# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Intel Corporation # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # include (options) #this options are aimed to optimize build time on development system #backed targets ie_option (ENABLE_GNA "GNA support for inference engine" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_MKL_DNN "MKL-DNN plugin for inference engine" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_CLDNN "clDnn based plugin for inference engine" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_PROFILING_ITT "ITT tracing of IE and plugins internals" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_PROFILING_RAW "Raw counters profiling (just values, no start/stop time or timeline)" OFF) # "MKL-DNN library might use MKL-ML or OpenBLAS for gemm tasks: MKL|OPENBLAS|JIT" if (NOT GEMM STREQUAL "MKL" AND NOT GEMM STREQUAL "OPENBLAS" AND NOT GEMM STREQUAL "JIT") set (GEMM "JIT") message(STATUS "GEMM should be set to MKL, OPENBLAS or JIT. Default option is " ${GEMM}) endif() set(GEMM "${GEMM}" CACHE STRING "Gemm implementation" FORCE) list (APPEND IE_OPTIONS GEMM) # "MKL-DNN library based on OMP or TBB or Sequential implementation: TBB|OMP|SEQ" if (NOT THREADING STREQUAL "TBB" AND NOT THREADING STREQUAL "OMP" AND NOT THREADING STREQUAL "SEQ") set (THREADING "TBB") message(STATUS "THREADING should be set to TBB, OMP or SEQ. Default option is " ${THREADING}) endif() set(THREADING "${THREADING}" CACHE STRING "Threading" FORCE) list (APPEND IE_OPTIONS THREADING) # Enable postfixes for Debug/Release builds set (IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX_WIN "d") set (IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX_WIN "") set (IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX_LIN "") set (IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX_LIN "") set (IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX_MAC "d") set (IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX_MAC "") if (WIN32) set (IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX ${IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX_WIN}) set (IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX ${IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX_WIN}) elseif(APPLE) set (IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX ${IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX_MAC}) set (IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX ${IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX_MAC}) else() set (IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX ${IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX_LIN}) set (IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX ${IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX_LIN}) endif() set(IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX "${IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX}" CACHE STRING "Debug postfix" FORCE) list (APPEND IE_OPTIONS IE_DEBUG_POSTFIX) set(IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX "${IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX}" CACHE STRING "Release postfix" FORCE) list (APPEND IE_OPTIONS IE_RELEASE_POSTFIX) ie_option (ENABLE_VPU "vpu targeted plugins for inference engine" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_MYRIAD "myriad targeted plugin for inference engine" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_MYX_PCIE "myriad plugin with support PCIE device" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_MYRIAD_NO_BOOT "myriad plugin will skip device boot" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_TESTS "unit and functional tests" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_GAPI_TESTS "unit tests for GAPI kernels" OFF) ie_option (GAPI_TEST_PERF "if GAPI unit tests should examine performance" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_SAMPLES "console samples are part of inference engine package" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_SAMPLES_CORE "console samples core library" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_SANITIZER "enable checking memory errors via AddressSanitizer" OFF) ie_option (COVERAGE "enable code coverage" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_STRESS_UNIT_TESTS "stress unit tests" OFF) ie_option (VERBOSE_BUILD "shows extra information about build" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_UNSAFE_LOCATIONS "skip check for MD5 for dependency" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_ALTERNATIVE_TEMP "in case of dependency conflict, to avoid modification in master, use local copy of dependency" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_SEGMENTATION_TESTS "segmentation tests" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_OBJECT_DETECTION_TESTS "object detection tests" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_OPENCV "enables OpenCV" ON) ie_option (OS_FOLDER "create OS dedicated folder in output" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_PLUGIN_RPATH "enables rpath information to be present in plugins binary, and in corresponding test_applications" ON) ie_option (ENABLE_AFFINITY_GENERATOR "enables affinity generator build" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_DEBUG_SYMBOLS "generates symbols for debugging" OFF) ie_option (ENABLE_PYTHON "enables ie python bridge build" OFF) ie_option (TREAT_WARNING_AS_ERROR "Treat build warnings as errors" ON) ie_option(ENABLE_CPPLINT "Enable cpplint checks during the build" OFF) ie_option(ENABLE_CPPLINT_REPORT "Build cpplint report instead of failing the build" OFF) #environment variables used #name of environment variable stored path to temp directory" set (DL_SDK_TEMP "DL_SDK_TEMP")