use x86 tools on arm64 and x86. REM arm32 host is not currently supported, please crossbuild. if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "arm" ( echo "Error, arm32 arch not supported for build tools." exit /b 1 ) if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "amd64" ( set _Arch="x64" goto ArchSet ) REM If this is not amd64 and not arm, then we should be running on arm64 or x86 REM either way we can (and should) use the x86 dotnet cli REM REM TODO: consume native arm64 toolset, blocked by official arm64 windows cli REM : release. See https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/19614 for more REM : information set _Arch="x86" echo "init-tools.cmd: Setting arch to %_Arch% for build tools" :ArchSet echo Installing dotnet cli... if NOT exist "%DOTNET_PATH%" mkdir "%DOTNET_PATH%" set DOTNET_ZIP_NAME=dotnet-sdk-%DOTNET_VERSION%-win-%_Arch%.zip set DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH=https://dotnetcli.azureedge.net/dotnet/Sdk/%DOTNET_VERSION%/%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% set DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH=%DOTNET_PATH%%DOTNET_ZIP_NAME% echo Installing '%DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH%' to '%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%' >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command "$retryCount = 0; $success = $false; $proxyCredentialsRequired = $false; do { try { $wc = New-Object Net.WebClient; if ($proxyCredentialsRequired) { [Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy.Credentials = [Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials; } $wc.DownloadFile('%DOTNET_REMOTE_PATH%', '%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%'); $success = $true; } catch { if ($retryCount -ge 6) { throw; } else { $we = $_.Exception.InnerException -as [Net.WebException]; $proxyCredentialsRequired = ($we -ne $null -and ([Net.HttpWebResponse]$we.Response).StatusCode -eq [Net.HttpStatusCode]::ProxyAuthenticationRequired); Start-Sleep -Seconds (5 * $retryCount); $retryCount++; } } } while ($success -eq $false); Add-Type -Assembly 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem' -ErrorVariable AddTypeErrors; if ($AddTypeErrors.Count -eq 0) { [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%', '%DOTNET_PATH%') } else { (New-Object -com shell.application).namespace('%DOTNET_PATH%').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%').Items(),16) }" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" if NOT exist "%DOTNET_LOCAL_PATH%" ( echo ERROR: Could not install dotnet cli correctly. 1>&2 goto :error ) :afterdotnetrestore if exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%" goto :afterbuildtoolsrestore echo Restoring BuildTools version %BUILDTOOLS_VERSION%... echo Running: "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR%" --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% /p:ToolsDir=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" call "%DOTNET_CMD%" restore "%INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT%" --no-cache --packages "%PACKAGES_DIR%" --source "%BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE%" /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=%BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% /p:ToolsDir=%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR% >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%\init-tools.cmd" ( echo ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly. 1>&2 goto :error ) :afterbuildtoolsrestore REM We do not need the build tools for arm64 if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" == "arm64" ( goto :EOF ) :: Ask init-tools to also restore ILAsm set /p ILASMCOMPILER_VERSION=< "%~dp0ILAsmVersion.txt" echo Initializing BuildTools... echo Running: "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%\init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" call "%BUILD_TOOLS_PATH%\init-tools.cmd" "%~dp0" "%DOTNET_CMD%" "%TOOLRUNTIME_DIR%" "%PACKAGES_DIR%" >> "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" set INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% if not [%INIT_TOOLS_ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] ( echo ERROR: An error occured when trying to initialize the tools. 1>&2 goto :error ) :: Create semaphore file echo Done initializing tools. if NOT exist "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%" mkdir "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE_DIR%" echo Init-Tools.cmd completed for BuildTools Version: %BUILDTOOLS_VERSION% > "%BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE%" exit /b 0 :error echo Please check the detailed log that follows. 1>&2 type "%INIT_TOOLS_LOG%" 1>&2 exit /b 1